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Zanea's Tales 3.
Dally nodded to Ada's question, "I know what you're thinking, but look at this," she fished out what seemed to be a compact disc inside its case, preserved in a perfect state, from her pocket. "I don't know if you have computers in Cinn, but we're going to use this to initiate an emergency purge on the Marsh. It'll get rid of the toxic material. It's the result of our research... To avoid detection by the security mainframe, we must access the old sewage system from the closest interface to Point City. We'll be able to get rid of a good portion of the noxious elements within the place. It'll give us more time to take everyone out of there..."

"If we don't do this, then even if we make it on time, the Marsh will probably have killed everybody... It's a really, really nasty place from what I've heard," Iris added, "Just walking in it saps your strength, and given the amount of people currently sent there, I'd say they'll be bringing heavy reinforcements to keep them there until they die of intoxication..." she gulped.

Dally continued, "If we access the guard post and hack our way from there, we'll have no problem rescuing Nati and the others. That's why we must do this first!"


After they had all been well rested, the party made its way down the road that lead outside the barren land full of scrap metal, a typical junkyard. The foul stench of what seemed to be a garbage disposal site began filling everyone's nostrils the more they advanced in the way of blackened spot of soil, which extended nearly a kilometer in diameter.

Covering her mouth, Dally waved a hand to signal everyone to hide behind a ruined bunker. It would hide their prescence if for a little while. Whilst there, they could all see the guard post:

It was a large, transparent dome-like structure which paled in comparison to the much larger, chrome-plated dome just beneath it; The Marsh. The sisters explained to the party that after the meltdown in Point City, the government had enclosed the ruins so the pollution wouldn't spread from the city, but unfortunately that had not gone well, as evidenced by the blackened soil. Without the thick dome surrounding the ruins however, the toxic air would have eventually covered it all in a much larger area.

The comparatively smaller and transparent dome was housing a building that worked as the outpost to guard the Marsh. People could be seen walking around it, most of them guards, and at the top of the second floor, there was one peculiar figure that differed from the rest.

Clad in what seemed to be platinum armor covering all of their body, the individual's identity was a mystery, clearly no one they had seen before, but definately someone who stood out. The person had their face hidden by a masked helmet of the same material that armor was, but it was clear they were staring at the bunker, as if they already had seen the Party and was awaiting movement.

Iris's eyes bulged, being the first one to notice this mystery figure, as she saw through the small gap of the bunker that the individual had held an arm out in their direction. The ground shortly began quaking.

"Guys! We've been spotted!" Dally growled. Troops were moving their way!

It was as if they had been waiting for them all along...

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"There goes the element of surprise..." Dally cringed.

"Guys, we'll disable those mean turrets!" Iris cried, bouncing in her place, "Just make sure to carve a safe path for us to reach the mainframe and we'll hack the sewage. Don't bother if more enemies come out, once we get the program going, it'll destroy any firewall or protection the system has, and we'll be able to manipulate Marsh!"

"You heard her," Dally nodded, "Be extra careful here... Those guys at the front are just grunts, but that guy... girl, whatever they are, on the back, is sending chills down my spine," she swallowed, getting ready to charge the nearby turret.

The armored commander at the back lifted their arm up and a ray of light descended from the sky, a lightening bolt striking their gauntlet to produce what seemed to be a beautiful rapier, which they brandished and pointed it at the party, not saying anything, but eliciting a battle cry from the grunts.

They were ready to attack.


Emissary from New Sin Town has arrived. Party gets Sacred Water x5, Item Ticket x1 and Hi-Ether x 5!


OOC: Choose a starting point! L-M rows will do.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"We'll be done before they know what hit 'em," Shadow smiled as he cracked his knuckles, punching a nearby boulder and reducing it to dust before readying for the coming fight.

Shadow starts at L-8
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Ada starts at L5.

"Don't worry, we'll take out the grunts quickly and swarm the guy in the back. You two just handle the turrets, and we'll be done in no time." Ada chuckled darkly as she prepared her ruby topped staff for battle as she looked at the forces assembled before them. "Hope you boys like a lil' fire."
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
ooc: Hay everybody! ^_^
Name: John Dakaruka.

Job: Gunner.

Lv. 9.

EXP: 0

Stat Values:

Vit: 4
Chi: 4
Atk: 4
Def: 4
Int: 4
Spr: 4


HP: 40/40. (With Bloody Shawl)
MP: 40/40.
Atk: 11. (With Flintlock and Mythrill Coating)
Def: 6. (With Bloody Shawl)
Int: 7. (With Mythrill Coating)
Spr: 5. (With Bloody Shawl)
Mov: 2.
Rng: 6. (With Eagle Eye)

Stat Points: 0

Weapon: Flintlock. (Atk+2)

Armor: Bloody Shawl. (Def+2, Spr+1, HP+5)

Accessory: Mythrill Coating. (Atk+2, Int+2)

A-Abilities: Sleep Grenade, Acid Round, Coin Practise, Death from Above, Burst Round.

S-Ability: [Eagle Eye].

R-Ability: [Take Cover!].

Deathblow: Final Judgement. (Fire)

Skill Points: 0

IC: John ran for his life, panting hard as he eventually came to a stop. I'm ... Free... he had made it. Free of that toxic place. He took a deep breath, savouring the taste and smell of fresh air; he had almost forgotten what it was like. He looked down to his hand, a basic, old flintlock pistol laying there. Without it, he'd probably be dead now. That and the fact something was diverting everyones attention away. He looked over, and saw the group of people in front of the prison he had just came from. ah, so that's what's gotten so riled up. What's the old saying, the enemy of my enemy i's my friend? "Common, we gotta get the others." he said low, to [seemingly] no one in particular.

John starts in L-1

Ooc: How's this?
The most dangerous phrase ever uttered in all of minecraftia: "/give honeydew 46 64"

Imaginato disciplinis cognoscere modum; sciam quid et ingenii?
My learning and imagination know no bounds; why should my knowledge and abilities?

[Image: scorpiomoon.jpg]
Alchemy: [from the Moon to] Scorpio to man to eagle to the phoenix (female) [to the sun] back to Her consciousness outside the box she created.
Renamon's Army
The Sabre Clan
Veemon's Followers
Lady Devimon's Minions
Creative Minds
Gabumon Loverz
Vook at M6.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Yoosei equips Tri-Blade

HP: 70/70.
MP: 50/50.
Atk: 26 (with Tri-Blade and Mythril Coating)
Def: 12 (with Tetra Jammer and Tri-Blade)
Int: 5 (with Mythrial Coating)
Spr: 5 (with Tetra Jammer)
Mov: 3.
Rng: 1.

Yoosei starts at L2
[Image: KuranKaname1.png]
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
Vance equips Sivril Coating!

HP: 65/65.
MP: 55/55.
Atk: 23. (With Chained Sickles and Sivril Coating)
Def: 11. (With Light Ninja Clothes)
Int: 16. (With Sivril Coating)
Spr: 10. (With Light Ninja Clothes)
Mov: 5. (With Quick Feet)
Rng: 3.

Vance starts at M1!

The loss of the element of surprise seemed to be quite the severe understatement in this situation. They had faced quite a bit of adversity as a team, so there shouldn't be any troubles handling the circumstances that had presented themselves before the party. "Time to make short work," he muttered to himself, checking his person for his throwing weapons and readying himself for utilizing his jutsu.
[Image: Makasiggey.gif]

~Death is Sweet. Embrace it.~

Thank you, Dwaggy, for the signature~!

Kyosan equips Plate Mail!

HP: 105/105.
MP: 55/55.
Atk: 21. (With Dragon Slayer)
Def: 19. (With Plate Mail)
Int: 1.
Spr: 9. (With Plate Mail)

Kyosan starts at L4.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
OOC: Masq, it appears you've mixed your equips up. You equipped the Chained Sickles after the previous mission. Please edit your post. (Unless you actually wanna use the Olm Shells, but remember its Atk rating is lower)


Mission 12. "Cleaning after the Mess."

Enemy Level: 13.
Target Phase: 15.
To Win: Have Dally or Iris at the blue Console for two turns!
Lose if: Neutral Unit K.O., Party K.O.

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HP: 90/90
MP: 110/110
Atk: 5
Def: 12
Int: 26
Spr: 15
Mov: 2
Rng: 1
Status: Normal.


HP: 40/40
MP: 40/40
Atk: 11
Def: 6
Int: 7
Spr: 5
Mov: 2
Rng: 6
Status: Normal.


HP: 105/105
MP: 55/55
Atk: 21
Def: 16
Int: 1
Spr: 9
Mov: 2
Rng: 1
Status: Normal.


HP: 65/65
MP: 30/30
Atk: 22
Def: 14
Int: 7
Spr: 7
Mov: 2
Rng: 1
Status: Normal.


HP: 65/65
MP: 55/55
Atk: 21
Def: 11
Int: 16
Spr: 10
Mov: 5
Rng: 3
Status: Normal.


HP: 90/90
MP: 110/110
Atk: 4
Def: 14
Int: 26
Spr: 14
Mov: 2
Rng: 1
Status: Normal.


HP: 70/70
MP: 50/50
Atk: 26
Def: 12
Int: 5
Spr: 5
Mov: 3
Rng: 1
Status: Normal.

T: Turret.
HP: 100/100
Atk: 20
Def: 99

? (Enigma):

HP: ???/???
MP: ???/???
Atk: ??
Def: ??
Int: ??
Spr: ??
Mov: 3
Rng: 1
Status: Normal.
Weak: ???.
Half: ???, ???, ???.
Immune: ???, ???, ???, ???.
Absorb: None.

Kori (Zeilas Guard):

HP: 80/80
MP: 35/35
Atk: 18
Def: 12
Int: 10
Spr: 10
Mov: 2
Rng: 2
Status: Normal.


Cathy (Zeilas Guard):

HP: 80/80
MP: 35/35
Atk: 18
Def: 12
Int: 10
Spr: 10
Mov: 2
Rng: 2
Status: Normal.


Tulip (Zeilas Guard):

HP: 80/80
MP: 35/35
Atk: 18
Def: 12
Int: 10
Spr: 10
Mov: 2
Rng: 2
Status: Normal.


Monroe (Zeilas Guard):

HP: 80/80
MP: 35/35
Atk: 18
Def: 12
Int: 10
Spr: 10
Mov: 2
Rng: 2
Status: Normal.


Zaeed (Zeilas Guard):

HP: 80/80
MP: 35/35
Atk: 18
Def: 12
Int: 10
Spr: 10
Mov: 2
Rng: 2
Status: Normal.


Robert (Zeilas Guard):

HP: 80/80
MP: 35/35
Atk: 18
Def: 12
Int: 10
Spr: 10
Mov: 2
Rng: 2
Status: Normal.


Mechanic 1

HP: 50/50
MP: 70/70
Atk: 14
Def: 14
Int: 20
Spr: 15
Mov: 2
Rng: 4
Status: Normal.


Mechanic 2

HP: 50/50
MP: 70/70
Atk: 14
Def: 14
Int: 20
Spr: 15
Mov: 2
Rng: 4
Status: Normal.


Iris (Engineer):

HP: 60/60
MP: 70/70
Atk: 10
Def: 10
Int: 20
Spr: 20
Mov: 2
Status: Normal.

Dally (Engineer):

HP: 60/60
MP: 70/70
Atk: 10
Def: 10
Int: 20
Spr: 20
Mov: 2
Status: Normal.


The armored commander at the back suddenly adapted a battle position and swatted their rapier at the air, as if taunting the Party. "Lord Mobius was aware of a pack of weak vermin trying to overstep their bounds. He does not wish you to interfere with his converts. Begone at once, intruders, I shall reject you!" the evidently female voice yelled.


Player Phase 1!
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Ada moves to J5.

Ada casts Assault on herself! (Attack is boosted to 8 for three turns! Intelligence is boosted to 39 for three turns!) (-16 MP)
Ada's MP: 94/110

The raven haired sorceress grinned as her entire being glowed and burst with power. She looked ahead at their opposition and chortled confidently at the lady knight in the back. "Hah, you're mighty proud for someone who's too cowardly to show their face! We'll take care of you and your master!" In truth, Ada knew the figure was strong, flowing within some sort of unnatural power, but under her Assault spell, she felt unstoppable.

Kyosan moves to J4.

Kyosan defends and ends his turn.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions