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Forever's End- THE WHOLE THING (for non-site visitors)
You know the deal. I do not own Digimon™ or anything affiliated with Digital Monsters™ in any way shape or form. If I did I'd be a very rich man and not a computer nerd sitting at my PC writing an anime sex story, would I? I'd also have big beige and/or white sacs with a green dollar sign on it too... anyway, this is only the second sex story AND second digimon lemon I've written, so if it doesn't excite you it's not my fault... well actually it is... *sigh* see what you people made me do! Bah!

I won't bother telling you all that crap about not reading this if your under 18, or the crap about if this material is illegal to view in your area to run off to with your tail in between your legs- wait a second, I just did....

This doesn't seem to be going to well ^_^ ... anyway, if you're this far into the site and you're under 18 and all that crap, it doesn't matter if I tell you any of the above at all does it? That means this has all been a waste of time...

...that just kinda bummed me out -_- ... anyway, enjoy the lemon and whatnot, and please send in your opinions to whoever. Happy wank... er... reading


Forever's End: Chapter One
Saiden Chronicles I: "When it Rains"

It was raining. Hard. The kind of rain that makes you forget that it isn't hailing. The kind of rain that makes you forget there's a sun up there somewhere. The kind of rain that can even make you forget yourself. It doesn't rain much in the Digital World ... when it does, it's most likely some glitch or something, but it can fool me every time. Rain ... its just like me. Always falling, or slipping off the edge of something. Always searching for the bottom of things, and rising to the heavens only to fall again, and again. It's the perpetual motion of people like me- or should I say things like me.

If you ask me what I am, I can't give you an answer. I'm still asking the question myself. Everyone seems to be asking it about me too. I am an Enigma of sorts. Too many questions, not enough answers. Too much darkness and not enough light. A bottomless pit that you jump into because you're curious, and you keep falling, and falling, not ever knowing when it'll all stop suddenly. Not knowing when you're going to die, not knowing when you're going to smile again, not knowing when to cry- but falling. Always falling. An abyss of complete and utter darkness I am. The alpha and the omega. The beginning and the end of everything. Yep, that's me. Little ol' Saidenmon- the lost one.

Sometimes I wander through forests or a valley silent and unblinking. Wondering the who, what, when, why, where, and how of everything. Sometimes not even thinking at all. I'm not nocturnal, I just happen to like dark places. Places dark enough so I can sink into nothingness. Yeild to oblivion, stop dreaming, and start to slowly die as always. It is my only hobby. Today it was raining, and while the other digimon of the forest were in their treetops, and burrows with their families, their hopes, and their dreams all intact, in a lavender box with a pretty red bow, I walk through the storm. I, who walk this faithful path alone, even when standing still. I, the dark one. Saidenmon, the wanderer.

With a great sigh, I fall onto the soaked blades of grass and lean against a tree, head upward to the heaven that won't take me. Eye's closed to block out the hell that won't escape me. I hadn't groomed myself in days and I knew my tangled waist-long shockingly white hair was soaked and dirty as a strand fell in my face, gone from a long-forgotten ponytail. I didn't even bother to think which drops on my face were tears, and which ones were rain.

"Excuse me sir!" called a shrewlike female voice. "Excuse me!"

I opened my scarlet eyes. For moment I looked up at the sky. When it rains in Digi-World, the sky turns a gradient of greens and reds, and I'm sure there's some yellows there too. Its... its... what was the word? I'd forgotten it... beau... beau... beautiful. That's it. That's the word. It was beautiful. I was in awe of myself. I knew the word, and I KNEW what it meant, but I couldn't grasp the meaning anymore. To me it was all gray, black, and white. Navy blue if I was lucky.

"Excuse me!"

My head snapped forward. I'd completely forgotten why I had opened my eyes. There was a Gatomon before me, and five little Salamon's. Another more masculine looking Gatomon was holding a sheet of woven grass blades that I assumed was some sort of primitive umbrella. I breathed inward. At least digimon had some sort of apreciation for nature unlike the humans. The ironic thing was that digimon weren't "natural"

If I was once human, and no I am what I am now, and digimon aren't natural, then what am I?

I shook off the question. I looked at who I assumed to be the female Gatomon who had called me. Then I shot a quick loke at the male who was saying something to their children. My gaze returned to the female who was smiling at me with an air of friendliness even though she knew I was a virus digimon.

"It's coming down pretty hard sir," she said kindly. "We're on our way to our way to the burrow, and I was wondering if you'd like to stay with us."

"Huh?" I said stupidly.

"Oh c'mon chap," said the male Gatomon which had an English accent for some reason. "We know your a virus digimon and all, but nobody should be out here. You'll catch a bloody cold you will. We own a large cave next to our burrow that you can stay in. Just have to move the little tykes' playthings out of the way."

I looked at them sideways.

"You'd offer me a place in your home despite what I am?" I said intrigued. They nodded. The children were even smiling.

I adjusted my mask slighly, stood up and dusted myself off. Of course they were much smaller than me, so I had to look down. I pretended to smile. It hurt a little. When you don't use certain muscles for a long time they tend to become stiff. They bought the act.

"Lead the way," I said with a twinkle in my eye.

They started to walk away, and I bought up the rear. The second they turned their backs my smile disapeared. The children were singing some old folk lore tune in Digi-Code, the parents were talking about food gathering for dinner, and how to get more food for me. I sighed deeply, and squeezed my the palm of my left hand with my middle and ring fingers (Spider-Man style) and felt a small trickle of blood and a bit of pain coming from my knuckles and four claws shot out silently (like Wolverine's) glistening. They were cold metal, and so shinny I cold see my face in them despite the rain. With a shaky hand, I raised my loaded hand to the back of the male Gatomon, and added a little more pressure.

"TerraNeedle," I whispered to myself so nobody could hear. I wanted them to feel the surprise of not even knowing why.


A wave of pain rocked my body as the needles shot out of my knuckles. Blood poured from them, but I didn't care. The male turned around just in time to feel the needles pierce his neck.

"ARGH!" he screamed and went down. Purple venom dribbled out of his mouth. I must've pierced his throat. He spit out the venom, but more and more kept flowing from his mouth. I put enough in those needles to take down a Whamon. I threw off my trenchcoat and felt it land on the ground leaving only my shirt, boots, and jeans on. The female was too shocked to respond. The children were crying in seconds. Now he was foaming at the mouth. He closed his eyes tightly in great concentration. I had to shield my eyes with my arms as he luminated with a great light.

"Gatomon digivolve to ... MagnaAngemon!"

And just like that, he was now twice my size floating in the sky, still radiating that same nuclear-like glow a digimon gets from a fresh digivolution. Fully healed. My hand-venom sacs I'd just used were still refilling themselves. I felt new metal needles shoot from my right knuckles cutting through my skin, and my leather grappling gloves.

"Gate of Destiny!" he called out. A great vortex opened before me, and started to pull me in. The female, and the children were uneffected. I was lifted from the ground started to fall towards the gate defying gravity. Then of course, I spread my wings and flapped as hard as I could in the opposite direction. It wasn't enough to break free of the gravity of this gate leading to nothingness, but enough to keep me stationary. Not one way or the other. There was no way my needles would hit him either. They'd just be lost to the gate. I retracted them, and reached in the pocket of my black jeans and pulled out-

"A flute?" the MagnaAngemon said.

I put it to my lips ignoring the fact my silvery hair was blowing forward yeilding to the gravity. A few strands were ripped from my skull painfully and thrusted into the beyond. I played the tune I memorized before I had even heard it for the first time all those years ago.

Do, Re, Do, Do, Re, Do, Do, Re, Do, Do, fa, Do, fa, so, so

The MangaAngemon dropped his staff with a great clatter. He stood there in mid-air without moving. His family looked worried. I lowered the flute.

"Listen my friend and you will hear,
The Saiden-Drain, a song to fear

Fifteen notes, though it may seem more,
You're mine now, here's what I ask for ..."

I played a few more notes and the gate closed at the whim of MagnaAngemon. I decided to have a little fun before I blew him into bytes of data, never to rejoin into one being again. I flew over to him, still as a stone waiting for my command. I needed to make sure the rest didn't interfere, and that they didn't leave either. I played a few more notes on my flute, and there was a brilliant flash. An invisible force field trapped them like rats. I pocketed the flute, only to kick off my boots, and my jeans.

I wasn't wearing underwear. I threw off the shirt as well, but kept on my gloves and my mask.

"Lay down on the ground," I comanded. As if I'd petrified him, he fall to the ground with a great thud, not even bothering to fly. I narrowed my eyes.

"I won't be able to have fun with you if your bigger than me," I said rubbing my goatee in deep thought. I snapped my fingers as if I'd had an epifany. "I know!"

I snapped my fingers, and instantly, my flute shot out from the pocket of my pants on the ground and into my hand. I played the first three notes of the same tune again, only slower this time. He then shrank in size to my exact proportions.

"That's better," I said darkly. The female Gatomon was swearing at me, and telling her children to close their eyes at the same time. I disregarded them, and flew over to the fallen and shrunken MangaAngemon.

"Hmmm ... I like regular Angemon better," I scoffed, and played the notes again even slower. MagnaAngemon's body became a three-dimensional sillouette of green light, and reshaped itself to the size of a regular Angemon, only of a gray color instead of pure white. His sash was purple, and his helment and armor were all black instead of gold. His skin was even grayish, and his hair was a more dirty blonde.


"Oh, don't you ever shut up?" I asked and played the first three notes of the Saiden-Drain Prelude as fast as I could, and her mouth was shut with black stitches. I turned back around to the newly transformed Angemon.

"I supose you didn't expect a lowly champion to have this power," I said even though in his hypnotic state he couldn't really hear me... he could only "hear" me. "Well, the monster makers obviously didn't know how to make a digimon. I am much more powerful that even an Ultimate level. I even hold the power to reshape reality in any way I wish... such as this."

I played the Saiden-Drain Prelude in F sharp major, and all of a suddden it stopped raining. I heard the muffled screams of the female. With a "whosh" of air I slowly landed on the ground on the balls of my feet, and then put down my heel. I walked over to Angemon. I played the Prelude backwards this time, and felt my dick instantly spring into an errection. I did it again, and a large bulge turned Agemon's sash into an instant tent with a little wet spot at the topmost point to boot. Gatomon was now banging on the walls of the invisble cell around her and her children wildly screaming things that only came out "MMMMMPPPHHHH!" as I walked past them towards my new slave.

I laughed an evil laugh with my lips pressed together. More of a humming laugh. I knelt down by the side of Angemon and put my flute on the ground. I simply ripped the sash off, and used it initially to rub the head of his member. I sighed impatiently, and picked up my flute with my free hand, continuing the treatment with the other.

"Sound effects please!" I said jokingly, and played the Prelude again quickly. Instantly Angemon started to moan loudly. I threw away the sash and continued my handjob. First I started at the very top of the head, slidding it down to the sensitive underbelly, and then back up again.

"Oh god... ugh... ugh..." Angemon whimpered. "More... MORE!"

I dropped the flute and began to fondle his balls, juggling them in my hand, and then tugging on them lightly. I stuck up my middle finger on this hand, reached under him and began fingering his asshole. He started to buck his hips ever so slightly. Gatomon had stopped yelling for some reason. I turned around and saw that she had began to get wet, and was moaning softy. She was trying to hide it in front of her children. I let my finger leave Angemon's entrance and snapped my fingers. The flut jumped into my hands.

"Don't be shy," I said. "That's what family is for my dear!"

Do Re Do...

And just like that her eyes lowered a little. She began kissing one of the female Salamon- her own child. The Salamon struggled not knowing what was going on. I laughed deeply as my handjob continued still.

"Oh Saidenmon ... make me cum! Make me cum!!!!"

I looked at the struggling Salamon and chuckled.

"Mother knows best..."

Do Re Do... Do Re Do ... Do Re Do...

I didn't bother to see the results, I just turned back to Angemon, and stood up. I stood by his head, laying across him to suck his rock hard dick. Without me even having to tell him, he began doing the same. I'd never done a sixty-nine with another man, but I thought- what the hell. Plus it let me have a few view of the loving family a few yards away. Gatomon was sprawled on her back purring so loudly I could hear. A male Salamon was thrusting himself in and out of his mother's mouth with a surprisingly large member. Another male was behind that Salamon fucking his ass swiftly. One of the females was eating out Gatomon with long savoring strokes of her tounge.

"Mommy ... you taste so good ..." she said, and started to claw-fuck herself. The other two females were busy in a lesbian 69 of their own giggling wildy. I'd done a good job with my flute. The training had paid off.

"UGH!" Angemon grunted, and I felt my own orgasm fill me as well. I started to cum a thick flood of digital semen into his mouth, and he clasped his lips tightly around my head to take it all in. I took my lips off of his dick to take a look at him I could see him gulping, and I saw a few drops of cum drip out of the side of his mouth, and when I finally finished, I turned back around, and looked at the quivering head of his cock on to be sprayed with what seemed like a whole pint of cum in one blast, I let it cover my face first, not even letting my hair go dry, and then put my outh to his huge head and began gulping his seed greedily letting it fill me like never before. Then I took my mouth off (he was still cumming about five feet into the air like a fire hose someone had forgotten to turn off) and I took my time turning around and sitting on him. He hadn't slowed down a bit, and I felt fill me in yet another way. Gallons and gallons of golden semen- thanks to my flute of course.

I got off of him, and sat on his stomach as cum dripped out of me, and he continued to cum wildly into the air. I put my mouth well above him and let it make the trip a foot or so up into my mouth, but I didn't swallow. I turned around to see his mouth still open, and as he continued to cum like there was no tomorrow, I looked in his mouth and saw he hadn't swallowed one of my loads. I grunted and embraced in a french kiss to end all french kisses. On command he began to let his tounge explore mine, and I explored his. We traded each other's cum, with our tounges, and swallowed the mixture. He smiled as I got off of him. I turned around to see a huge puddle of cum, and saw he was still ejaculating into the air. I patted his chest like a dog, got up, and smiled. I raised my left hand.


And let a ball of translucent energy leave me, and hit him. He was deleted on imact. I picked up my flute, and turned around. The scent of sex was in the air. Gatomon and her children were a mess of cum and fur. In fact, her fur was heavily matted down. I smirked.

Do Re Do ... Do Re Do ... Do Re Do

The barrier disapeared, and I walked over to them.

Do.... Re.... Do....

Instantly the Salamon backed away, and Gatomon transformed into Angewoman. This time, it was a perfect match with no discolorations. She sat up dried off.

"What are you waiting for tiger?" she said slyly, and pulled off her helment, letting it fall to the ground revealing her long flowing blonde hair, blue eyes, and perfect face with soft skin. The Salamon remained frozen, and I pushed her back softly, and she fall on her back. I sat on her stomach feeling her skin trhough the hole that was there and tore off her metal breast plates. I immediately began to suck on the nipples and she put her gloved hands softly on the back on my head running her fingers through my cum-soaked hair. She was a bit bigger than me because I had forgotten to shrink her properly.

"Ooohhh," she began to moan closing her eyes. A wet spot had appeared in her leotard. I had purposely put her in a spell to make her extremely horny rather than a mind control trance, so I didn't need to tell her what to do. I stood up, and she began licking the fingers of her gloves savoring the remains of her husband mixed in with the seed of myself. She stood up as well and pointed to a flat rock behind me.

"Sit down," she said softly. "Excite me, and get me nice and wet before you fuck me..."

I chuckled, surprised by the results of my love-spell. I didn't even know angels got so hot. I kissed my flute thankfully, and sat down on the rock, putting the flute down on the ground. The Salamon had began their own orgy, but it wasn't interesting to me anymore. I did as I was told and began to jack myself off. I would to one or two strokes of the shaft, and then a few slow strokes of my head, and then back to the shaft. Angewoman pulled the the bottom of her leotard to the side and began fingering her self moaning as loudly as she could, fondling her soft creamy breasts as she went.

"Ohhh ... Ohh..." she cooed.

I looked over at the Salamon just in time to see the two males cum on their sisters with the same longevity I'd given their father.

"Ooohhhh ... Ooohhh"

The girls had their tounges out like children trying to catch snowflakes on their tounges.

"OOHHHHHHHHHHHHH ... my god... more... more..."

They cupped their "Saiden-Drain Preulde" enlarged breasts to catch whatever their small novice tounge's couldn't. I sighed and pointed my dick at my face to cum on myself, but just then-

"Fuck me..." she said softly in a volume not much higher than a whisper. "Time to fuck an angel"

Can't argue with that!

I got up eagerly, and she held out her soaked fingers to me. She'd taken off her gloves to do herself.

"Why thank you," I said smiling, and I slowly licked each finger one by one slowly going from the knuckle to the fingertip swallowing her strawberry juices eagerly adding them to her male counterpart's gift still being digested. She tossed her blonde hair, then cupped her large breasts as she lay down and spread her legs. I walked around to stand between them, fell to my knees and with one swift motion ripped the part of her leotard apart. She was wet alright...

And so I plowed into her. There's something about fucking an angel that doesn't compare to anything else. Maybe it's the fact that a being so dark as myself could objectify and have my way with something so pure and on the other side of the spectrum. Maybe it was the fact that I wasn't really suposed to be doing it. It was a sin after all...

Pfffttt. Look who you're talking to.


Whatever it was, as much as I wanted it to last forever, I couldn't stop myself. First she soaked my punic hairs with her sweet smelling lubricant, and then I felt my most powerful orgasm yet hit me like a bullet train. I filled her with a few pints of cum, and stood up, barely able to walk. I saw stars in front of me...

"Heh ... Amen to that," I muttered. I looked down to admire my work. The orgasm that had hit Agewoman had knocked her out. Her pink leotard was shreaded from the waist down, and some of my seed was dripping slowly out of her snatch. Her fingers were still wet from my saliva, and her own cum. Her lips had a few drops of her gone husband's and my own cum which was dripping from her lips. Her helmet and breast plates lay long forgotten, and in her knocked out state, she dreamily started to finger herself in her sleep bucking her hips wildly. Her children, the Salamon, were knocked out, covered in their own siblings' cum with smiles on their faces. Snapping my fingers I let my clothes instantly cover me again, and with another snap I was cleaned off once again- or as clean as I had been to begin with.

I snapped my fingers again, and my flute was suddenly back in my pocket.

"OOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Angemon moaned in her sleep cumming for the third time. The Salamon sleepily wandered over to their digivolved mother and began humping various parts of her. One was lucky enough to stick their dick in their mother's mouth so she could suck it in her sleep, and a girl was lucky enough to be able to lick her pussy. She was awake enough to claw-fuck herself.

I decided not to reverse this spell ... oh it would wear off... a year or two.

Laughing darkly I snapped my fingers a final time and let the rain start up again. With that I began to walk again as the family fucked themselves in the pouring rain.
am Saidenmon, the lost digimon. You may call me sick, or perverted, but keep in mind the fact I can destroy you with the snap of a finger, and the toot of a flute. I can haunt your memories and unlock your innermost fears.

If you're not afraid of me yet, you should be.


Notorious (Narator): "Whoa! What a way to kick of the series. Who is this dark digimon ... and might I add he knows how to have fun-"

*SMACK* one of the producer's slap Notorious.

Producer: "Do your job you dirty old man."

Notorious: "I've have you know I am NOT an old man... can't deny the dirty part... anyways, like I was saying... Who is this creature Saidenmon? What other powers does he yeild, and of course- WHO'S NEXT!"


Notorious: "Okay, okay... ow, that was a leather glove... well the answer to these and more questions in the next Edition of Digimon: Forever's End! Share the love! And I promise that this time the series won't mysteriously be discontinued for a year-"


Notorious: "Just go to commercial or something... I'm starting to get a bruise"

Opinions? Critisisms? Comments? Requests? Suggestions? Send them to me at and be sure to leave your author opinons at the DaD website.

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[No subject] - by Notorious - 02-04-2003, 01:47 PM
[No subject] - by Notorious - 02-04-2003, 01:49 PM
[No subject] - by Notorious - 02-04-2003, 01:51 PM
[No subject] - by Notorious - 02-08-2003, 05:48 PM
[No subject] - by Useless Pile of Meat - 02-10-2003, 09:00 AM
[No subject] - by Ruhe - 02-10-2003, 10:36 AM