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Caught between a sword and Fate
"You're that digimon that was attacking us before." Shadow said as he squinted to get a better look.

"Glad we caught up." Fengalmon took a step forward, purposely putting down his foot heavily to make a loud thud as it hit the ground, "I owe you for that blow to the head, and I plan on returning it!" He reared back ready to pounce as his body began glowing brightly, he shrank back down to Slashmon. He looked at his claws then back at his tail, whipping around at it's own accord, "Huh, I guess that thing has a time limit." He picked up his foot and began advancing, stumbling a bit and then falling on his butt, "Oh, I tired." His stomach growled again, even louder than before, "And I'm even hungrier than before." He pouted a bit.

"Seems like that digivolution thing takes alot out of you, I'll have to make a note of that." Shadow said as he knelt down by him, not taking his eyes off Fenrimon in case he decided to take advantage of Slash in his weakened state.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Not really my fault. You just bumped into my tail." Fenrimon replied without turning around.
OOC: Since this is something like Final Fantasy mixed with Digimon. Me has idea. Let's give some training to our characters.


Renodramon sighed in relief after Fengalmon had shrunk to the smaller Slashmon, but then felt the tree shake more than normal. "Huh?" he looked up.

A pack of nine Goblimon rained down from the tree, knocking Reno to the ground. They all started jumping up and down, growling and whining about their turf.

"Oh dude. This is getting annoying." Mar stepped back once, holding his weapon tight, he felt a strange urge to use it, but he tried not to, since he was obeying what Shadow had told him before.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Shit," Shadow looked down at Slash who had fallen asleep in his exhaustion, "This isn't good." he looked up as one of the Goblimon charged at him, "HIYA!" Shadow's leg shot out, connecting just under the Goblimon's jaw, sending him into the air. Shadow jumped back and sprung off the ground, he jumped right below him, following his movements, "SHADOW BARRAGE!" He moved his arm in front of him, slamming his arm down like a sledge hammer into his stomach, then flowed through the motion by punching him with his other hand, then a back kick, and finished by kicking him into the ground.

"RARRRR!!" The goblimon shook for a bit before exploding into data.

Shadow backed off a bit, breathing heavily, "Damnit, h-he surprised me." He looked at his hands, I tried to forget. But, my body still remembers the training. Still thirsts for blood.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"W-woah.." Mar gasped before taking another step back. Cool move...

Renodramon got up to his four paws and then got in front of Mar, he growled to the three Goblimon in front of him, "Get away! Terra Flames!" he yelled and then stood on his backpaws, quickly sending a wave of bolting flames to one of the Golbimon, it hit him point blank and deleted him.

The other two still ganged up and started eating the digimon down to the ground. The fox whined and cried from pain.

"Renodramon! NO!" yelled Mar in distress, then quickly looked over Shadow. "Sha-" but he stopped cold. "LOOK OUT!!"

The remaining Goblimon alerted and decided to take care of the most old-looking one, since he looked like the strongest among the humans. So all of them ganged up on him at once.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Damnit, I don't have any choice now! Shadow reached over at his right arm, he pulled back the sleeve showing the bandages he kept on it. "I swore I'd never use this technique, but I ALSO SWORE I'D NEVER LET HARM COME TO SLASHMON!!" He ripped off the bandages revealing a glowing black dragon tatoo, "FIST OF THE DARK DRAGON!!" He slammed his fist into the ground, a large black shockwave shooting out from it the Goblimon were all thrown around like rag dolls, small bolts of black energy sparking across their bodies as they shattered into data.

"Shadow, you."

Shadow stood up, looking behind to see a terrified Slashmon, "I'm sorry." He said quietly, "I didn't have a choice."
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
The ones fighting Renodramon remained, they were pondering him hardly.

Mar hesitated, but he saw Shadow deleting the other menacing creatures. He was helping his partner in need. Mar had to do something too!

Here goes nothing! he held his Swallow and clenched his teeth, then dashed over where the Goblimon were, one of them turned around alerted and left Renodramon with his buddy, then jumped on Mar. He stopped and then leapt back, the fight started.

The Goblimon jumped over the boy and punched his face, sending him to the ground with a thud.
"Ack! Owww..." he grunted as he fell, he put a hand on his cheek and grunted after standing up, but quickly dashed over his enemy and mysteriously, he could pull off a spinning-slash with one hand. It consisted in Mar spinning the double bladed weapon while spinning his own body, double slashing his enemy. The blade seemed powerful enough and decimated the opponent. "H-How did I do that?!" he said, startled after doing something he never thought he'd be able to.

Renodramon finally managed to block a hit and counter the last Goblimon, it went flying to Mar fast.

Mar reacted to it, and strangely enough, he delivered a smashing-slash on the upcoming enemy. It was like he had very high reflexes with this weapon equipped.

The last Goblimon winced in pain before exploding into data.
Renodramon stood up on all fours again, but this time he was panting, "Oww... aah..." he whined, his health was low.

Mar rubbed his cheek. "Ouch, that punch... hurt..."
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Guess I was wrong," Shadow said, he was standing behind Mar carrying the again sleeping Slashmon, "You do know how to use that weapon." He turned around, "We're heading back to the cabin, Slash needs to rest." he said as he turned and walked back.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Mar gasped and retracted his weapon, loosingly holding it now. "Uhh... I don't know how... or why... but I felt like I could control this... to slash the way I wanted... I never used this before..."

Reno whined a bit and lowered his ears. "Mar my arm hurts..." he said, his right arm was bleeding a bit over the red fur.

"Can you move it?" he said, walking nearby his partner and kneeling in front of him.

"Yeah... but... it hurts..." the furry lizard responded.

"Damn... this isn't our day. Another ambush and this might not end so good for our Digimon."
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Luckily the group managed to make it back to the relative safety of their temporary home.

"Okay," Shadow walked out of one of the spare bedrooms, "Slash is sleeping like a baby." he sat down on a small chair, opposite the two Renamon that owned the house and were nice enough to let them stay, "Now then, I needed to ask you two a question. Earlier when we were attacked by an Apemon Slash, digivolved, he got alot bigger and stronger. You wouldn't happen to know the case behind that would you?"

"Actually yes," Rena went to a small picture on the wall, she took it down revealing a small hole in the wall, she removed a small chest from it and sat back down, "According to legend, when darkness falls upon the digital world heroes called digidestined will arrive to save us, these belonged to the last group that came," She opened the box and pulled out a necklace with an odd golden pendant hanging from it, in the center was a symbol of a yin-yang, engraved upon a small plate, "It's a tag and crest, legend says they hold a power that the Digidestined used to win over the enemies when they came last." She handed the necklace to Shadow.

Shadow took the necklace, as soon as it was in his hands it began to glow with a familiar warmth, "So this'll make Slash more powerful?"

"In theory," Renen said, "But we have no Idea how they work."

"Well," Shadow slid it over his head and around his neck, "Couldn't hurt to keep around."

"We have one more thing for you before you go," Renen he grabbed a large Katana from on top of the shelf, "It's dangerous to go without a weapon, you'll need this."

Shadow reluctantly took the sword, "Let's hope I don't have to use it." He thought, already remembering that he had broken his vow to never fight.


DMX, couldn't remember if you had found the tag and crest yet. If not they can have yours in the case too.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad