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Zanea's Tales 3.
Vook casts Heal on Yoosei (+25 HP)

MP: 99/105
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Yoosei takes 16 DMG (27DMG -11DEF)

HP: 54/70

Yoosei recovers 25HP due to Vook's heal

HP: 70/70

Yoosei moves to G6

Yoosei attacks Uji (21DMG)
[Image: KuranKaname1.png]
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions

Ada: 88-4
Kyosan: 10-2
Shadow: 0-0
Vance: 12-1
Vook: 42-1
Yoosei: 24-2

@Shadow, sorry if I'm assuming, but keep in mind your character can move even if they can't act. Just in case you unknowingly didn't move.


(Kyo is asleep for 3 more turns)

Uji takes 58 damage! HP: 2/60. (Ada +12 EXP, +1 FP; Yoosei +12 EXP, +1 FP)

Tap takes 49 damage! HP: 11/60. (Ada +12 EXP)

Marylin takes 5dmg! HP: 55/60. (Vance +12 EXP, +1 FP)

(Vook +10 EXP, +1 FP)

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Kyosan loses a turn. 1/3

Neutral Phase.

Terminals are being accessed. Please wait. (2 turns left)

Enemy Phase.

Sentry 2 attacks Iris! (12dmg) (Iris's HP: 46/50)

"Eeek! Get him off me!" Iris cried, struggling to keep her typing up while being attacked.

Tap moves to F3 and uses Bio-Rounds on Ada! (27dmg, inflicts Flu) MP: 25/35.

[TIP! Flu is a Status Ailment which, for three turns, will sap its victim's MP by 10% of its Maximum every turn! Cure with Medicine or corresponding Ability]

Uji moves to H5 and attacks Yoosei! (18dmg)

Marylin moves to F4 and attacks Ada! (18dmg)

Nigel moves to E8 and attacks Shadow! (18dmg)

Xavier attacks Shadow! (18dmg)

"Call reinforcements!"

Berth appears on J2!

Coach appears on J6!

Jules appears on J11!

Reinforcements are loading weapons. (Pass)

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Player Phase 5!
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
EDIT: Forgot the effect of Ada's MP Absorb.

Ada's head suddenly feels heavy both from the pain and the sudden Flu symptoms she acquired. Her party didn't have any Medicine, her only recourse was to fight on in her current condition. "D-Damn...I'll make you pay for that..." She sneezed a little before regaining her focus.

Ada takes 29 Damage and loses 9 MP from the Flu, but gains 5 MP from MP Absorb.
(Ada's HP: 26/55)
(Ada's MP: 71/95)

Ada moves to E2.

Ada casts Firaga on F4! (+ Spread hits Marylin and Tap.) (1.7 Spell Bonus x 1.5 Fire Staff Bonus x 23 INT = 59 Fire Damage to each)
(Ada's MP: 55/95)

As Tap was completely incinerated, Ada took a moment to catch her breath and try to fend off her Flu. She looked over to Vance and smiled, thankful he had blocked off the other alley. "Thanks. I think one of the other soldiers over there...Marylin, she should be an easy target for you." She then peeked through the alleyway and tried to gauge the situation of her teammates. Not good, but they're strong. They'll regroup.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
Vance attacks Marilyn! 17 Dmg! (ATK)

"Easy target indeed," Vance stated, twirling an olm shell before tossing it out a way, watching as it spun rapidly in the air and curved around, heading out of the alleyway only to strike the intended guard. "Ada, heads up. We've got another one on us," he warned, catching sight of a new guard at the end of the alleyway, no doubt preparing his weapon to attack them.

Vance waits.
[Image: Makasiggey.gif]

~Death is Sweet. Embrace it.~

Thank you, Dwaggy, for the signature~!

Kyosan is asleep.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
OOC: No I wasn't, I thought it was like a parylysis thing and skipped my turn. No big.


Shadow takes 9 damage (HP: 51/60)

Shadow moves to C10

Shadow uses Wild Force atk increased 20% (MP: 19/25)

"GRAAHHH!" Shadow roared loudly, an aura growing around him and taking the shape of a feral tiger, "Bring it on!" he roared again, crouching down into a more feral fighting position.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Vook waits.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Yoosei takes 7DMG (18DMG-11DEF)

HP: 63/70

Yoosei moves to H6

Yoosei attacks Uji (21DMG)
[Image: KuranKaname1.png]
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions

Ada: 124-8
Kyosan: 10-2
Shadow: 10-1
Vance: 24-2
Vook: 42-1
Yoosei: 48-5


Marylin takes 54dmg! HP: 1/60. (Vance +12 EXP, +1 FP; Ada +12 EXP, +1 FP)

Tap takes 49dmg! K.O.!! (Ada +24 EXP, +3 FP)

Uji takes 9dmg! K.O.!! (Yoosei +24 EXP, +3 FP)

(Shadow +10 EXP, +1 FP)

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Shadow's Wild Force has 3 turns left.

Neutral Phase.

Terminals are being accessed. Please wait. (1 turn left)

Enemy Phase.

"Arrest the trespassers! Deadly force is authorized!" the alarms shouted.

Marylin moves to F3 and uses Energy Cuffs on Vance! (Disables Target from Acting for one turn) MP: 30/35.

Berth uses Snipe on Ada! (27dmg) MP: 25/35.

Guan moves to F7 and uses Bio Rounds on Vook! (27dmg, inflicts Flu) MP: 25/35.

Coach attacks Yoosei! (18dmg)

Nigel moves to E10 and attacks Shadow! (18dmg)

Sentry 2 attacks Iris! (12dmg) (Iris's HP: 42/50)

Xavier moves to G12 and uses Snipe on Kurtz! (27dmg) MP: 20/35. [TIP! If attacked physically, a sleeping character HAS to wake up. This doesn't work with magic, though.]

Jules moves to H11.

Sentry 3 appears on J3.

Sentry 4 appears on J11.

Ted appears on J7.

"Guys! Their numbers are growing, get moving already!" Dally adviced.

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Player Phase 6!
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad