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sleep with undies? or no?
(It says, "You've been caught direct-linking images!" just in case it shows something different on your end.)
Gunter VanCrimson Wrote:Lol, why do you pity me? Yeah, I'm pale- but I'm not albino! lol

My eyes are red because I have an optical condition that appears every other generation or so- lol, we have a record of weak eyesight, blindness, red eyes, green eyes, blue eyes, brown eyes, the steely-blue ones that my grandfather had were nice too- and so forth- began with an aunt, I think- I'll check the family tree.

-I'm magical? COOL! *dances* Magical- A-NA-TO-MY- Uh-huh-uh-huh-

Red eyes FTW.
What is FTW? And lay off the eyes, they get me into enough trouble already- lol.
FTW is For The Win.
What's For The Win?
Its kindas like saying "thats the best!"
so when Ghost said "Red eyes FTW!"
He just meant that your red eyes were pretty cool.
(or something like that. will someone else come in here and help me explain?)
Er- Okay- I'll go with that- By the way, did I mention I hate contacts? Can you recommend another color other than green and blue?
DrunkenMunkee Wrote:Its kindas like saying "thats the best!"
so when Ghost said "Red eyes FTW!"
He just meant that your red eyes were pretty cool.
(or something like that. will someone else come in here and help me explain?)

FTW does in fact equal for the win, so Red Eyes FTW is a compliment. It's a gamer term, meaning that X item is either awesome or will lead us to victory, so, Gun, I think your red eyes kick major ass.
If this gets any spammier, I'll lock it.
Zephyr of Darkness Wrote:If this gets any spammier, I'll lock it.
*Stares blankly*

This is the DaD, dude, so much as glaring at spam is completely irrelevant.