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Furry Hogwarts School of Witch Craft and Wizardry
Alita started to follow Darky toward the bathroom, then stopped as she put her hand on the door to open it. "Wait a minute... what am I doing..? she thought as she looked around, making sure no one was around to see her.

She paused for one more moment, then peaked in through the crack in the door. "No one will care that much... but it would be embarrassing for someone to see me looking in here right now..." she thought, ready to move away if he started toward the door again, or if she heard someone coming.
Darky took of his shirt and robes...though not before placing a black veil, taken from his suitcase, over his head. He paused for a bit, looking at the scars that ran over his chest and stomach, which were more muscular than one expected from someone so young.

"Seems my father's...treatments served some purpose," he said softly, tracing on of the scars. He had more scars on his back, some of which were bigger than the ones on his chest.

"You gave a good fight, father...but I'm here...and I'm going to prove who the better wizard is," he said to himself, slipping on his nightshirt. He also switched his black pants for the sweats. He then began to brush his teeth, the last thing he did before he would go to bed.
Alita stared at Darky through the crack in the door, unable to bring herself to look away from him as he stripped, even after he pulled his clean clothes on, she continued to watch him, a strange feeling spreading through her body as her eyes traveled over his muscular body. "Wow..." she thought, stepping back quickly so she wouldn't be too close to the door when he came out.

She opened her bag, and pulled her night dress out of it as she waited for him to come out. "Gotta be careful... I don't want him to know I was watching... not yet..."
Darky finished his brushing, washing his mouth out and putting the stuff up. He picked up his clothes and exited.

"Your turn," he said, his face totally hidden by the black veil.??He figured it was a bit disturbing to her...but he had a feeling she would be even more disturbed at what he was hiding.??

Hanging up his robes and putting his clothes into his suitcase, he moved over to one of the bunks, getting into the bottom one.??For the moment, he simply lay there, relaxing and enjoying the soft bed.

OOC:??So what did you think; I hinted that he had been abused in the past, even showed signs, yet I continue to keep his face hidden.??How does it do as a plot device???Also, is Alita going to do anything while he's asleep, 'cause if not, I'd be happy to do the wake up scene.
Alita walked into the bathroom, performing a quick wash before slipping into the silky pink night dress. She frowned slightly as she thought back to him hiding his face like that, not because she was disturbed by the fact that he hid it, but because she felt that it was a sign that he was afraid of her for some reason.

"I wonder... Dad had a spell to spy into where he shouldnt have been... Maybe it would work for that too... No... that wouldn't be right.. I'll ask him about it.. tomorrow morning... or tonight if he is still awake when I get in.. I doubt he will be comfortable talking about it.. but its not like he can kick me out now.." she thought as she pulled her hair back, tieing it up in a pony tail.

She walked out of the bathroom, and moved over to the beds. "Darky... I have to ask you something..." she said, looking at him through halfclosed eyes, her gaze seeming to reach through him as she sat down next to the bed.

OOC: If he is supposed to be asleep already, then disregard the last paragraph of that post and let me know so I can fix it and come up with something for her to do while he is asleep :P.. but either way.. its time to go to bed now.. gotta get up for work in the morning :(
Darky heard her and sat up, looking back at her.

"What's on your mind?" he asked, pretending to be surprised...though he had a pretty good feeling what it was she wanted to ask about.

If she I tell her? Has she earned that right? he thought, silently debating the question.
Ereth tried to sleep, but couldnt. he sat up quietly and rubbed his eyes, barely any sleepiness in them. he put his cloak on and walked down to the common room, and sat in front of the fireplace, not noticing Jade sitting in another chair.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Jade glanced at the new arrival to the Common Room. What was his name... Ereth? She went back to staring into the fireplace. She had to find another common room... she didn't mind which, as long as the students there are more sociable... but that might be against the rules... Oh, screw rules... I'll go mad if I hang around here too long!
Ereth's ears perked up and twitched. he turned around, seeing Jade sitting in another chair. " cant sleep either? or are you just sitting down here?"
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Alita looked down at the ground. "I needed to know... Are you.. afraid of me for some reason..? I know you don't really act like it most of the time... go to such lengths to hide yourself.. and.. Its just you and me here.." she turned her gaze back up to him, holding back tears that threatened to fill her eyes. "I know that there is nothing about you that could scare me... Some of the things I have seen would probably send most of our teachers running away screaming.. So if you are hiding to protect me.. then stop..."