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sleep with undies? or no?
Yes very true....but I like to pretend I get those in a random establishment and talk like I am really having a bad time dealing with it....I have made several people fall out of their seats and many "liquids through nose" happen just because I say it in such a weird tone of voice....brainfreezes can be avoided like shadow said.....headaches I get a ton......though.....
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
That's weird- I get brainfreezes anyway-
Shadow: We actually have Brainfreeze races. You take the ice cream, eat it as fast as you can and first to a brainfreeze wins. If you can call it winning.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
YOU DO!? Wow- that's amazing! I really MUST move to America!
If you move to America-move next door to me!!
*looks around*
Theres certainly a lot of spots for you to pick from..
Really? AWESOME!!
and then I'd have a person next door who i could talk to!! I dont have fun neighbors right now...but Gun could be the fun happy friend who's house I sleep over at! =^_^=
Yeah! And since Blitz is always busy, Ryan's off doing crazy stuff, Blue's off learining how to cook- Vel doesn't give a damn- we can have fun!
yay for fun!!
what kind of fun? ^_~
Any kind you like- What kind DO you like?