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M/ECA Combat Commission (Furry Mecha/Powerarmor RP)
Disturbed then gasped "Wh-what? Oh um nothing just washing my hands!" he quickly tried his hands and face before openning the bathroom door seeing Mitsuki he gave a warm smile. He didnt notice but his erection his pants was now very noticable.
Armageddon jumped high into the air"I see you are quick on your feet,dodge this."The mech aimed its lava cannon at Weyr"Eat this."A ball of lava launched out of the cannon,flying straight at Weyr.
Flynn blinking, a little taken aback by William's forthrightness. "H-here's your tea." He sat down, glad to talk shop.

"We've got some pretty talented mechanics here, so we can tune up your M/ECA to just about the highest performance its frame and engine can handle. We also do terrain specialisations, so your M/ECA can hack it underwater, in the desert, outer space, you name it." He smiled. "We have an all-terrain modification as well, that that's limited to my M/ECA, only." He plucked a small handheld monitor from inside his jacket pocket. "Hang on, I'll pull up our weapons inventory." He clicked a few buttons before sliding it across the table. "There you go. Those are all the weapons, integrated and external, we provide and service. Naturally, we have some...nicer pieces, but those are limited to R-CATS (Rausch Combat Armour Technology Systems) personnel only."
"Danke!" said William, taking the little pad off Flynn. "Let's take a look at your kit... are these basic weapon models installable into style-based packages? Like, a laser in a monocle, or something.... Ah, there we are. Take a look at this...."

He held the palmtop out to Flynn. "You see this vibrating knife? Well..." he pulled up another window. "If you were to attach this to the barrel of this machine gun..." He brought up a GoogleMac Search engine image search, ignored the limitless porn and clicked on the picture of a WWI rife. "...And then install it into a frame like this, I could have a functionable and stylish weapon in my hands. Ja?"
"Bitte," Flynn replied in reasonably convincing German. He eyed the proposed weapon combination. "Hmm...I think I've seen something like that before. Let's see..." He entered a search into the tablet. It chimed. "Ah here we go. You're looking for something like this: a PLC-7X." He frowned. "You don't need guns to fight, you know. There are other, more honourable ways to fight your opponent rather than sniping them from a distance."
"You think I don't have honour? My M/ECA is based on World War styles. Do you know what they did to each other back then? Chivalry was dead: long gone were the days of honourable charges and battlefeild tactics. Frankly, be glad I drew the line at my guns: if I were to fully emulate the appaling abominations of those days, I would have gas that disolved your lungs, missles that could bombard cities hundreds of miles away, and weapons based on Atomic theory capable of damage years after they were used." He held up the Iron Cross he kept on a necklace on top of his cravat. "This is an heirloom from those days: pased through my family for generations. There is my honour."
< Mitsuki's House >

Mitsuki turn her face, looking to Disturbed which his face and hands already wet, giggling. "You are taking quite long time in the restroom. I wonder...." Without realise, her eyes staring to the buldge under his pants.

Her eyes widened and the deep blush crossed over her cheek, before turn her face to other direction. "Y-you're naughty...Dis.." She paused between words, as she lifts her shaky arm and point to his buldge.
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[Image: 3813135.png] [img][Image: YVNJ5.gif][/img]
Renamon's Army
Creative Minds
"Naughty..?" Disturbed traced her finger to his tented pants he blushes deeply gasping he quickly turned around trying to hide it. The wolf tried to push the bulge down but the erection was just too strong and just came back up "Dang it...I'm really sorry Mitsukie." he lowered his head as he kept trying to push it back in with now success.
Flynn raised an eyebrow. "Fair enough. I'll put in that order for you." He entered a few commands on the tablet. "It'll take a few hours for the work order to be processed. In the mean time, would you like a tour of the compound?"
As the orb of molten rock and metal hurtled towards Weyr, a single word came through over the comm-link.


A wave hurtled past Weyr, colliding with the magma ball and neutralizing it completely. Tachikaze stared up at Armageddon, smiling slightly. In his hand was his Plasma Blade, errupting with a white-hot stream of energy.

"Forfeit. While you can still walk away." Andrew said, tensing slightly as he got no response. "...Very well. Then be destroyed."

"Executing Exertion Technique" his computer droned, and his suit went into autopilot. His Plasma Blade swung lightning-fast at every conceivable angle, sending out waves of energy which closed in on Armageddon at every angle.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)