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Xeno panic!
No response was issued from the speakers, but soon a food robot began to enter to feed them. He was going to have to somehow get on it without it or the people watching noticing him and get to Kat and....persuade her to let him and his girls go.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Perfect!" Alex smiled, and stood up and walked over to the robot. She placed her hands on the plates, about to take them. As she did so, a small, silver worm slithered out under her index finger's nail, and quickly jumped on to the robot and moved down to it's leg, and blended in on it.

Alex took the plate, and although it did not show she was in pain. As a Xeno though, she knew how to withstand pain, and kept the smile up and walked over to the bed and placed it on the bed. She dumbly smiled, as her brain was now cut into two pieces. "You can go out that door now and leave now," she said, turning to the door and blankly stared at it, before eating whatever was on it, smiling dumbly still.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Alex's ploy worked and soon he was in the hallway on the robots leg. Now it was only a matter of having enough brain power to find his way to Kat's room and catching her.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The female Alex back in the room was child like. She giggled playfully and would tease her girls in their sleep. She laid on her bed with a smile on her face, cuddiling with her girls.

As for the worm, he stay on the robot's leg, and awaited a safe place to get off. While his female form was a child, he was more of an adult. Once he found somewhere safe, he jumped off the robot and the worm began to grow and bubble. his body soon took shape and form, and he now looked like one of the scientist.

He looked around, before walking off to find Kat. Once he did, he would find a place to turn into something small, and try and hide on her person.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
It would not take long for Alex to find Dr. Kat, since she was watching Alex closely through the glass. "There seems to have been a slight change of behavior...perhaps it impregnated Agatha..." She yawned and handed the note pad she was holding to one of her assistants, the one that had replaced Agatha. "Keep it under constant defined observation, all gay crew, I dont want what happened last time to happen again. And retrieve Agatha as soon as she begins to show signs of impregnation, I want to...speak to her, as well as run the usual tests." With another yawn she turned around, her sweeping white lab coat trailing behind her as she headed for her room, passing a table Alex had been standing next to and picking up a cup of water she had left there.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex smiled and quickly looked around. If there was no one around, he would quietly give chase after Dr. Kat, slowly shrinking down in size. He was turning into a small, insignificant fly. If someone was nearby, he would run for a good place to transform. As a fly, he would attempt to land on Kat, following her to her room. If he couldn't land, he would settle for simply flying after her, trying to stay out of sight and hearing.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Alex would soon find himself on her lab coat, and would have to hide in a fold somewhere if he wanted to avoid being spotted on the pure white coat, or at least transform to fit into it. Whatever the case was, he would find himself in her private, sound proof, locked room soon enough and when he did Kat would strip down to nothing and enter her bathroom to shower after stowing some data onto her laptop.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex quickly turned into a white patch, so he would not be seen. While he could of admired Kat's body, he quickly turned into his human form and looked at the door. He knew it was locked, but to ensure it was \, he began spitting an odorless quick hardening liquid on it. The liquid would help keep the door closed, just in case Kat unlocked in, and just in case someone tried to get in.

He then jumped on the ceiling, and laid on it, turning into the same color as it and becoming flat. He then awaited the kitten to return...
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Kat came back into her room wearing a towel not long after, and filling the room temporally with steam from her hot bath. She quickly dried herself and began to dress herself in standard white pajama's, both top and bottoms having long sleeves and made of soft cloth. She then walked to her desk to add something into her laptop and noticed the gunk on her door. She walked to it slowly and picked at it with her finger nail.

Had she not been covered in lustrous soft black fur she would have turned pale. This was the same gunk that Mike used to hold his hosts to the wall, to restrain them and keep them still. She already knew it was to strong to break, and that only a Xeno could produce it and its solvent. That meant only one thing.

She straightened and turned around slowly, and if she did not find Alex in the room with her, then her marvelous golden eyes would begin to search the room for any irregularities, and they would stop with her gaze upon the peculiar lump on her ceiling. Alex could feel her speeding heart rate, taste her fear. She was defenseless, and worse yet, she knew it.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The 'lump' fell to the ground, and turned into Alex as it landed. He looked at Kat and smiled. "Hello, Ms. Kat," he greeted, before four of his fingers on his right hand turned into tentacles and attempted to restrain Kat's limbs. "Surprised to see me?" he wondered, his clothes disappearing into his skin, leaving him naked with his dick out.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.