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Forever's End- THE WHOLE THING (for non-site visitors)
Quote:Sorry for the double-spacing, I don't have MS Word anymore and WordPad reads it as something completely different.

Q: What is this?

A: It's a lemon, or an erotic fan fic. This one happens to be digimon oriented.

Q: Can I look at this?

A: Sure, if your 18 years or older and this material is legal in your area. If it isn't and you still look at this, I withdraw any responsibility for the repercussions.

Q: Do you own Digimon.

A: No, but I'm Batman though.

Q: Can I masturbate to this?

A: I don't care =P

And now without further ado, I proudly present to you, the next installment in Digimon: Season 0X, "Sam I Am." Get the lube ready. And if you're just here to check out a good story without touching yourself… uh, that's great. *under breath* sickos.



Episode Two: Sam I Am

The wind. That gentle breeze you feel on the beach massaging, or the tsunami you see before you drown in the ocean, or even the same gust of an invisible force that turns the windmill to feed a villa of some sort. The wind- it whispers to me. Sometimes it tells me a secret, and sometimes I am the one doing the telling. It lifts my wings up as I soar through the digital world, and keeps me up there. Even when I am on the ground, my invisible friend is still there trying to save me from gravity. It tries to save me from the fact that I walk by putting one foot in front of the other again and again just like everybody else. It tries to save me from reality.

It is then that I spread these old wings and revisit him. I let him coarse through me, and I breathe him in and out. He is my salvation. He is my only friend. The only thing on the face of the digital world that would bother to be the friend of Saidenmon: the digimon who isn't a digimon. The lonely one. The accursed one.

That's me.

We are so alike, the wind and I. Both refusing to stay in one place. Both capable of bringing pleasure and pain. Both, trapped in this one state for all eternity. Both wandering aimlessly with no place to go, and both lingering for eternities. Both not belonging to anyone, and living in complete solitude. And when we get finished doing damage in one place-

We fly away.

U.M.M Mechanics Hanger

Somewhere in San Francisco, California

"How soon will it be until we're in the air?" asked Sam. "We were supposed to have this thing up and running a week ago. Our sponsors aren't too happy with our lag, and the longer we take getting ready, the more time the government has to find out about all of this. Marshall?"

Sam glared at the head mechanic, Wendell Marshall, a muscular black man with long dreads who was reviewing the latest schematics as Sam spoke. Wendell was wearing the typical U.M.M mechanic uniform- a blue jumpsuit with black linings and a copper name tag, under the black patch containing rank pips (attachable silver or gold raised circles that classified a U.M.M member's status, sometimes containing silver, gold, or platinum stars for the higher ranks). Wendell had always felt a silent anger that he had been stuck as the head mechanic in the U.M.M for years. Because he was black, the U.M.M had gave him the "lowest high position," in the entire rankings, afraid that the other classes of soldiers would be uneasy answering to a colored man. Even worse, Wendell had vast experience in all the skills needed to be much higher up in the rankings.

As with all mechanics, the black patch that was supposed to hold ranking pips was empty, even though Marshall was sure that the "Head Mechanic" should at least have one pip signifying the rank of "Ensign," the lowest rank. Still, he came to work at the hidden headquarters of the U.M.M Corps, working under his supervisor, Lieutenant Samantha West, who was mostly likely there just to "keep an eye on the negro,"

"How the hell did I get into this mess," Marshall thought solemnly. "Six years in Harvard, and another two years in finishing school studying Quantum Physics, and I get stuck at the bottom of the barrel, while this bitch didn't even graduate High School."

"MARSHALL!" Samantha yelled snapping Wendell out of his day dream.

"Huh?" Wendell grunted stupidly. "What was that ma'am?"

"I asked you," Samantha said through gritted teeth. "How long until we can get it off the ground you worthless grease monkey!"

And with that Lt. West took one giant leap over to Wendell and slapped him as hard as she could. Wendell barely moved, and knew better than to lay a finger on her. Instead, he sighed and handed the clipboard to her. Samantha had short red-brown hair, and a beautiful cream-colored face. For some reason she wasn't required to wear her uniform (Command-ranked workers wore navy blue khaki's, black dress shoes with a shine, and a blue V-neck jacket and a red t-shirt underneath, with the command pips on the shoulders) and wore skin-tight black leather pants, high-heeled black boots, a tight leather halter-top, and no bra (obviously, because in the air-conditioned interior of the hangar, her large nipples were visible trying to escape through her shirt), mostly because she found some pleasure in torturing the mostly-male population of the mechanical staff, and making the few female mechanics jealous.

Lt. West started looking over the clipboard muttering aloud and contorting her face. Moments later she sighed and threw the clipboard into the face of Wendell who immediately clutched his eye and howled in pain. The metal "clip" of the clipboard had caught him right in the eyes. The Lieutenant chuckled and grabbed Wendell by the collar of his shirt in a futile attempt to lift the two hundred fifty pounder off the ground. Wendell used every ounce of tolerance in his body to keep his fists still.

"In English you fool," she said hardly containing her mirth. "Why are we still here, and not up and in the Digital World?"

Wendell glared down at West's hands around the collar of his jumpsuit and took a deep breath. She knew that he knew that she knew how to read what he had written. He decided to take it, as he always did.

"The D-66 is ready to take off right now," Wendell said trying to conceal his hot rage. "The cloaking device and most systems are online. The problem is that the weapon system still won't come online, and the Transtemporal Dispersion Device is not in sync. It'd be unsafe to try and make the trip until the T.D.D is synchronized. I guess you could say, we wouldn't end up in Kansas."

Wendell laughed weakly trying to make a joke to ease his nerves and get the Lieutenant to laugh. She didn't even smirk.

"So what you're saying," she said in a heartless voice. "Is that the T.D.D is online, but it's unstable or something?"

Wendell nodded thinking that she would finally stop terrorizing him and would let him get back to work. She was purposely pushing her chest into Wendell, and had one leg slightly wrapped around the poor man's thigh in a prelude to a standing sexual position just to get him hard and humiliate him by making him walk around with a bulge in his pants. With all the will power the mechanic had, he manage to keep himself from giving into her.

"That's interesting," she said, wrapping her leg tighter around Wendell who was sweating now. Wendell felt his will-power falter as his penis rose a few centimeters. "So … how long do you think it'll be until everything is in order?"

Wendell winced as her face came closer to his own, and his erection grew rapidly. She was going to win, and humiliate him once again. Wendell kept the act up.

"W-well, we just need a sp-special transponder from the warehouse," Wendell stuttered. He wanted so bad to grind against the knee of this tyrant, but he wouldn't give in, and tried with all his might to relinquish his hardness. He failed, and the lieutenant sighed in mock pity as she started to walk away.

"Do what you can until the transponder arrives," she said with her back to him as she walked. "Oh … and you might want to do something about that circus in your pants … Mr. Head Mechanic."

Laughing loudly, she disappeared into a dark corridor, as the abused Wendell Marshall, bent down to collect his clipboard, when he noticed something that shocked him. There was a large wet spot on the thigh of his jumpsuit where Lt. West had been. Blowing one of his dreads out of his eye, he placed his clipboard in front of his erection sniffing his thigh carefully. It smelled like strawberries.

"That's interesting," he muttered aloud. "Better get back to work."

He looked down again.

"Er … maybe I oughta' clean up in the bathroom," he thought sweatdroping as the smell of the tyrannous supervisor entered his nostrils suddenly. Unable to cover both the wet spot and his bulge at the same time, he proceeded to make his way through the corridor Lt. West had vanished into, with the spot in plain view. He hoped the fact that the corridor was dark (I'd better replace that light bulb later) would compensate. He also hoped that he wouldn't run into that flaunting whore of a soldier again on the way to the unisex bathroom.

Rising Sun High School

Kanazawa, Japan

"Come on Hiro," Terra said patting him on the back. "You'll never know if she'll say yes if you don't ask her."

Terra Sansoon and Hiro Kaliya had been best friends since the first grade when Terra saved Hiro from "drowning" in the sandbox and had ended up falling in as well instead. Terra had a petite figure, slightly tanned skin, modest breasts, and shoulder-long aqua colored hair. She was wearing a black ruffled skirt, white stockings, and a sailor-looking shirt- the school uniform. Hiro was a muscular kid on the basketball team, and was popular and well-liked in the school and community, but he was exceptionally shy. He wore his jet black hair long, halfway down his back, had pale skin, and was considered very handsome. He was wearing basketball trunks, sneakers, and a white wifebeater since he was supposed to be practicing with the team in the gym. Instead he and his friend sat on the bleachers talking.

"What if she doesn't like me though?" Hiro said solemnly. "I've never been on a date before!"

