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Xeno panic!
Mary moaned beneath the water, arching her back as she came and came from all the stimulation she was receiving. At last she came harder than ever before, her juices clearly mixed with the water in the tank. Mary's eyes were glazed over entirely and she was oblivious to the world, her mouth hanging open, her breathing heavy.

Katt and little Sleen watched the whole event, both moaning and purring softly as the spores in their bodies pleasured them. Suddenly, however, Katt was grabbed from behind, as was Sleen, and both girls were pulled away by an unknown man into the shadows.

Alex would try to act fast enough, but the room was soundproof, and the only way to talk outside the talk was to press a button on the wall and speak into a speaker. Even then, Katt was the one manning the speaker, and so she could not tell the other scientist that SHE was being kidnapped. Alex could try to shape shift and smash the glass in the lab, but it was resistant quarantine glass made to keep Mary safe during her preganancy. How Ironic now that even though Alex could smash the glass, it would take him several precious minutes, in which Akuma would already be gone with two of his girls.

Akuma would have to deal with both struggling girls while remaining stealthy enough to get out of the compound without being detected by security. The little one was easy to restrain, especially with his shape shifting powers, but Katt was putting up quite a struggle, clawing, scratching, and biting to get free. Akuma would also be able to smell the spores inside both girls. They belonged to another Xeno, and so long as they had those spores, they could be tracked. What that meant was that he had two options, release them and grab another two girls that could not be traced, or fuck them both and have his spores replace Alex's.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"NO!" Alex roared, watching his girls being taken away. He turned his hands into blades and attacked the glass, but it would take minutes to carve an escape. Once he did though, he looked at the shadows the girl's had gone through and spider legs ripped out of his back, helping him move faster towards them. He let out a bestial roar as he gave chance, smashing through anything in his way. "GIVE! THEM! BACK!" he roared, believing it to be the attacker from earlier.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
"Stop struggling" Akuma yelled as he runs away with kat and sleen. Akuma ran until he was a good distances away from the others.

"Good now to get rid of those troublesome spores" Akuma said as he ties Kat and Sleens hands behind there back and starts to rip off there clothes.

"I got to make this quick before they track me down" Akuma said as he ripped off the last piece of clothing and thrusts roughly into Sleen. Four tentacles came out of Akuma's back and starts to rub against Kats pussy.
I look upon this world and all I see is Darkness.
[Image: phantom_ruler_by_junsei_reikaru-d31of5i.png]
"I'll FUCKING KILL YOU!" Alex's voice roared. If Akuma didn't hurry, he would have to deal with a very angry and bloodthirsty Xeno. "You're dead! I'll tear your apart and eat the pieces, you piece of shit!" The alien screamed, his body growing spikes and monstrous limbs.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
"Crap I need to get out of here" Akuma said as he sensed Alex getting closer. Akuma grabbed the two girls and set up a trap and tripwire.

"this should keep him busy" Akuma said as he ran away with the girl. If Alex were to arrive at the place Akuma stop at he would trip on the tripwire and activate the four containers of knock out gas and passes out.
I look upon this world and all I see is Darkness.
[Image: phantom_ruler_by_junsei_reikaru-d31of5i.png]
"Fuck you! Alex is going to tear you apart when he finds you!" Katt yelled at Akuma as he tied her up and stripped both her and the little Neko with her. Sleen looked frightened and struggled in her bindings. She paled when she saw his cock and struggled more. "Nooo, please! Papa! Papa help!" she cried before suddenly screaming as she was thrust into. Being and organism made just to please Alex, and thus Xenos, her pussy felt almost perfect to Akuma, tight in all the right ways and warm. She bit her lip as tears formed in her eyes.

"You son of a bitch!" Katt yelled as he began to move them again. Katt was a scientist, and a good one at that, and recognized what he was doing with the trip wire and knock out gas. "Alex!" She yelled, hoping he could hear. "Its a trap! He is setting up a trap!" She would continue to tell him it was a tripwire and where it was if she was not gagged or knocked out. Still, even struggling as she was, her shiny black fur and gleaming yellow eyes only accentuated her deliciously sexy body, one Alex had not played with in a long time.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex heard the voice of Katt and transformed himself in response. His legs shrunk and wings ripped out of his body, flying after the other Xeno. He saw the captor and let out a loud, inhuman roar. "I will rip you apart with my bare teeth! You're going to fucking die, shit stain!" The alien screamed, his skin melting away as spikes tore out of his body.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
"Dammit" Akuma yelled as he pulled out a round orb and threw it at Alex. It exploded in a bright flash of light and blinds him. Akuma knocks kat and out and threw another orb of knock out gas at Alex that exploded.

"That should take care of him" Akuma said as he grabbed The two girls and ran away with them.
I look upon this world and all I see is Darkness.
[Image: phantom_ruler_by_junsei_reikaru-d31of5i.png]
Suddenly, something burst from the wall, exploding it outwards, and pinning Alex to the other side of the wall. Although he now had scaly skin and man arms to pin him with, the culprit whas unmistakable, it was the strange Xeno from before. "Hello dear Alex!" It said as it tossed him back down the hall, giving Akuma time to escape.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex was not so easily stopped. He had already lost one girl to another monster, he refused to loose two more. If it was anyone else on this damned ship, he would have been able to sacrifice them to protect his girls, but the lost of Sleen, Katt, or any of his slaves was too much. Blind rage overcome him and he didn't care if he was blind, tentacles shot out of his body as he wildly lashed out. Since the spores were still inside his girls, and he could sense where they were, as long as the other Xeno held them close he risked being caught. He also made his nose vanish, though he did smell a trace of the knock out gas, it didn't effect him too badly....for now.

Akuma would have to ask himself if two girls were worth the anger of this scored alien. His tentacles let out a sticky substance as they attempted to hit either him, Katt, or Sleen. Even if Akuma escaped him for now, as long as the spores were within either girl he risked being caught. And Alex would show him no mercy. "I'm going to kill you! THOSE ARE MY GIRLS! MINE!" the mad beast screamed as he attacked.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.