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Word Association Game
Black (From Gunstar Heroes, not your Black, lol)

White: *blushes furiously as Black puts his wing around her* Uhhh..... *clings tightly to Black's shirt* Mmmm..... *falls asleep on him*
Kurtz: I told you, no. *whispering to Steven*
Steven: But...
Kurtz: No! No bacardi for you.
Steven: Oh... bugger.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Obsidian (a sort of black rock... mmm... smooth...)

Black - *blink* She's really warm... *blush*
Me - *raises eyebrow*
Renamon - Aw, you must be feeling left out! *snuggle*
Me - Well... yeah... *snuggle*
Kiran - :roll: No one for me then...
Gatomon - That's what you think!
Kiran - :( :) :D GATOMON!!!
Gatomon - *wink* Shut up and get over here!
Me - Didn't see that coming...
Rock, lol.

Kurtz: Hey, Pokepimp, wanna have a look at my folder?
Steven: Oh, you mean that pile of cra--*gets hit in the face and falls on the floor*
Kurtz: You piss me off too much.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds

Me - *curious* Lets have a look...
Renamon - *looking over* Hmm?
Black - *puts other wing round White as well*
Me - I think he's up to something... *points at Black*
Renamon - Meh. If he wants to do something, let him. Now... *glances at Kurtz* Lets see that folder...

(PS: Sorry but the modem is being nicked by my mum. Be back on tommorrow at the latest!)

White: MMMmmm..... Black.... *moans quietly*

Kurtz: Here... *opens page* A few designs I made for a few Digimon.
Steven: *groaning on the floor* Ouch...
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds

Me - Hmm... *looks in folder*
Renamon - Black is doing something.
Me - Really? What are you up to, Black?
Black - *blush*
Me - *peeks over his shoulder* :shock: You might want to stop that before Kurtz or Kyo find out...
Renamon - What's he doing, then?
Me - This. *transforms into Ferain and wraps both wings around Renamon*
Renamon - I don't see... :shock: *looks down*
Me - Exactly. *goes back to normal after a slight pause*
Renamon - Black, you dirty shit!
Black - *looks very ashamed of himself*

Kurtz: *perks ears up* What's Black doing to White?
Steven: *drools at the sight of Tieya in Kurtz's folder*
Kurtz: HEY! *kicks Steven in the face and he lands straight onto the floor* Seriously, what's Black doing?

White: Ahh..... *moans* Bl-black....
Kurtz: :shock: You tell me now, Black.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds

Black - *starts sweating* I swear I stopped it!
Me - *slaps forehead* You've probably got her thinking happy thoughts.
Renamon - Evil He was rubbing his dick on her leg!
Me - Can you PLEASE... keep your mouth shut?
Black - Err... Hehehe... *sweat drop*
Renamon - Don't tell me to... *blink* Why are we arguing?
Me - Dunno. Huggle?
Renamon - Okie! *does so*

Kurtz: That's it, remove those wings from around White.
Steven: *tries to stand up, blood pouring from his nose* I mean it, I didn't mean to...
Kurtz: *kicks Steven onto the floor again* Shut it already.
Steven: Although, that pic of Tieya was kinda cute....
Kurtz: *kicks Steven's legs again and again* SHUT IT!
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds

Black - O-Ok! *he quickly puts away his wings*
Me - *blinks* You're scared of him?
Black - Aren't you?
Me - Well... Yes... *glances at Kurtz* I thought that pic was cute too... In a good way, of course! Err... *sweat drop* Don't kill me... please?
Renamon - Hey! Back to the huggling!
Me - :roll: *huggle*
Renamon - *purr* Better.