Terra sighed and gave Hiro a hug trying to cheer him up. He'd been like this all day. They were in the ninth grade, meaning that for the first time they could attend the Halloween Hop, a yearly dance held in a very upscale catering place downtown offered only to the high school. The truth was, that Hiro had never been to a dance in his life, despite the fact he'd been invited to every one since he was in the sixth grade and girls finally discovered "crushes," and guys discovered the "cool-people-only" policy for their parties. He'd never even kissed a girl, despite the fact that a large portion of the cheerleaders' cheers were dedicated to him. He could be one of, if not the, coolest person in the school, but for some reason he didn't realize all the fan fare about him, and could not embrace it.

Terra, on the other hand, did notice the fact that Hiro had gotten so much more popular than everyone else over the years. Ever since that incident in the playground, they had been each other's best friends. They went to the movies together, talked on the phone daily, told each other their most secretive of secrets, and nowadays would spend lunch sitting together reminiscing over "old times." Nevertheless, even though Hiro hadn't changed a bit from the kid from second grade, everything else changed. Terra was grateful that her childhood friend had never abandoned her to join the "in-crowd," or let anything in their friendship change in the slightest, but Terra had the problem of being so close to the most talked about person in school, while being one of the "nobodies" of the same community.

When they walked each other to class every day laughing and telling short stories, people would pass them (especially the girls) and say hello to Hiro and ask how he was doing and whatnot, while completely ignoring Terra. The most attention they gave her was mouthing "who is she?" without even having the consideration to turn around and hide their faces when they did, as if she couldn't read lips or they just didn't care. Despite the fact that Hiro was a guy, and she was a girl, they were considered by everyone else to be in such contrasted castes that they wouldn't even bother to think that Hiro would go out with someone as plain as little old "Flat Terra." It could be worse, she told herself. At least she wasn't getting teased or anything, she was just being ignored.

Needless to say she either would feel pity or get angry at Hiro for being so shy and thinking that he wasn't popular. How stupid could he possibly be that he doesn't notice the fact that all the sluts even in the senior classes come on to him, she would fume. How could he have all this popularity, and simply not know it was there? It made her angry, being so unknown herself. Maybe it was the modesty of Hiro that made him so popular. Maybe she was just worrying about it to much.

She released the hug and smiled weakly.

"Listen Mr. Kaliya," she said in as cheerful of a voice as she could muster as she nonchalantly put on her glasses. "I've known you forever, and I wouldn't lie to you. Whoever you're going to ask to the dance will say yes without thinking twice."

She lowered her head and looked at him over the lenses of her glasses with a slight smirk.

"Trust me," she said.

Hiro smiled warmly, melting Terra's heart and she forgot that she was angry at him. They embraced in another friendly hug. Unseen to Hiro, Terra sighed, and she didn't know exactly why. Almost as if she wanted him to say something, or do something- like if this hug were to last for an hour, it'd still be unfinished. Terra ignored this weird feeling, and let the hug last a few more seconds.

"I love you Terra," Hiro sighed tightening the hug just as Terra was about to let go. "You know that, right?"

Terra would've jumped into the air if Hiro's huge arms weren't closed around her small frame at that moment, but her eyes went wide regardless.

"Wha-!?" she gasped sweatdropping, her mouth hanging open. "What are you saying Hiro!?"

Hiro sighed again and closed his eyes smiling even more.

"I'm saying that you're the best friend an idiot like me could have," he responded ignoring Terra's shocked expression.

"Oh …" Terra said feeling disappointed, and then frustrated because she didn't know why she felt disappointed. "Well … in that case, I love you too Hiro."

Hiro broke the hug and opened his eyes, and frowned.

"What's wrong with your eyes?" he said scratching his head in a confused expression.

Terra felt her face with her clammy hands and realized that she was crying.

"Oh nothing," she said quickly whipping her face clean. "Something must be in my eye. You know how filthy this gym is."

She smiled and gave Hiro their patented thumbs up, and Hiro followed suit.

"Friends forever?" Hiro said knowing the answer (since they'd done this thumbs up routine a thousand times. It was like their secret handshake).

"Friends forever." Terra confirmed. Hiro got up to rejoin basketball practice after making Terra promise that they'd hang out at the local caf

Messages In This Thread
[No subject] - by Notorious - 02-04-2003, 01:47 PM
[No subject] - by Notorious - 02-04-2003, 01:49 PM
[No subject] - by Notorious - 02-04-2003, 01:51 PM
[No subject] - by Notorious - 02-08-2003, 05:48 PM
[No subject] - by Useless Pile of Meat - 02-10-2003, 09:00 AM
[No subject] - by Ruhe - 02-10-2003, 10:36 AM