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The Person Below Me
Saphire: Yeah I'm worried what he might do to the rest of the people in the city...*makes a second bag of ice appear and places it on Disturbed's head*

The person below me fears what may happen
Dot: *Looks on both Disturbed and Kurtz worried a lot* I think... I shouldn't have tried those experiments...

The person below me wonders about the experiments.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Saphire: *blink* What experiments? *looks up at Disturbed* What did he get himself into now

Disturbed: *blanks stare*

The person below me will explain
Dot: Uhm... after the failure with my chrono-trone magnetic manager device, I decided to start studying genetics again, and in the way I discovered a new kind of bacteria, let's say... parasite, that feeds off DNA of living creatures. That was my first experiment, I handed it a bit of brother's DNA to see how it would react, but it not only absorbed the DNA, that parasite started duplicating the DNA at a very fast rate until creating an exact copy of brother. It seemed passive, but it rapidly started to evolve and surprisingly... think. Nonetheless, it started behaving just like brother. He's actually mutating in this phase, I called this experiment 'Alpha'.

Dot: *Takes a small breath before continuing* After it almost wrecked Laboratory 13 and escaped, I gave up on trying to play with genetics, but I became interested about alien life-forms. I met up with an old friend, she's a bounty hunter, she handed me a vial of a larval species of creatures called 'Metroids'. They are organisms composed of three nucleus and they sustent on life-force they drain off other creatures as they grow.
I wanted to analyze that creature, but with the small sample my friend gave me it wasn't enough, so I decided to resort to genetics again, I spliced the Metroid sample with my brother's remaining DNA sample I had left. The result was that creature you saw, I call him 'Omega'. He doesn't think at all, he just behaves like a Metroid, by mere instinct, just- trying to survive.

The person below me understands now.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Kurtz: Holy hell... *groans quietly* ...We got some sort of scientist here. Didn't know you tried stuff like that, Dot...

The person below me wonders how Kurtz is still concious. (Spelt wrong probably n_n; )
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Gol: *standing over them on a pile of crates*

Steve: Why dont you help them, and give them your health needles?

Gol: Because they're ment for me.

Steve: ...they could sure use it.

Gol: They'll snap out of it.

The person below will come concious
The Mod Squad
Raize: *drops from the ceiling legs first lands on Gol's shoulders, leans backwards and throws him to the ground using her legs*

The person below just went ouch
Gol: Aagh! *quickly stands up rubbing head* Damn! whats with you?

Steve: What the hell?

The person below will tell.
The Mod Squad
Kurtz: WAIT FOR DOT! *throws a brick at Gol, Steve, and Raize*

The person below is Dot.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Raize: No..*flips and kicks the brick back* dont throw things please..its..not..nice.

The person below me is Dot..