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Manga - Digimon - Reunion Day
hey Prophet get well soon *sends get well soon cards*
Thanks guys. This is the worst toncilitis I've ever had. This thing has swelloning up a lot of my head. I can't hear anything; can't hardly hear my own voice. Even my wind pipe is starting to close up. And this is from only one toncil. :shock:

And just like Waru, I can't eat or drink anything without barfing them up. I can only drink 7-up without barfing, jus' shake out the sparklers first.

I also couldn't sleep for the last 5 days. And yes, you do start seeing delusions when you don't sleep. Like one was where Izumi was fighting one of the Digimon.

Now, it's off to the hospital I go. :( I know they're gonna use those big-ass shots to extract my blood. OH, GOD, I HATE SHOTS. :roll:
Actually, shtos really never did bother me, as long as I DON'T look at them. Because really it doesn't feel like your brain would think it should and if your eyes don't see it, then your brain doesn't process the feeling the same way, therefore it hurts a HELLUVA lot less. At least, that's what I have experienced anyway. And remember, they have been to school for many many years to get where they are now. They aren't gonna mess up. Hehe, that's what my daddy always used to tell me when I was afraid of going to the doctor.
Meh... shots don't bug me.. anymore...

Hope you feel better, Prophet.

When you get back tell me about this delusion about Izumi fighting a Digimon (like which Digimon was it?).
*hardly steps foot on this topic*

Proh man, take care of yourself, sorry to hear you are sick and I wish you a speedy healthy recovery, I only wish you didn't have to go through this sickness bullshit in the first place, but ya gotta ride the lightning, so be tough amigo, hope ya feel better soon.

Yes, please take care of yourself ^^

A little R&R is just what you need. It could be worse, you could have monkey-pox!
Hooboy, I would not want to be in your shoes ^^;;

I hates bein down like that, well like Toga said, get some R&R ^_^

Gots to take care of yourself proper like now ^_^
sorry to hear about it Proph, just relax and get well soon ^__^

*catches up with the Manga* wow! very sweet work Prophet! :D :D get well very soon!
Yes please get better very soon Prophet.

I pray that you heal up and get all better.
Thanks all for your kind words.

The hospital experience went pretty well. I was in the basic emergency wing. There weren't a lot a people there, I was the only one in the waiting room. I was pissed about missing an ep of Pokemon where Charachard(sp?) returns.

When I was called in, the Doc checked me out and wanted to place an I.V. in me (damn). When the nurse stuck the needle in my hand, there was hardly any pain (suprise); it was like a like a bug bite. There was a big bag of Sodium Chloride drained into my blood. The pain in my toncil went down by half.

After I got home with the prescribed drugs. I started to become feverish again. I took one tablet and it wiped out most of what was left. The pain and fever was GONE and I was HUNGRY.

Now I'm left with a body that has a ravaged throat, a bad back and no sex drive. But at least from looking at myself in the mirror, I've lost weight. :) And thanks again for you get well wishes. :oops:

As for Waru's question, the Digimon (Izumi was fighting) was Arbormon, first thing I heard was a digi-battle, then Arbormon shows up and gets pounded left and right from this fast moving wind. It turns out to be Izumi and she's in front of him with her fists up. Then they started puinching one another with such foracity(DragonBall style).

I'll make a separate thread about my delusions because they involved more digi characters and I might draw some of them.