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Forever's End- THE WHOLE THING (for non-site visitors)
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(Long distance charges may apply)

-The Notorious One.

Digimon: Forever's End
Episode 3- Inadvocare Pax: When Worlds Collide

U.M.M Hanger: San Francisco, California



Wendell's eyes snapped open, and he sat up quickly hitting his head on the roof of his quarters which he was inches from being on the top bunk and all. He pushed some of his dreads out of his eyes, and strained his ears.

"What the-" he muttered sleepily.


"Oh my god!" Wendell said suddenly snapping out his sleep. He slid down the ladder to the floor, noticing the bottom bunk was empty. He ran over to the dresser against a wall, pulled it open, and pulled out his new uniform the U.M.M had just issued, a black button up turtleneck-jumpsuit with the U.M.M crest on the right pocket in suprising speed. He grabbed his military-like hat on, and sprinted out of the door.

"Ohmygodohmygodohmygod," Wendell muttered running down the steel corridors. "It can't be."

He reached the door into the main chambers of the hanger, and slid his key card through a card reader. The titanium door slip open and Wendell walked into the main control room, into chaos. He'd never seen anything like it in all his years of being in the U.M.M. There were people running everywhere from control pannel to control pannel, practically pounding the keys on the control pannel, all panic-stricken. People were yelling out orders, and arguing, all overcome with panic. Wendell took a few seconds to take all this disorder in before taking off his hat, running his hands through his hair, putting it back on and running towards a vacant station bumping right into-

"Oh hello Head Mechanic," said a sarcastic leering face. "Your a bit late you know, the alarm sounded ages ago."

"Hello Lieutenant," Wendell said giving his racist supervisor a one-fingered salute. "Why aren't you doing anything?"

Lieutenant Samantha West, dressed in her usual defiance of the uniform (a tight leather body suit) her hair just as short and red as always, she looked a bit taken back by Wendell's words.

"I'm- um - a supervisor Head Mechanic," she muttered. "I'd like to help, but um... I have to... supervise."

"Uh-huh," Wendell said dismissing her words.

"You will not speak to me in that tone Head Mechanic!" she sneered. "Hey! Come back here!"

Wendell walked forward a bit and called over all the panicked voices of his department.

"All right ladies and gents," he bellowed. "We've got a rouge Digiwave about to break through. If it does, then all hell is going to break loose, all over the world. I want those power conduits locked! I want that leak in the bio-neural circuits! Now! And above all else, don't pa-"


There was a brilliant flash of light, and suddenly a bluish ring of light escaped from the power core . Everybody ducked, and the wave went through the walls of the headquarters.

"...okay I take it back," Wendell muttered shocked as everyone starred at the wall. "You can panic..."

Madison Square Garden: New York, New York


"Excuse me, coming through," Theo muttered as he tried to get through the aisle to his seat. "I'm sorry sir, but I have to get back to my seat. Its at the end of the row."


Theodore Williams was an African-American well-built fifteen year old kid. He had straightened his black hair, and wore it long- at the moment it was in a ponytail. He also had blue contacts in his eyes, which made him look very odd to normal people. He was wearing fingerless black grappling gloves, a gray sleeveless muscle shirt, and some baggy faded cargo pants with "T-DOG" written down the right leg. He finally got to his seat next to his white skater-punk girlfriend (once blonde, now scarlet hair colored) who was dressed in a plaid skirt over some black baggy jeans, and a pink mid-drift shirt.


"Sorry about the wait," Theo said plopping down in his seat handing the girl her snacks. "So much for the 'wait until the main event because nobody'll be out there' theory. The lines were huge."

"That's alright T.D," she said. "You didn't miss anything, the number one contender's on his way to the ring."

"Ladies and gentlemen," boomed the magnified voice of the ring announcer. "The following contest is scheduled for one fall, and it is for the Global Heavyweight Championship..."

"Allision?" T.D said taking a handfull of popcorn. "How'd I ever let you talk me into this?"

Allison raised an eyebrow and gave him a playful shove.

"Last month I went to that System of a Down concert," she said matter-of-factly. "So you promised this month we'd go somewhere I wanted to go."

T.D looked at her in disbelief.

"But you love System of a Down," he said. "I don't like wrestling. How is that a fair-"

"Shhhhhh!" Allision went, and then they both laughed. T.D threw some popcorn in her hair and they watched as a man walked out from behind a curtain on the floor.

"Introducing first, the challenger," roared the announcer. "From Hollywood, California weighing in at two hundred seventy-five pounds, he is the Colossus of Tinseltown, the Beast from the East..."

"Isn't California on the west coast?" T.D said squinting. "I mean that doesn't make any- ow, my eye! There's salt on that popcorn y'know!"

"...the number one contender for the biggest prize in sports entertainment... BROCK HERACLES!"

The crowd roared so suddenly that T.D almost choked on his kernels. Even Allision lost all sense for a moment as she jumped to her feet clapping and whooping loudly as a boulder-like white man came strutting out from the curtain in a cheesy looking velvet boxing robe. The sash was open but the hood was up so T.D couldn't get a clear look at his face. Pyrotechnics seemed to suddenly spring forth from every nook and cranny on the stage (especially an expensive looking display that of a deluge of golden sparks to make it look like it was raining gold,) as the man started strutting down the ramp. He began jogging in place halfway down the aisle, pumped his neck, cracked his knuckles, and then pulled down his hood.

T.D almost jumped in surprise. He was expecting some brute looking man, with scraggly greasy looking hair, but instead the man who resumed his walk down the ramp was a man of overwhelming beauty. He was so pretty that he was on the verge of being confused as a woman, but still had enough manliness to be verified as a man. He had his long blonde hair in a neat ponytail, his slightly tanned skin shone in the light of the arena, and his too-white teeth shone as he waved to the fans before whipping his feet on the ring apron as if it were a welcome mat. He then shed his entrance attire to reveal a pair of white bikini tights with a broken red heart right over the area of his genitals. He was built like some kind of contender for Mr. Universe. His BICEPS even had biceps.

T.D was never interested in men, and looked forward to the day he gave his virginity to his girlfriend who had calmed down some and had sat down again, but he had the sense and was man enough to admit when a man was fairly attractive. It was as if he were TOO perfect for his own good. He was so overcome by the realization a man could be so perfect he didn't even notice as the champion, "The Italian Station" Rich Dallas made an even more pyrotechnic-ridden entrance. Halfway into the match Allision noticed T.D's furrowed brow as he tried to figure out how this guy could be so overwhelmingly handsome.

"What's the matter baby," Allision purred. "Worried I'm gonna leave you for blue eyes?"

"No, of course not," he said giving her a peck on the cheek and giving a hurried smile, and returning his eyes to the match.

"Suplex by the champion!" went one of the ringside announcers. "He's got Brock on the ropes folks!"

"I don't know how The Stallion does it," went the other announcer. "Its like magic I tell you!"

T.D took this opportunity to put his arm around Allision, and heard somebody sucking their teeth in a pitying fashion. He turned around and saw a particularly horse-faced old woman looking down her nose at the teenaged couple. When T.D looked at her confused, she raised an eyebrow.

"Turn around," she ordered simply scrunching up her face as if she smelled something foul. "Now."

Allision, oblivious to what was going on, put her head on the chest of her boyfriend, who gave the woman one last fleeting glance before turning back around and putting his arm around Allison.




"Thanks for coming T.D," Allision said patting her boyfriend on the chest before burrying herself deeper into his breast. "Your a good sport."

"Well..." T.D said hugging Allision tighter. "I could be watching Battlefield Earth with my eyes held open by wires, and still have a good time as long as its with you."

Allision chuckled, got in an upright position once again and started to laugh slapping Theo on the thigh. They both started laughing, and laughing. Meanwhile Heracles was in the corner looking tired but still perfectly handsome. Italian Stallion was in the opposite corner, and got boos from the crowd as he charged forward towards the beaten Brock Heracles about to perform his special move, "Forget About It," when Brock moved out of the way amongst the cheers of the entire arena. T.D would have cared but he was busy looking deep into Allision's green eyes. They were still chuckling, and T.D noticed that her hand was still resting on his thigh. He looked at Allision and say that she wasn't laughing. She had quite a different look in her eyes.





The entire arena counted in one big roar with the referee, as T.D's expression changed again. Suddenly, the only thing he wanted was to get closer to Allision.


And closer...


And closer...


And so they locked in a kiss so passionate it could make Jenna Jameson and Peter North blush. They were all over each other feeling a fire between them unlike anything they had ever expereinced before.

DING, DING, the bell rang and "Always," by Saliva began to play once again, and the crowd tore the roof off of Madison Square Garden. T.D and Allision didn't notice because they were too busy making out. Then T.D began to feel his girlfriend up...


"HOLY SHIT!" Allision cried clasping her hands to her mouth, eyes widened in surprise. T.D silently doubled up and fell to the sticky trash covered floor, the state of his consciousness unknown."THEO!"

Ally looked up to see what had happened and saw the horse-faced white woman T.D had talken to before, holding half of a beer bottle, the other half in shards embedded in the skull of her love. Her expression changed from helpless to enraged in an instant.

"You...BITCH!" she cried and literally jumped from her chair to the row above her, and smacked the shattered jagged remains of the beer bottle from her hand. "I'm going to kick your ass you ugly mother fucker!"

She began reaching in her pocket for god-knows-what when a security guard came just in time to stop a bad incident from getting worse, and jumped in between the middle-aged woman, and Ally.

"What's going on!?" he roared, and saw the broken bottle shards on the ground near the woman's feet, and the knocked out bleeding Theodore face down in filth in the row below. He turned to the woman and grabbed her by the arm, and began tugging her away. The woman leered back at the still red-hot Ally who had taken her hand out of her pocket.

"Life is like laundry my dear," she called back as if she was trying to convince her that she had just saved her from something. "You keep your whites and colors separate!"

Ally looked at her in disbelief, and was about to reach into her pocket again when the guard called back, nodding towards the still Theodore "Get help!"

"Somebody call 9-1-1," Ally cried out hopping down a row and kneeling over Theodore turning him face-up. There was a nasty gash on his forehead. "I SAID CALL 9-1-1 DAMN YOU!"

"NINE ONE ONE!" cried out some idiot boy in the nosebleed section.

Ally sighed and reached in T.D's pocket to pull out his silver cell phone. She flipped it open, and dialed as fast as she could.

"Hello?" she said half sobbing realizing what she was seeing. "Nine-One-One? I need an ambulance right away! I'm at Madison Square Garden on the west side of section F! ...Its my boyfriend, I think there's glass lodged in his skull!"

Somewhere in the Digital World

"Ninety-nine terrabytes of data on the wall, ninety-nine terra's of bytes," sung an evil voice as he watched the purple sunset from Mount Impus, letting his ridiculously long scraggly silver hair wave in the breeze. "You take one down, and chug it down, ninety-eight terra's of data on the wall! BAHAHAHAHAHA!"

Saidenmon, in his raggedy black trench coat, black T-shirt with the 70's smiley face on it, his demon mask, black holey jeans, with his skin as chalk white as ever sung happily as he watched the sunset without a care in the world.


He stopped laughing, and looked around suddenly. The ground was shaking, slightly at first, and then harder causing him to fall off the rock he was sitting on, and onto the ground. He got to his feet, and looked up at the red sky scared for his life at what he was seeing. A bluish shockwave-like ring seemed to be expanding seemingly from the sun.

"What in the world..." he said, and he was swept off his feet as the wave passed over him. He continued staring at it a few more moments before is dissipated a few yards later. He scratched his head confused, spread his wings and flew away.

At that instant...
U.M.M Hanger: San Francisco, California

"Digital wave terminated," piped one of the engineers hitting a final button on a control pannel. "It didn't make it to the Digi-Port, and was destroyed a few moments after the mirror wave here in our world materialized. They both have been neutralized."

Head Mechanic Wendell Marshall gritted his teeth and nodded. He then turned around and gave a heart-stopping glare at the supervisor, who had done nothing during the brief crisis except eat a bag of chips and bark nonsense orders.

"Good work ensign," he muttered, still keeping his eyes locked on Lt. West. "Everybody, I want to know where that leak came from. If we're planning to make that launch date folks, we can't risk another Digital Wave like that. You know what could happen. Mrs. West, sir, can I please speak with you a moment in the corridor?"

"Why certainly," Lt. West said in mock politeness. "Lead the way."

The continued their friendly act in front of the rest of the staff, until Wendell slid his card through the corridor key card slot, and locked the door behind him. They stood at the final corridor to the launch bay where the trouble had began.

"I told you!" Wendell yelled taking for granted the walls were soundproof. "I told you, and I told U.M.M command itself that the D-66's final stages of development shouldn't be rushed! I told you the risks involved! I told you that with just a week or two more time I could have fixed this whole thing! Now we've got a ticking time bomb down that hall, and if we go ahead with the launch Friday, we could be looking at a Dimension Crash! If the Digital Wave's in this world and the Digital World collide, we could be looking at the end of our world as we know it! Singularities... wormholes could suck every living thing into the Digital World with no way out, and the U.M.M program will be shut down indefinitely."

Lieutenant West did something that made Wendell even more mad. She smiled.

"What are you laughing for!? What are you crazy!?" Wendell said enraged. "I don't care if your my so-called superior officer or not, we narrowly avoided a collision of worlds. Terraworld and Digiworld, our reality and a reality of zero's and one's, two parallel realities, never meant to intersect. Do you know what happens when realities intersect?"

Lt. West kept smiling at Wednell.

"World's collide!" Wendell bellowed outraged. "And we could be looking at anywhere from one to a googolplex of vacum dimensional rifts that suck things into Digiworld. It could suck a stalk of grass, or the white house into its grasps for all we know! You may be able to launch the D-66 without the government knowing, but mark my words: if there's another Digital Wave and we can't put a stopper on it like we just did, we'll rot in jail!"

"Mmm-mmm," Lt. West hummed, still looking at Wendell oddly.

"I mean, if even a small wave like that one can form while the program is being installed," Wendell said trying to ignore the fact that his supervisor wasn't listening. "Imagine what will happen when Friday comes around and you try to launch the D-66 into Zero-Reality. It could be a catastrophic... we could be the four horsemen of our own planet. Damn it why aren't you listening!? Your suposed to be my supervisor, and you never do a damn thing except where skimpy outfits and bark stupid meaningless orders at us! The damn U.M.M Executive Board trusts you to watch over this hanger, more than they trust me? They'll rank you as a Lieutenant, won't give me a rank, but they'll rank the men who work under me!? THIS WHOLE ORGANIZATION SHITS OUT OF ITS FACE AND BREATHES OUT OF ITS ASS! YOUR ALL BACKWARDS!"

Wendell panted trying to catch his breath. He was about to continue his rant when Lt. West shushed him softly, and almost playfully, and pulled his body close to her. She locked her arms around his waist and gave him a short but passionate open-mouthed kiss. She moved the ring made by her arms around Wendell's neck, which was still, due to Marshall's shock. She giggled.

"Your so cute when your angry," she said as she kissed him again. "And even us solder-gals need release... I can't keep teasing you guys... I'm tired of just fingering myself day after day. Nothing beats a good All-American fuck. Its what this country is based on."

She went in for another kiss but Wendell shoved her off whipping her saliva off his lips glaring at her as if she were crazy (probably not too far off).

"What do you think your-"

"Strip Civilian," she said is a lust-filled voice. "That's an order."

Wendell's eyes widened with surprise and disbelief.

"What's wrong with yo-"

Lt. West sprinted forward, lightning quick and stuffed her tounge into the mouth of Wendell who wanted to shove her off of him, and could have easily done so but thought better of it. He knew the U.M.M powers-that-be were very racist and despite his being overqualified, the slightest shove on a white woman could cost him his job, or his freedom. Lt. West began giving nick neck small pecks all over, and his penis was starting to rise too. Time was running out. He looked around anxious to find a way to escape.

"I never had a black man before," Lt. West muttered as she leaned into his ear, while trying to unzip his new uniform, and nudging his hat off his head to reveal his dreads."Even though I'm not too find of you people, I don't have to love you to get that big jungle cock in my cunt."

'Are you sure you don't want to kick the shit out of this bitch?' a voice was saying trying to rationalize pile driving her. 'This is an extremely sexist and racist white woman about to rape you, and your going to let her because you want to keep a job? Fuck this, they're not even paying you that much!'

"Hmmm....," moaned the horny supervisor. "Is that your clipboard or are you just happy to see me...hmmm...."

'Yeah but,' Wednell said, very uneasy and unsure of what to do. 'Its not just the job... she can snap her finger, dime me out and I'll spend my days in jail until the faithful day I pass away. My life can end if I don't...'

"I've got your key card," she revealed in a sultry heavy voice. "I snagged it when I hugged you around the waist. There's only one way out of here, and you said yourself its not going anywhere."

She chuckled, and pulled down the zipper on Marhsall's suit halfway, making it fall off him from the waist up to reveal his heavily built body. She licked her lips.

"And neither are you..."

Rising Sun High School: Kanazawa, Japan

"And so with that," droned the boring history teacher. "World War II ended, not with a wimper but with a bang."

Mr. Yamachi laughed at his own fairly unfunny joke, before realizing he was the only one so much as chuckling, and he stopped, and cleared his throat. As if god had been listening to their prayers...


The bell rang and everyone started to move suddenly like trained dogs to a dinner bell, and soon they were packed and headed out the aisles.

