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Digimon Savers Shorts
Ikuto strikes back !
UnknownH Wrote:Good work. Maybe once you're done we can put these together, maybe add some dialog, and make it like a real translated doujin release. Then I can upload it somewhere. Maybe the same place I put that one doujin.
(check the digi-h board)

Thanks! So that means I leave the speech balloons and dialogues to you great guys, since methinks you're more expert than I am when it comes in NC-17 speeches. mrgreen 'Specially Reclaimer-san.
Well here is for the latest page

UpperL: Ikuto lip smack sound effect
UpperR: Yoshino: "Ahhh!  Ikuto, please be gentle"
LowerL: Yoshino moan
LowerR: Ikuto: "Mmmmm"
           Yoshino: "Ikuto...that feels so good..."

Sorry if its not so good, I've got a killer headache from having nasal surgery so when I sit up to long it makes my headaches worse...if you do plan on doing a text version and need better finalized lines, let me know, I'd be glad to start from page one and work it through.

Update 5/30
SnK I'm having withdrawls
The Reclaimer Wrote:SnK I'm having withdrawls


Anyways, time to Reclaim this thread. Been leaving it alone for sometime..Oh well...


So there's one more page left? If there is then we need to get editing and put words and maybe a title page. Then we can make a opening page just before it starts. Once that's done we can put it together and I'll upload it somewhere. The same place the other one is probably.
You know what the best way to kick back is...a hot pic of Yoshino...oh you did that? That's cause you rock.

Nice work page left...aww...let me know if you want someone to drop the text in for you.
Ok then. SnK will be the artist, Reclaimer will be the writer, LS shall be "quality control", and I shall supervise it.
Does that sound good?
UnknownH Wrote:Ok then. SnK will be the artist, Reclaimer will be the writer, LS shall be "quality control", and I shall supervise it.
Does that sound good?

*Thumbs-up* Sure! 8)
Now we need a team name! lol
Maybe something with DATS and an "e" in it. That's all I could think of.
Something that say we deal in digimon(mostly savers) and porn.