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Final Fantasy Digimon-An FFIX and Digimon Tamers crossover^^
This is a series I did with Digimon Tamers and Final Fantasy IX brought together to find old villians and new threats. Tell me if you like it and want to see more.


Disclaimer-I don't own Digimon nor Final Fantasy IX. Digimon is copyright of Toei Animation and Final Fantasy IX is copyright of Square Enix Inc. This is a lemon or fanfiction written for fan enjoyment and not for profit. In other words...don't sue me.


Things had looked bleak for the Tamers Takato, Rika, Henry, and Ryo as they were about to be used in Kuja's mad scheme to steal all the data from the Digital World. Not willing to give up though, the Tamers defied Kuja to the bitter end until help miraclously arrived thanks to the interference of Nephilim in the form of the other Tamers Kenta, Kazu, and Suzie and their Digimon. With their help, the others Tamers were freed and Takato, Rika, and Henry immediately biomerged to Mega combining powers to blast Kuja to a bloody pulp. Just as Gallantmon was about to finish the job though, Kuja had one more ace up his sleeve and merged with the D-Reaper to become even more powerful! Kuja quickly took down the Tamers and absorbed Kenta,Kazu, Suzie, and their Digimon's data to open the lock to the Digital World's core! Indramon, the only one left standing quickly used a mysterious diamond to take Takato and Rika to their Digimon's most powerful Mega forms! Gallantmon pierced Kuja's heart but it was still no use...Kuja succeeded and the Tamers have been blasted to different parts of the mysterious world of Gaia!

Lost in the mysterious world of Gaia, the Tamers have nothing left but their wits and each other to survive in the wild and dangerous world of...


"A Strange Welcome"

"Who you?"Quina asked Takato as he got out of his bed that had been made for him.

"Who me?"Takato asked clueless.

"Who me? I Quina, gourmand! I still need much learning in ways of food..."Quina said.

"No mind Quina, she little light in head."Quale, Quina's master chef commented.

"Must be family genes..."Takato rubbed his head and sighed."So, can you tell me how exactly I ended up here?"

"We find you outside asleep in marsh. Quina looked at you thinking you was lucky I intervene."Quale said.

"I don't look like a frog!"Takato yelled.

"Quina thinks everything in marsh is frog."Quale whispered to him.

"YOU SAY FROG?!?"Quina said running over to Takato and sniffing at him.

"AHH!"Takato backed up on his bed.

"Quina, delicious frogs outside!"Quale pointed outside the door.

"REALLY?!??..."Quina ran outside the door.

"........"Takato and Quale looked at each other and sighed.

"Does Quina eat frog legs or something?"Takato asked.

"Qus love FROGS...not just FROG LEGS."Quale looked at him seriously.

"Heh-heh...sorry. Hey, did you see a red dinosaur around anywhere?"Takato asked.

"Sorry."Quale shook his head.

"Oh, there a town or something around here?"Takato rubbed his head not knowing what else to ask.

"Yes...Lindblum."Quale said.

"Great! Maybe I can get some help finally."Takato smiled.

"Yes, but first you eat. Come, I prepare you grand feast!"Quale said happy to cook.

"It's not frog is it?"Takato asked.

"Quina only loves frogs. She needs to do more exploring in world...she did once, and helped fight man named Kuja. They defeated him and now Quina goes on living in Qu's marsh forgetting about everything she's learned...*sigh*."Quale said.

"KUJA?"Takato said looking surprised.

"Yes, you know him?"Quale asked Takato.

"Yeah, he just destroyed the world I came from and now I think he's going for this one!"Takato said to Quale with concern in his eyes.

"He try destroy world here but failed. Hereos and Quina(believe or not)stopped him."Quale explained.

"What hereos? How can I find them?"Takato asked.

"Seek Zidane out...he lives in Lindblum last I here. He one of heroes who did defeat Kuja...but first, we eat!"Quale said mentioning for Takato to sit on the floor.

"Uh..okay."Takato smiled nervously.

"Quale, I not find frogs but mud delicious!"Quina yelled happily.

"......."Takato and Quale just looked at each other in utter disbelief.


"M-Momentai...."Terriermon mumbled as he rubbed his head and woke up in a rainstorm in some sort of alleyway.

"HENRY!"Terriermon said seeing his partner next to him."Are you okay?"

"Uhhh...who hit me with a sledgehammer?"Henry said as he rubbed his head and looked around to see rain pouring down upon his head.

"Are...we still on the Digital World?"Henry asked.

"No, we're somewhere else...if we were on Digiworld, I'd know it!"Terriermon said.

"Then where the heck are we?"Henry asked.

"We must be on that planet Takato was talking about...Gaia!"Terriermon said.

"You will be sorry that you ever even came here..."A sinister voice said behind them.

"Who?..."Henry asked from behind.

A dark figure of immense power stood behind them, seemingly towering over them to show him his might...his name, Duskmon.

"I am Duskmon, legendary warrior of darkness. I have been recruited by the Digimon Kuja to slay the likes of you."Duskmon explained glaring at Henry.

"Henry, stay away from him! No Digimon in existance has ever been able to defeat Duskmon! Not even the Royal Knights!"Terriermon yelled to Henry.

A red sword came sliding out of Duskmon's left guantlet and he swung the sword at Henry who nearly just dodged it. Henry grabbed Terriermon and the trio ran out of the alley and into the town to come to a fountain.

"No place to hide!"Henry yelled.

"Great, here he comes!"Terriermon yelled in dismay.

"Don't bother running...I can find you anywhere you go within an instant."Duskmon retorted.

"God...looking at him is like staring in the face of death!"Henry said to Terriermon.

"Why, thank you."Duskmon just stared at them."I don't have time to play with you right now though, so I'll make this quick."Duskmon said raising his red sword in the air and preparing to swing it at the two.

"Can't we talk about this or something?...."Terriermon said clinging to Henry's leg all nervous.

"Leave them alone!"Someone yelled as a spear hit Duskmon in the rib and he roared in pain! The stranger quickly leapt from the shadows and grabbed Terriermon and Henry in her arms.

"YOU AGAIN?!!"Duskmon yelled in anger pulling the lance out of his ribcage."You know it takes much more than that to beat me woman!"

"Leave this kingdom at once!"The woman called from nowhere.

" are lucky I am late for an important date Freya. Next time, I WILL kill you."Duskmon said dissappearing in a flash of dark light.

"I will be ready."Freya said from the alleyway her, Henry, and Terriermon were hiding in.

"Um, thanks whoever you are."Henry said to his mysterious rescuer.

"You can call me Freya."The dragoon smiled at Henry.

"Thanks...Freya."Henry looked at Freya strangely.

"Any...time."Freya looked at Henry back just as strangely.

For a moment, the two looked at each other noticing the other's unique look in the other's eyes...was what happening here? Terriermon sure wanted to know the answer to that question.

"HEY! Are you two going to stare at each other all day or are we going to get somewhere safe before that Duskmon comes back?!?"Terriermon said.

"Oh! You're right Terriermon, let's...go."Henry smiled at Freya.

"Yes...let's go."Freya smiled back wryly."Hang on tight you two, I'm going to carry you two back to my place in town."

Freya ran out from the alleyway she was hiding quick-paced and jumped onto the rooftops so she could get home quicker. To Freya, jumping from rooftop to rooftop was quicker than running.

" do you know Duskmon?"Henry asked hanging on tight to Freya's jacket.

"He killed my husband-to-be!"Freya explained simply.

"I'm...sorry."Henry whispered.

"It's okay, you didn't know."Freya smiled.

"What was your boyfriend's name?"Terriermon asked casually.

"Terriermon!"Henry yelled.

"Like I said, it's okay...his name was Sir Fratley."Freya explained."He was one of the most faithful and noble people I have ever met. Fratley was this kingdom's most skilled Dragon Knight and I was the only one right behind him in terms of skill. One day, Duskmon came to our kingdom announcing the coming of Kuja to our kingdom would be soon and we had the choice of either surrending to him immediately or face destruction. