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Xeno panic!
"No! Let me go!" Agatha screamed, uselessly punching Alex's tentacles as though she werent afraid of him. This fierce anger stemmed from something deeper then simple betrayal, and Kat didnt move from where she was, though at least she was breathing now. Kat seemed completely content with being killed by Agatha, and it appeared Agatha really wanted to do it. "We are not even! We can never be even!" She screamed angrily, trying to claw her way back to Kat. The other girls began to wake up now and looked over with more than a little concern. Amy jumped off the bed and went to snuggle next to Agatha and got a kick in the face for the effort.

Amy looked stunned for a few seconds before her eyes teared up and she suddenly turned and shoved herself under the bed and began to weep there, never having been hit before in her memory. Now granted that Agatha, in her flailing, had not meant to kick poor Amy in the face, at the moment she didnt feel sorry for doing it either. Silvia scowled and crawled under the bed to help calm her sister while Angela and Rhona simply sat there and watched, Angela squinting to try to make out what was going on, and Rhona biting her lip nervously.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Why are you so angry!?" Alex roared. Agatha had just hurt TWO girls, and that did not make Alex feel good. He was fiercely protective of his girls, and to see one hurt made his body burn with hate. "As far as I know, you are even! Are either of you not telling me something?!" he growled, his tentacles holding the raging human. He then looked Kat, glaring at her. "Start talking. What? Were you two lovers of something before you betrayed her? Best friends? A little explanation would help make sure you two don't kill one another," he said. "Start talking."
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
"She fell in love..." Kat said softly. "SHUT UP! SHUT UP YOU BITCH!" Agatha screamed. "With one of the prey." Agatha began to struggle harder than ever but then broke down in Alex's tentacles. Kat continued, staring up at the ceiling as though nothing were happening. "She fell in love with one of the people who was fed to Mike. I had to order the process." She said softly, revealing a betrayal even before this one, and a much deeper history.

Agatha sobbed uncontrollably then. "she..She didnt deserve it..." She cried softly. "She was such a good person...she was so" she couldnt speak anymore, her shaking cries of anguish robbing her of her ability to speak. Kat was unfazed. "IT happened before Agatha was my assistant and just a small time med student. She was in love with a woman called Sarah. She was also a med student. She signed up for one of the trick test trials the company set up in their area...and was chosen to be Mike's next slave. She disappeared, and Agatha tried to find her, followed her trail to the company, enlisted...worked her way up quickly...became my assistant. She was there just in time to see the last of Mike's victims give birth...and so Sarah was next."

"I begged you to spare her! I gave myself to you so you would spare her!" Agatha cried out in sorrow. "I talked to the council....I asked them to choose another so that I could perhaps test Sarah's intelligence...see if she could be my assistant like Agatha instead of food...they told my I I had to choose. I could only have one assistant...I chose Agatha." Another wail of pain escaped the humans lips, and she went limp in Alex's tentacles.

"She died....painfully...horribly...crying..." Kat continued, her voice almost robotic in its steadiness. "And then Agatha continued to work for me...for months...I began to enter an...intimate relationship with her...but it was all a trap...One night she brought a hidden knife into my room, and as we made love, attempted to kill me. Luckily my door had been left slightly ajar and a robot heard the disturbance and entered just in time to restrain her...she was convicted and sentenced, and so she was to be made into Mike's next victim. Out of our three Xeno's, he goes through the most women. We have hundreds of Xeno eggs from him, all different genes and purposes...he is like a factory. A horrible...beautiful machine....but I couldnt let I instead fed her to you."

Agatha continued to cry, Kat said nothing, and the girls watched on, not knowing what came next...
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"She saved you. You tried to kill her, and she saved you. If you were with Mike, you would be dead. Instead, she sent you to me, and now you're alive," Alex said, and gently dropped Agatha to the ground, and stood between her and Kat. "And now look. She has been betrayed, and is now on your level. You two are now here, trapped by the ones you worked for."

He then sighed and looked at Agatha. "I know you are upset about Sarah, but think. If Kat had switched places, where would we be? A heartbroken, angry at the world with me here now instead of you? We can't change the past. I know you two are mad at each other, but there's nothing that can be done now. You both have been hurt. I know, and I'm sorry. But this needs to be buried in the past."
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Kat said nothing, but nodded a little. Agatha simply sobbed on the ground as the horrible image of her lover's death replayed itself over and over and she wished it had been her and not Sarah, her sweet, pure Sarah. She had not deserved it...she should not have been killed. Alex would know better than anyone what her last days would have been like. After nearly a month of being stuck to a wall, terrified and fed nothing but that gray goop, she would suddenly begin to have contractions. And then the birthing would begin. Sadly, half the time, the egg would fail to be born and so it would eventually hatch within the woman, and...well, hatch out of her. The death was not a pleasant one, nor a quick one. If the woman did manage to give birth to it in time, she would live...but just barely.

Amy was still weeping sadly under the bed and Silvia was still there trying to sooth her. Agatha had been wounded deeply, and the wound was one that cut deep and was left bleeding, which was then displayed in her pitiful sobbing. Kat however may actually have been worse off on the inside. Kat was the lab type, she had no time for family or friends, and so when someone gets close to her heart, and then breaks it in the worst way, the wound never really heals. After Agatha's betrayal, Kat had only her work and ambitions...and now she had nothing.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
He placed a hand on each of their shoulders and sighed. "You have me. And I swear, I won't impregnate you. I will fight my nature. I'm not like the rest of my species. I'm...weaker. I've always been. You've both lost great things. Agatha, you've lost your lover. Kat, you're lost your life's work and ambitions. Now, the only thing I can give you is love, pleasure, and protection. This is the best I can give to you. It's not what you deserve, you should have more, but life has dealt you a foul hand. I hate to say it, but the only thing you may have now is each other and me..." the alien sighed. "And I know it's not the best, but life can be a cruel whore at times, just like it can be a perfect lover."
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Kat merely nodded, Alex's words not reaching her, it was almost as if she considered herself already dead. Suddenly Agatha seemed to realize something but bit her lip. After a moment she broke her tears for just a moment and asked "Kat...does anyone know know..." She clearly was no enjoying bringing it up but received an answer when Kat shook her head no. "Oh..." Agatha got up and wiped her eyes. "Im...Im sorry master...Its not your fault...I dont blame you." She said softly, and if allowed to, would hug him.

"I...I think Im ready for bed now master...if...if you want me to...that is..." Agatha was now returning to her normal self and began to realize that she was rightly on the grounds for punishment, since she had nearly strangled Kat and kicked Amy in the face. Speaking of which, Amy soon emerged from the bed, whimpering softly and looking at them through her one good eye. Her other eye was black and a little swollen. Suddenly Agatha felt a wave of guilt, she might as well have kicked a baby in the face.

Silvia also came out, looking at Agatha disapprovingly, holding her poor sister close. Amy mewled softly for her master, but aside from that, everyone seemed ready to go to bed.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex hugged Agatha back sadly, and he slowly pulled away. "First, I want you to apologize to Amy. Go. Apologize to her sisters to, and the rest of the slaves for waking them up," he added. "You're not allowed on the bed until you do," he warned. "Everyone else, once Agatha has apologized to you, get on the bed and sleep. We've all had a long day." He then looked at Kat, and snapped his fingers in her face, trying to get her attention. "You and I have some talking to do. What was Agatha referring to?" he wondered.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Agatha walked up to Amy and hugged her gently. Amy flinched a little, but allowed it and began to purr after a moment. "Im sorry...I didnt mean to kick you." She said to the purring cat girl, and kissed her cheek. She the apologized to Silvia and then said "Im sorry for waking you up everyone...It wont happen again." After that Agatha tucked into bed and Amy snuggled into her side as usual and the attention suddenly went to Kat as fingers were snapped in her face. her unfocused eyes wandered over to Alex and it was already clear that her mental state was either deteriorating very very quickly, or she was just that depressed. "Its nothing." She said softly, closing her dulled golden eyes. "I was on antidepressants. Without them...even with them they wouldnt help...not here." She shook her head and curled up like she had before. "Dont...worry. I will wake up tomorrow like the other girls and eat my breakfast and walk outside with you." She said softly, if not in an emotionless tone.

(Time skip? Alex will have to wake them up)
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Kat....Try and get some good night sleep," he pleaded.


When the girls awoke, they would find they were all on the bed, and Alex was standing above them. He had switched places with Kat, letting the girl rest on the bed while he was on the floor. He held plates of the grey goop and asked the girls to come off the bed and eat. There was one for everyone, and he laid them on the ground for them to take and eat.

((Going to sleep. Night))
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.