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Mass Effect 3! Predictions! (Possible Spoilers for ME1 and ME2)
Okay, I'm bored, and I wanna mimic one of those topics I often see at the GameFAQs boards just about any game and a possible sequel.

Hmmmmmmm. They revamped the combat and level up system by quite a lot in the ME1 -> ME2 transission. I don't think it's far-fetched to think we'll now be able to add an extra layer of protection to our Shep, right? It'd be cool to actually find extra armor to get more health. Would make the game unnecessarily easier, but if enemies can have three layers, why can't we?! Pif.

On the topic of romances, does anybody think we'll lose Garrus and Tali in ME3? That'd be devastating to me. They are the most exciting and popular characters ever to me. In the ME1 -> ME2 transission, we not only lost most of the crew, but we also lost the two (remaining) love interests, Alenko/Williams and Liara (WHO WAS EVILLY TURNED INTO A MAFIA LEADER! GRRRR D:!)

We need more Paragon/Renegade actions. A lot more. I'd like to get some that invoke some melee (non-armed) fights, and if they don't come up with a melee style of fighting that includes kicking, punching and throws, it'd be cool if we could QTE them.

I want the quarians to go to war with the geth. And let it be a huuuuuge side-tracking event/mission that makes saving the galaxy an impossibility unless Shep picks sides and either lose. (I'll hate making the choice, probably would aid quarians since Tali's sexy, but it'll do for quite the dramatic effect!)

If Garrus continues with his amazing appearances, he should be given several girls throughout the whole game, and hint that he's been so rough with them that they cum when they hear his name. He deserves getting lots of booty and to be acknowledged as a galaxian stud. I'm not fan-boy biased.

Mordin should sing more opera.

Tali should get exposed to some sort of positive radiation that increases her boob size.

Samara should make another appearance, and to strip tease.

Oh, yeah. Back to the issue. I want Assault Rifles being as cool and game-breaking as they were in ME1. ME2 had alright ARs, but their spread long-distance made them suck over over-using Sniper Rifles.

There should be more infiltration. I liked that James Bond rip-off mission with the DLC character Kasumi the thief.

We should visit the Hanar world! It'd be nice to have some missions related to under-water exploration. Plus if there are asari swimming around we'll see delightful tentacle-rape scenes! I've heard Hanar, despite their solemn way of communicating, are deranged perverts.

There should be better Biotic powers. I didn't try them all, but how about adding something like a shredding sonic-boom? I'd love to be able to slice enemies in half. We need more blood, dammit!

So what do you guys think/want of ME3?
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
The third game will probably revolve around allegiances and building up a force strong enough to fight the entire Reaper force. Most likely, they'll have another fallback plan, like a giant construct that is a system-ending weapon.

We'll probably have more information on the rapidly-aging star Tali was studying.

Liara and Williams/Kaiden will be making a return in Mass Effect 3, and you will get rewarded if you didn't have any relationship options in ME2.

There have been many allusions to army-building in ME3.

Keeping the Genophage cure.

Encouraging/Discouraging the quarians to go to war against the geth on their homeworld.

Killing or reprogramming the Heretics in Legion's loyalty mission.

Saving the Collector Base.

Saving Wrex in the first game so he can unite the Krogan under one banner.

There will most likely be even more extreme powers you get in ME3. Given the rapid development of more powerful biotic implants, you'd probably get another implant upgrade if you're an Adept and get the power to crush a soldier into a breadbox.

Soldiers could be able to go Rambo and unleash a hellstorm of lead on the enemies. They could also get muscle upgrades to go Iron Man on the enemy and punt a Krogan 50 feet into the air and get ammo upgrades to turn all their bullets into explosive rounds.

More extreme Heavy Weapons would be fun, one that would launch balls of magma or a gigasonic-emitter that acts like a blown-up version of the biotic shockwave and just knocks everything into a wall and causes damage to their internal organs through their layers of armor. A miniaturized version of the Thatix cannon would also be sick.

It's possible we may get an SR-3 Normandy. Not that the previous Normandy was destroyed, but rather that the whole ship was rebuilt from the ground up and designed specifically to be a Reaper-killer.

We'll probably have another organization of the general bad guys to fight, and these will probably be indoctrinated by the Reapers or people who willingly side with the Reapers in a futile attempt to preserve themselves. We may also learn more about the Keepers and the innermost workings of the Citadel. And hopefully, we'll learn the true motives of the Reapers.
[Image: WalkingEye-1.jpg]

No super-villain can resist the temptation of a Walking Eye.
Huh? Isn't it already clear that they want the universe to undergo a perpetual recreative cycle so they can continue perfecting themselves? The only reason this isn't happening is because Shepard's standing in their way.

Speaking of that, I know it's pretty damn obvious, but it's quite impressive if you think that the Reapers are a race that 'has always been around' and has always been destroying everything in the galaxy after helping 'em develop to gain more power, and yet a grain out of that sand box is screwing them up bad.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Have they let you have a threesome yet? Because that's my vote for what's going to happen. heh heh Seriously though, I did see how you can choose two girls in one of the games.
Now that I'm so invested in the characters they better at least bring back Tali, Garrus, and legion

Also more Turians. They were pretty much the star species of the first game and in the second they didn't have nearly any part in the story at all.

It would also be nice if we had more alien alies. There's a whole universe worth of alien species to use and a lot of your party is still humans anyway.

The last thing would be male/male relationships. It doesn't necessarily have to be shepard but it would be nice if they would at least acknowlage they exist in the mass effect universe. Considering how much attention that stupid lesbian scene gets all the time.
Gabumon Loverz
Veemon's Followers
Renamon's Army
It's hard not to think of lesbianism when Asari are a female-only race. <:3

And I think you meant Legion!
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Yeah my spellings a little stupid on this mobile browser. This barebones spellcheck doesn't help much either.
Gabumon Loverz
Veemon's Followers
Renamon's Army
At the end of Mass Effect 3, it will be revealed that it was all a dream. Then fanboys across the world will take their pitchforks and torches and tear Bioware apart. /This is a fucking joke. :P

I still need to play through ME2 myself whenever I get a copy, but I hope they give the trilogy a real sense of finality with the Reapers being defeated or at least thwarted for a few centuries in the third game.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
I hated ME2's ending. But I like the badass music on both titles at the end. It's upbeat and awesome, but also kinda makes me remember those commercials for new films!
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad