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Adventures in the Pokemon World
AN: This part is written by M.Jade and RP, and posted by Barny187. Questions can go to,, or, or you can leave your comments/questions below!

Adventures in the Pokemon World Part 2

The three figures watching RP, M.Jade, and Barny were that of a blue-haired boy, a red-headed girl, and a small cat like creature.

Boy: I wonder who they are?

Girl: Do you think they could be friend or foe?

Cat: Who cares, let's just do what we do best!

Boy: What's that?

The girl and the cat facefaulted.

Girl: You ignoramus!!

The girl punched the blue-haired boy in the head.

Cat: We're thieves. What do you think, we're good at!!

Boy: Oh yeah...stealing!!

The cat and the girl sweatdropped at the boys' cluelessness and unusually loud tone that he had used.

Girl: Not so loud! We have to make our grand entrance!!

Boy: Okay, sorry, sorry...


Barny: I wonder where we are?

M.Jade: I don't know but we better find our way back.

RP: Yeah...this is one weird party. I wonder where the others are?

M.Jade: Yeah, I hate for my sister to be lost by herself...not to mention us.

Barny: Don't worry girls...I'll protect you!

Barny started to flex his muscles, and M.Jade and RP sweatdropped.

M.Jade/RP: Don't flatter yourself kid.

RP stood there thinking for a moment.

Barny: What's the matter, RP?

RP: You know, kid...

Barny: Kid!!

M.Jade: Hey, the name suits ya! Compared to us, you are a kid.

Barny: Hey!!

M.Jade: What were you about to say?

RP: This place looks sorta familiar.

M.Jade: I know what you mean.

Barny: It's almost like we're in the Poke...

Before Barny could finish his statement, two out of the three figures who were watching them appeared from out of nowhere...

Girl: To protect the world from devastation...

Boy: To unite all peoples within our nations...

Girl: To denounce the evils of truth and love...

Boy: To extend our reach to the stars above...

Girl: Jessie!

Boy: (Holding a rose) James!

Barny: This is nothing but a waste of time. (Noticing the characters) Hey, aren't they...

M.Jade and RP pushed Barny down with stars in their eyes to get a better look.

M.Jade/RP:'s Team Rocket!!

Jessie: you've heard of us.

James: Cool.

Jessie:, but...(turning to Barny as well as RP and M.Jade and also yelling) NEVER INTERRUPT THE MOTTO!!!

Barny sweatdropped and apologized.

Jessie: And Team Rocket is NOT a waste of time!!! Now where was I?

James: Let's see...I just finished my part..."James"

Jessie: Okay. (Posing with James) Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light!

James: Surrender now or prepare to fight!!

Cat: (To himself) That's my cue!!

The cat like creature then jumped in between Jessie and James from behind them. He just seemed to appear from out of nowhere.

Meowth: Meowth...that's right! (To Jessie and James) What took ya two so long!

James: They interrupted the motto.

Meowth: Oh. (To RP, M.Jade, and Barny) Hand over your Pokemon now!

Barny: Pokemon? We don't have any...

Jessie: Don't try to make fools of us!

James: Yeah, what are those right there!

James pointed to the three at their belts. The three indeed were wearing Pokebelts with Pokemon on them.

RP: Isn't that something...we have...Pokemon.

M.Jade: Cool!

RP: Yeah we have Pokemon AND we've met the infamous Jessie, James, and Meowth of Team Rocket!!

James: Wow, we're stars, Jessie!

Meowth: How do we know it's not a trick!!

Jessie: Yeah!

Meowth: What sane person would worship us!!

Jessie and James punched Meowth in the head.

Jessie: Don't you EVER call us losers again!!!

James: Yeah, that's my job!!

Jessie took out a mallet and slammed James with it.

Jessie: The same goes for you, James! (turning to the trio) Now HOW do we know that you aren't really with those twerps and trying to trick us somehow!!

M.Jade/Barny/RP: Um...

Jessie: Who are you three!

Barny: Well, my name is B-

M.Jade pulled Barny and RP aside.

M.Jade: (To Barny/whispering) Maybe we shouldn't use our regular names. We aren't known here, you know.

Barny: Oh.

M.Jade: Just make up a name to go by while we're here. Our regular names are strange for the Pokeworld.

RP: Good idea.

Barny: (To Jessie) Well, my name is Victor.

M.Jade: My name is...(thinking for a brief second) Jade.

James: What about you!

RP: (Crossed arms) I don't know if I should tell.

All: What?

RP: You don't trust us.

Jessie: We're Team Rocket...we choose whom or whom we don't want to trust.

RP: Well, I'm a big fan of Team Rocket.
Jessie, James, and Meowth huddled together to discuss the situation.

Jessie: What do you think?

James: Do you think her and her friends want to be recruited?

Meowth: Maybe...why else would they like us?

Jessie punched Meowth over the head.
Jade: RP...what are you doing?

Victor: Yeah!

RP: Don't worry, Jade, kid.

Victor: KID!!!

RP: I'm just buying some time until I can think of a name.

They both facefaulted.

RP: Weird...we're JUST like the characters and can facefault and sweatdrop and stuff. (Looking down at Jade and Victor) Um...does that hurt?

All of a sudden, Jessie and James and Meowth came back.

Jessie: There is only ONE way we can trust you. A Pokemon battle!

Victor: A...

Jade: ...Pokemon...

RP: ...battle?

Meowth: Yeah, and you choose who you want to battle. One of you.

RP: Okay, I will!! about the one named James?

James:'s a battle!

Victor: Wait...what's the catch!!

James: If we beat you ...we take all of your Pokemon!

Victor: And if we win?

Jessie: We trust you.

RP: Okay, I accept your challenge!

Jessie: 1 on 1 battle!

RP: Okay.

Jade: (Whispering to RP) I sure hope you know what you're doing.

RP: Sure I do...(Gulping) I hope so anyway.

James: Okay...Wheezing go!

RP: (Unhooking one of the Pokeballs from off of her belt) Please let this be good...Pokeball go!

Out of the Pokeball was an Arcanine.

RP/Victor/Jade: Cool!

James: Wheezing, smoke screen!

Wheezing covered the place with smoke.

RP: to think of stadium) Dig!!

Arcanine tunneled under ground.

James: Sludge attack, Wheezing!

Wheezing looked around the area, confused. He didn't see Arcanine dig underground and neither did James because of the smoke screen.

RP: Come on, Arcanine, get him!

Arcanine came up and hit Wheezing down to the ground.

RP: Fire Blast!!

Arcanine used a Fire Blast.

James: Wheezing!!! She fainted my Wheezing Jessie!!

Jessie: (Annoyed sigh) Pitiful James. Arbok, go!


RP: This is Team Rocket you know.

Jade: Yeah, Team Rocket doesn't play by the rules.

RP: Arcanine, return! Let's hope something cool comes out, Pokeball go!

Out of the Pokeball emerged a Starmie.

Victor: Cool, a Starmie!

RP: Come on Starmie, hit that Arbok with a Psychic attack!

Starmie used Psychic, but Arbok tunneled underground.

RP: Starmie, harden attack!

Victor: Starmie has harden?

Jade: I guess this one does.

Arbok hit Starmie...but it didn't knock it out.

RP: Starmie...Thunder!

Starmie used Thunder and fainted Arbok.

Victor/Jade/James/Meowth: A Starmie that knows Thunder?!?

Jessie: ARBOK!!

Jessie and James called back their Pokemon.

RP: Wow, I beat Team Rocket!! Since we win, we would like to travel along with you as observers of Team Rocket's ways.

Victor pulled RP aside.

Victor: Are you nuts...they're thieves!!

RP: Don't worry about it kid.

Victor: Huh?

RP: Don't you get it!

Jade: I think I do! If we travel with them...we'll have a chance of finding my sister and the others.

RP: Exactly.

Victor: Oh, good idea.

Jessie and James agreed to let them travel with them.

Jessie: Before we allow you to travel with us...tell us your name.

RP: Sure, the name is Wendy.

James: And how do you know so much about us!

The question caught the three off guard.

Jade: Um...we are studying to be recruits of Team Rocket!

Wendy: Good save.

Jessie/James/Meowth: Oh.

So, Jade, Victor and Wendy joined up with Team Rocket, in hopes of finding the others . . .


Loachu and Nukem looked at each other in shock as three people stepped out into the clearing. One boy had on a hat and a yellow animal at his side, the other boy was holding what looked like a sketching pad, and the girl was holding an egg.

Girl: Are you two lost? I know we are. *Glares at boy with the cap* We always get lost!

Boy with Cap (Boy 1): Hey, we're not lost! We're just taking a different route.

Girl: We are lost!

Boy 1: No, we're not.

As the two continued to argue, the boy holding the sketching pad (Boy 2) sweatdropped.

Boy 2: Sorry about that. The two of them are always like this! My name is Tracey.

Loachu: Oh, we know they always argue. We watch the . . .

Nukem: *quickly covers Loachu's mouth* Could you excuse us for a minute?

Tracey: Sure.

Nukem and Loachu walk over to the side, and Nukem removes his hand from Loachu's face.

Loachu: What was that for?

Nukem: I don't think you should tell them they're cartoons! We need to find everyone else, and we don't know our way around here. And if we scare them off, we'll never find Barny and the girls!

Loachu: You've got a point. We should probably make up names, too. Mine will be Ken.

Nukem: Good idea. *thinks for a moment* Mine will be Robby.

Ken and Robby walk back over to where Tracey is standing.

Tracey: Is everything ok?

Ken: Yeah, everything's fine! There's nothing strange or out of the ordinary.

Tracey: *sweatdrops* Ok, if you say so. What were you going to say?

Ken: Oh, I was just going to say I've seen those two on TV before.

Robby: *facefaults* I thought you said you wouldn't say anything!

Ken: I'm talking about the Pokemon League Competition. Didn't you watch it on TV?

The arguing duo stops fighting and looks in the direction of Robby, Ken, and Tracey.

Boy 1: Are you talking about the Pokemon League games?

Ken: Yeah. You're Ash Ketchum, right?

Ash: Yep! News sure travels fast. I must be world famous!

Girl: Dream on, Ash!

Ash: *sweatdrops* This is Misty, and you've already met Tracey. This is my Pikachu, and Misty's Togepi.

Misty: Nice to meet you! Are the two of you from around here?

Ken/Robby: Yes/No.

Ash: Well, which is it?

Ken/Robby: No/Yes.

Everyone falls down anime style.

Ken: Well, you see, we're from the Orange Islands.

Tracey: We are on the Orange Islands.

Robby: Yeah, we know that! Um, we're from different islands. I'm from Navel Island.

Ken: And I'm from Mandarin Island.

Misty: Well, we're on Mandarin Island now. *sweatdrops* Uh, you did know that, right?

Ken: Of course I did! This is my home island, ya know!

Misty: Well good, because you can show us around! I heard there's a carnival or something in the main city!

Ash: *whiny voice* But Misty! I'm here to get my Orange League Badges. It's not playtime!

Misty: *pulls out her mallet and bashes him on the head* You wasted all your training time for the Pokemon League. You can waste some time now! So come on!

The four boys let out a sigh as they watched Misty stomp off.

Ash: *sarcastic tone* Welcome to the group, guys.

Pikachu and Togepi ran ahead of everyone as they made their way towards the city. As Ash and Co were walking along, a familiar voice called out to them.

Gary: Well look, if it isn't Ashy boy!

Ash spun around and glared at his rival.

Ash: How many times do I have to tell you not to call me that, Gary? You're just so . . . so . . .

Misty: Arrogant?

Ash: Yeah!

Misty: Annoying?

Ash: What she said! Why can't you just ever be nice to me?

Gary: Well, Ash, if I didn't keep you motivated, you'd have dropped out of sight a long time ago! We all know why you're still training.

Ash: *balling his fists* Oh yeah, and why's that?

??: The same reason Gary is still training. You both keep each other motivated to outdo the other.

Panda steps out next to Gary.

Panda: Hi guys!

Ken/Robby: Got. . .

Panda: *interrupting* No, it's Panda, remember?

Ken: *stressing Nukem's "new name."* Oh yeah, that's right, Robby!

Robby: *also stressing Loachu's "new name."* Yeah, I understand now, Ken.

Gary: What's with those two?

Panda: *thinking fast* Oh, well, we just met a little while ago!

Ash: *tapping foot* So why are you here, Gary? You here to bug me again?

Gary: Don't flatter yourself ketchup breath! *Pikachu's ears perk up* I'm only here because I'm helping Panda find her friends.


Misty: And since when do YOU help anyone aside from yourself?

Gary: You stay out of this, Scrawny!

As the trio began to argue and Tracey tried to get them to settle down, Panda, Ken, and Robby went off to the side.

Panda: How did you two find each other?

Robby: I dunno . . . We both were just here.

Panda: Well, have you seen my sister, RP, or Barny?

Ken: Nope, we were looking for you guys, though.

Panda: Oh, well, I'm sure we'll find them, right? Where are we, anyway?

Robby: Mandarin Island.

Panda: Mandarin Island? As in the Orange League? This is too weird!

Robby: Yeah, I know. I think we should stick together until we can figure out a way to get home.

Both Panda and Ken nod their head as the trio looks back over to Ash, Gary, Misty, and Tracey.

Ash: Well, if it weren't for Team Rocket, I'd be way ahead of you, Gary!

Misty: Ash has a point! Team Rocket is always slowing us down! Ash is a much better trainer than you are, Gary!

Ash: . . .

Gary: *smugly* I thought Team Rocket only went after good Pokemon. The Team Rocket members that go after you must really be losers!

Ash: Now wait one second! My Pokemon are just as good as yours, and probably even better!

Tracey: *stepping in between the two* Well, we're not going to get anything done just standing here arguing!

Panda: I have an idea. *all eyes turn to her direction* How about we all just go together? That way, we could all be happy! From what you said, Ash, Team Rocket is always bothering you, so this will prove to Gary what you're talking about.

Gary: Good idea, Panda. I think I will stick around. Ash might even learn a thing or two!

Ash: *grumbling* Yeah, maybe I'll pick up a few tips on how to be a jerk.

Misty: That's a good one, Ash. *starts giggling*

Gary: What's so funny, Scrawny?

Misty pulls out one of her mallets and hits Gary . . . Hard!

Misty: There are two things you should know if you're going to travel with us. One, never make me angry, and Two, never call me Scrawny! *hits Gary again*

Panda: Hey! You really shouldn't hit people with that thing! I'm sure it really hurts!

Misty: If you don't make me angry, you won't get the same treatment!

Panda: OH YEAH?

Misty: YEAH!

Both girls pull out a mallet and begin swinging wildly. As they begin hitting everything except each other, everyone else ducks for cover.

Tracey: *peaking out from behind a tree* Is it safe, yet?

Both girls are slumped over their mallets, breathing hard.

Panda: Yeah *pant* I think it is.

Misty: I have to agree. *pant* You know, I think we'll be good friends, Panda.

Panda: Yeah, me too!

The girls link arms and begin to walk off. The five boys facefault, and blink rapidly, not believing what they just saw or heard.

Gary: That was . . . Weird.

Ash: You can say that again.

Ash, Gary, Ken, Robby, Tracey, and Pikachu follow the girls as they head off towards the city.

To Be Continued . . .

Messages In This Thread
Adventures in the Pokemon World - by Iceflame88 - 02-02-2003, 05:55 AM
[No subject] - by Mr.Onizuka - 02-02-2003, 06:31 PM
[No subject] - by Iceflame88 - 02-03-2003, 03:12 AM
[No subject] - by Red Mage Dragon Tiamat - 02-03-2003, 09:46 AM
[No subject] - by Iceflame88 - 02-03-2003, 10:34 AM
[No subject] - by Hybrid Halogen - 02-12-2003, 10:17 AM
[No subject] - by Iceflame88 - 02-12-2003, 11:39 AM