"Children, children," cried Mr. Yamachi. "Read chapters seventeen and eighteen by Friday morning, and don't forget that tomorrow's Halloween Ball is a semi-formal event. This means no jerseys, no T-shirts, and for the love of god wear sneakers. Pop quiz on Monday- but you didn't hear that from me. Dismissed."


"I don't believe old man Yamachi gave us homework the night before the Ball," Terra said as she grabbed her coat from her locker and slammed it shut. "He's got no right to do it I tell you. Each chapter in that Bore-a-pedia is about as small as the Atlantic Ocean. There goes my beauty sleep for the night."

"Eh," Hiro grunted zipping up his own jacket. "At least we don't have Mr. Zanchi. He gave his class a whole unit to read by Tuesday, including the Chapter Review questions."

"Rough," Terra agreed, swung her bookbag onto one arm, and the two began to walk down the hallway, in silence.

Terra believed that Hiro had asked her out of the dance. Terra being fairly unnoticed in school, and Hiro being one of the most popular kids in town, she was very happy. The two of them had been friends ever since they were still in diapers. She hadn't said anything about it yet, and Hiro didn't know what she was thinking, but had his own concerns surrounding the same issue nonetheless.

"No David!" Hiro had roared. "Terra is my friend, and I'm not giving you any locker combinations!"

"But Hiro," David Cassidy had said in his oily creepy voice. "I want to go with Terra and I have a plan to be romantic and whatnot, but I need those numbers."





"No dammit! And if you harass her, I'll use you as the basketball for our game against S.K (school) Friday!"


'That Hiro kid is one crazy S.O.B,' Hiro thought, too worried about protecting Terra to realize he was going to break her heart in two tomorrow anyway.

Back in America...

"We're going to need to operate Mrs. Williams," said the doctor looking from her to the girl next to her. "The glass cut in pretty deep. X-rays conclude it was merely centimeters from severing nerves in the brain. We have to keep him relatively still. The slightest nudge could push in a shard the rest of the way."

The stern looking short and stout Mrs. Williams nodded understanding, wiping silent tears from her eyes.

"Do whatever you must," she said stiffly. "Our insurance should cover everything... here's my card."

She handed the doctor her insurance card. the doctor nodded to her, looked at the girl again, and walked back into the closed doors.

"Is ... Is T.D ... I mean, Theo... is he going to be quite all right?" Ally said, fighting back tears. "He .. he wasn't moving when I called the ambulance. That... that woman, she had no right..."

"Allision?" Mrs. Williams said still stiff and emotionless. "You say the woman smashed the bottle over Theo's head? Why?"

Ally blushed and stuttered. Nobody wants to tell their mate's parents they had been making out at a wrestling show, especially when it contributed to something like this.

"We were... um," she stuttered. "We got caught up in the moment and I... he... we..."

Mrs. Williams nodded as if Ally was speaking perfect english.

"I understand," she said, the pieces of the puzzle all falling into place before her eyes. "You know Ally, ever since Theo met you, there have been problems. He's started listening to that god awful techno 'music,' rock and roll and... metal. He's been cutting classes to be with you, and just last month I found out he was at that devil concert. System on a Dow, or something? I finally cut him a break and let him go to this show, even I never knew he liked wrestling before, and now I find out that he was actually with you once again, and he's in the hospital. Do you know what I think Mrs. Allison?"

Ally shook her head.

"I think you'd better leave," she said coldly. "Now."

Allision opened her mouth about to protest, but only could blink to try and relieve the burning of salt water tears that was breaking free of her tear ducts. She gave a frightened sob, and ran out of the door. Mrs. Williams sighed, shook her head.

"Damned Jungle Fever," she muttered. "People ought to know that when your in the Jungle when your not suposed to be ... your likely to die there."

Noto: Aaannnnd that's a wrap.

Producer: So it is.

Noto: Well folks, this episode brings us more questions than it answers, that's for sure. What are these Digital Waves Wendell keeps griping about? Why are they the suposed tools to be make humans the four horsemen to their own planet?

Producer: ...why is everything genius over here a clich

Messages In This Thread
[No subject] - by Notorious - 02-04-2003, 01:47 PM
[No subject] - by Notorious - 02-04-2003, 01:49 PM
[No subject] - by Notorious - 02-04-2003, 01:51 PM
[No subject] - by Notorious - 02-08-2003, 05:48 PM
[No subject] - by Useless Pile of Meat - 02-10-2003, 09:00 AM
[No subject] - by Ruhe - 02-10-2003, 10:36 AM