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Non-Digimon: any style: furrie/yiff
Ebon openned her eyes and saw the black panther standing nervously over her. She smiled softly switching her CD player off aswell as putting her headphones down while sitting up looking at him. "Sure Shadow, shoot."
"Were you and your friend just playing...or were you really attracted to me?" he asked, silently praying it was the latter.
"uh..." poor altima was caught off guard with ayane's statement, he turned a deeper shade of red. he thought her reaction would have been yelling at him. she seemed extremely calm about it... like she knew he would do something like this. "your not mad, Ayane?" he asked the wolfess.
And Lumi was about to talk again, before she noticed Ishana. Almost immediately noticing her wearing a towel, her eyes jumped open, and even more when it started to drop. Her cat instincts took over. Almost immediately, she growled and pounced Ishana, smacking her dead in the chest with her tail - which knocked them both outside, as she cursed loudly.

Of course, she quickly grabbed the towel, sweat-dropping before quickly giving it to the amazingly still standing Ishana. "H-Hey, watch it! You nearly dropped your towel..."

OOC: Sorry, I didn't have much time after yesterday to write this part of the post.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Ebon blinked at Shadow's questing the wolfess put a paw to her forehead before looking back at him "I admit we were just playing and having fun, but we werent doing it out of we didnt like you though." the wolfess soflty turned and stood in front of the panther staring up at his face as her paw caressed his cheek "Hun you're one of the sweetest things I've seen in a long while. You're sweet, polite, strong, well diserve to be teased by women. Don't sell yourself short you're a really good guy even from the short period I've known you."

< Ayane and Altima >

Ayane turned to one side and smirked "Of course I'm mad, you're wasting perfectly good essence." she walked over to Altima's bed and crawled up on it with her butt sitting on his legs "You didnt save any for dare you." the wolfess placed her paws over the dragon's claws and removed them from his member which she lustfully put her head down and gave it a warm lick.
"Oh...okay," he said, a little disappointed. Though he was glad to know that she liked him, he was a little sad to know it was only as a friend. Thought I had a girlfriend there for a while, he thought.
Ebon stepped forward and planted a small kiss on the panther's cheek and smiled "Doesnt mean I dont like ya." she smiled softly then she remembered his computer he had been glued to "May I ask something, what do you do on your computer? You seem very interested in what is on there." she said.
Shadow's eyes widened at the kiss, his cheeks darkening. He was so shocked at the act that it took him a second to process Ebon's question.

"Uh..uh..oh, it's just a BDSM fanfic on an adult fanfiction website. I've got a thing for that stuff," he said, waving a hand dismissivly.
"oh..." altima grunted as ayane licked the tip of his dick, which sprung back to life. having recently ejaculated, his tip was extremely senstive. "m-maybe we shouldn't..." he said tryng to move away from ayane, but not getting that far since ayane was sitting ontop of him. sweat began to visidly drip from his pores. he was getting both nervous and excited. he was technically still a virgin, having never slept with anyone before
Yoosei smiles and as soon as the game started, she moved Zhao Yun on the opposite direction as Disturbed
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions