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Semiautomagic. (A Modern magic RP. Anything goes)
As the raptor dashed through the night he saw a slightly crowded bus stop "..perrrfect.." he grinned deviously. Slipping in instantly he changed disguises back to the man he was in the hotel and waited in line for the bus "Any of you bloaks have the time?" he said speaking now in a slight british accent.
OOC: Every plot has a twist.

After a brief Sojourn through several turns and hallways, Robert happened upon a doorway, tightening his grip on his sword, his charged through only to find, seemingly... nothing. Nothing save for the Eight Pointed Star of Chaos carved into the wall directly in front of him and on each of the four cardinal points, was a circular indentation. On the floor below, were four stone disks, each bearing a symbol of one of the four Chaos Gods. Robert could only stand and ponder the puzzle.

Walking up to the design on the wall, he examined the design, the north point was jagged like a spearhead, the south point was twisted, looking more like a flame, the east point looked worn, decayed and beaten, and the west point seemed pristine, beautiful, ornate and elegant. It took only a matter of moments for Robert to figure out which disk fit in each indentation. The north point belonged to Khorne, God of war, rage, and bloodshed, the south point belonged to Tzeentch, God of Sorcery, intrigue, and change, east went to Nurgle, God of Decay, despair, and disease, and west went to Slaanesh, God of excess, beauty, and self indulgence.

Once completed, the wall simply faded away, revealing another room. In the center was an open tomb, its lid slid off apparently from the inside. It then hit Robert as to exactly what this was,

"The Tomb of Morkar."

From the looks of it, the reanimated bones and armor had already left, but what wargear was on those bones was not promised to the Everchosen. Looking to his right, Robert could see what wargear Morkar had prized in life, a suit of baroque armor lay unassembled on a table, and a two-handed sword stood collecting dust right next to it. Robert was happy, for he had acquired another treasure of Chaos. Tossing his scimitar down, Robert went to don his birthright.

As this was happening, Frea could see the armor on the ground at her feet cumble into the same dust as the mummy she had so soundly defeated moments ago.

Placing the helm on his head, Robert wished he could see himself in the mirror, now all that remained was the steed and the helm. He would need to find a replacement for the Slayer of Kings, but that can wait until the other treasures had been secured.

OOC: I really don't think the Chaos Gods would make the armor so easy to attain from so easily defeated a guardian. By the way
Here's what Robert now looks like with the armor on with his new sword as well The picture came from the Warhammer Online website, can't wait for that game!
OOC: Oops, double post. :oops:
The bullet hit Serbane directly,but didn't seem to work.Serbane stood up with the bullet still in his head"I am an ancient werepyre.You think you can beat me with weapons alone?You need magic to win."He grabbed his swords and entered a fighting stance.
"tch! i missed! well at least i may finally fight a worthy adversary." Arucard said, pulling out a large black handgun, it had "Jackal" written in silver.
Frea blinked at the armor. It had just... disintegrated. She sighed and picked up the shield. She much preferred it anyway. And it seemed to have it's own power... which she explored "Nice..." She laughed. It was magic resistant. Excellent. It was light too, an added bonus. As she looked at it, she began thinking... Maybe this was what she was meant to find? And maybe the armor was just meant for another... There was an inscription on the shield, similar to Oniu's. Although she couldn't understand more than a little of the language used... a simple translation spell revealed it to her. For the Chaos! She laughed again "How appropriate! FOR THE CHAOS!!! Heheh... I like it..."

Unluckily... or maybe not... sound tends to carry in such structures... and, after a second or more of delay, her war cry, 'FOR THE CHAOS!', echoed around Robert's ears like some bad memory.
Dmitri approached the raptor from behind and cleared his throat. "Ten of midnight," he supplied in accented English. No more meals for you this eve. My Master wants a word with you. His lip twitched, smiling slightly as he watched his target's every move, prepared to stop him in his tracks.
The agent locked his car, and pulled on his crombie. He put the hands free set in his ears, the micropone dangling by his neck.

"A man matching the target's discription has been sighted stalking the hotels of the city. He was last reported to be headed toward Le Rue Chien via Bourgiose Boulevard."

"Right-o: I'm following his trail."

The agent paused, and headed back to his car. He unlocked it and put a black trilby on: foil lined, in case of mind readers. It was a little warm, but its protection was invaluable. Certainly, it would fool this target. He put his hands in his coat pockets, and walked in the evening breeze. Turn right at Mainyard Place, down Rue Chien... he looked up at L'Hotel Chien Noir. Several policecars, siriens blaring, drew themselves up at the enterence. He reached into his pocket, took out his phone and dailed the number.

"Homonculous. Scour phone taps for L'Hotel Chien Noir in the last two hours, for the emergency services."

He watched as two covered bodies were wheeled out of the entrance and into an ambulance.

"Patching tap, standby."

"....Bonjour, services de secours. Quel semble
He turned and saw Dmitri and smiled "Oh thanks gov I had forgotten my watch on me night stand." he chuckled.

The bus back to uptown arrived at the bus stop and passangers started boarding.

"Ah finally, waited for a good twenty minutes for this fellow." He said alloud boarding the bus along with everone else. He decided to sit in the second seat to the front with a smile on his face.
"No,you hit."Serbane said as he pointed a sword at Arucard"I am more then a match for you."He suddenly threw the sword at Arucard,aiming for the neck.