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Caught between a sword and Fate
"-Now what kind of son would I be if I did that?" Fenrimon replied coldly.

Suddenly losing his seriousness- his eyes went round and white- his mouth wide. "What-the-recycle-bin-is-that?" He asked, never seeing something like it before- his instinct was- explore and play.
"What? Son?" Renodramon started to analyze the situation. It took him five long minutes to finally say: "What son?"
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Slash dodged quickly, barely avoiding the shockwave caused from the sheer strength of the swing, "Tough little S.O.B. ain't he?" Slash said as he got to his feet. He charged at him but quickly ducked back in just enough time to avoid another swing from his club. "Shoot," he rebounded off a tree and landed in front of Shadow and Mar.

"We stay back, you haven't ever wielded that weapon. You'd be more dangerous to Slash than that ape." Shadow said as he jumped back, away from him, I should be helping him, but I said I'd never fight again. Come on Slash take him down.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Eheh." Mar sweat dropped. "You are right." he stayed still. "But you seem to be able to. Shouldn't you help him? He's... having trouble."

But before Mar could keep talking, Apemon swung the bone club at Slash while yelling. "BONE STICK!!" and hit the ground near him hardly, making lots of small spikes come out of the weapon as it crashed down.

"WAH!" Mar stumbled on the ground, avoding some of the bone needles that were shot everywhere.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Shoot!" Slashmon quickly began dodging as spikes shot out of the ground at him. But the combined effects of the previous fight, the fact that he couldn't think straight from hunger, and the small concussion from that odd digimon's tail slowed his reflexes just enough to allow one to graze along his leg, hitting a tendon and making his leg useless as he fell to the ground.

"SLASH!!" Shadow began running forward, raising up the sleeve on his right arm, revealing an odd bandaging, Vow or not I won't let anyone hurt him! Even if I have to revert back to my old self! Shadow was almost half the distance to them when the Digivice he had on his waist began glowing with an odd Gray light, resonating with Slashmon like when they had first met.

Slash felt an odd warmth begin to was over his body, his fatigue and hunger instantly vanished, replaced with enough raw power and energy he felt like he would explode. As the power reached it's peak he instinctively shouted, "Slashmon digivolve to..." His front and back paws grew to almost 4 times their original size, his tail stretching out and becoming thicker, his head grew large, his mouth opening to reveal rows of sharp razor edged teeth, two long tufts of fur shot out of his back.

As the light faded from around him it revealed that he had changed dramatically, he stood almost 6 feet high, despite being on all fours large green claws protruding from his paws. He had gone from what resembled an ordinary house cat to an oversized albino tiger, "Fengalmon." He looked back at Shadow, "Pretty cool huh?" his attention then returned to the Apemon in front of him, "You are undeserving of mercy. You attacked without warning or provocation, you will die by my hands! HI SPEED RIPPER!" Fengalmons body instantly moved forward, his speed barely even seeable, even by Shadow's trained eyes. His large front claws easily sliced clean through Apemon as he landed behind him. Apemon stood for a second, before his entire being simply exploded.

"Fe-Fengalmon." Shadow repeated to himself as he saw Slashmon's new form in front of him. He walked up to him, his mind buzzing with countless questions, but only one word managed to escape his lips, "How?"

"I'm not quite sure myself," Fengalmon said as he examined himself, "I just felt an odd power, coming from you, and I changed." He stopped suddenly. His ears, which were smaller than Slashmon's, pricked up, "Renodramon's caught up with someone! Possibly that digimon we saw earlier. Come on!" He quickly grabbed Shadow by the neck of his shirt, much like a mother cat, and swung him onto his back.

Shadow instintively grabbed onto the two tufts of fur sticking out, "Mar, get on quick."
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Woah." Mar didn't have words for what just had happened. I wonder if Reno can do that too... he thought but soon stopped as he heard Shadow. "Uhm, right!" he complied and hopped on Fengalmon's back.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
ooc: Oops. Sorry bout that-


"Son. I don't know much about families, but I know that they have to stick to each other. Care and love each other. So if any of you come near my daddy... I'm sending you all in a one way trip to the recyclebin." Fenrimon said, then trotted off.
OOC: Gun? You got lost. Apemon was defeated by Fengalmon already. And Fenrimon would be near you, which at the same time is VERY far from where Fengalmon, Shadow and Mar are.
Renodramon is near Fen, this were the last two messages regarding them:

Gunter VanCrimson Wrote:"-Now what kind of son would I be if I did that?" Fenrimon replied coldly.

Suddenly losing his seriousness- his eyes went round and white- his mouth wide. "What-the-recycle-bin-is-that?" He asked, never seeing something like it before- his instinct was- explore and play.

I Wrote:"What? Son?" Renodramon started to analyze the situation. It took him five long minutes to finally say: "What son?"
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Hold on tight, if my guess is right I'm gonna be setting a new land speed record!" Fengalmon warned as his powerful back legs pushed off, moving them forward as he began running.

"WHOA!" Shadow said as he tightened his grip on the two tufts of fur to keep from falling off. He looked up and saw they were running through the forest, trees were coming at them at incredible speeds, he was surprised Fengalmon was able to dodge them all.

Fengalmon came to a sudden stop, nearly throwing his passengers off, "There's Reno." He said.

"Looks like he's okay," Shadow hopped off Fengalmon's back, standing next to him so Reno wouldn't accidentally think he was an enemy and attack.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Mar blinked as the travel had durated no longer than half a minute. He's really fast He thought, then got down, carrying his Swallow in his left hand as he neared Renodramon.

Reno turned around to look at the new-comers, but soon jumped to a tree and hugged it REALLY tightly. "I DON'T LIKE HUGE CATS!"

Mar looked on Fengalmon and sweat dropped, then back on Renodramon, but ignored him and looked on Fenrimon. "Uh... who are you?"
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad