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Semiautomagic. (A Modern magic RP. Anything goes)
OOC: whadda ya talking about? ereth is in a building....
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
OOC: Just forget about it then :P and ignore it
OOC:I can't do anything until Altima and Calib respond to Serbane.>_>
Arucard quickly rushed towards the fallen werepyre. "Heh, so this is the extent of your abilities... cheap tricks and low blows... This is the reason why I believe trash like you don't need to exist." he said, loading his gun with a fresh clip. "I'm afraid this si the end of the road for you, my friend.." he said, aiming the gun At Serbane, pulling the trigger.

OOC: note that I didn't specify where the bullet was aimed at... gives you a "Chance"
The bullet hit Serbane's shoulder"You...have...bad aim.When...did I...use a cheap...trick?"
Astrianna grunted and sat up, groaning softly. She let herself fall asleep in the middle of the fight. But at least now she was well-rested, if still sore from the earlier excitement. She got up and wandered over to Arucard and Serbane, sighing softly.

"Are you going to kill him Arucard? You should know as well as I that death is merely a temporary solution these days. Dimensional travel, immortality through disease and magic, any number of things could bring him back. We're better off capturing him"
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"FUCK you..." arucard said, not turning his attention to Astrianne, he meant this phrase to both of then. He cocked the gun once more. "It is my sole purpose in life to eradicate half-breeds off the face of this planet."
He said.

"Releasing controlled arts restriction to level three." said a voice behind him. "Primary objective: capture all freaks alive."

Arucard shifted his head slightly as he was issued an order. he dropped the gun on the floor. "Yes... Miss Integral Hellsing..."
Astrianna sighed and pointed at Serbane, muttering softly under her breath. a pair of silver, engraved shackles snapped into place around his wrists. "There."
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
OOC: new character... another from hellsing...

Name: Integral Hellsing(Many call ehr Miss Integra, without the "L")
Gender: Female
Age: 20-ish
Race: Human
Languages: English, french, japanese.
Sexuality: Straight...but willing to try anything, if properly persuaded
Alliance: neutral/keepers(she ahs to watch over Arucard)
Occupation: CEO of Hellsing and their mission: destroy all freaks, and capture the ones responsible for their creatiosn(freaks are refferred to as either half-vampire/werewolf, or abominations)
Nationality: Great Britain
Personality: Tomboy, Arrogant at times, commanding
Appearance: wears glasses, has white hair shoulderlength. Usually wears a suit, with a strange bow tie.
Height: 5'7"
Combat techniques: skilled at all uses of weaponry.
Skills: none
Magic: complete control over Arucard.

"Make sure you keep the freak in line this time, Arucard... oh, and who is this...?" Integral asked, the female standing Next to Arucard.
He walked through the streets of Paris, and caught sound of men talking with thick American accents. Strange, he thought; they tend to stay at home. Then he looked around. Towerblocks, trams... it had even got a little hotter. He looked back, and there behind him was La Tour D'Effle. He looked in front of him, and he saw Chicago.

"What the hell..." he muttered. His phone buzzed, and he answered it.

"Homonculus," said the voice.

"Homonculus. I'm in Chicago! I was in Paris, now I'm in Chicago! There's a rift on Le Rue Sud and 22nd Street."

"...I'll get someone on it. There's been an increased amount of activity: cultists, madmen in armour, demons with swords... The Hellsing organisation's seen fit to deploy their... special gentleman, as well as Sir Integra."

"I never understood that. Surely it's Dame Integra?"

"Don't ask me. But things have been getting serious. I'll have someone look into the spacial shifts, see if someone's abused the leylines, or something, pulled them out of whack... nI the meantime, what of our target?"

"He's been trying to contact people to recruit for an organisation called "White Fang". He seems to have found some loyalities."

"...He's not working for money, anymore?"

"He refers to his leader as "Master". That doesn't suggest he's working for cash."

"...Okay. We'll look into White Fang."

The phone went dead. He examined the rift between Paris and San Fan.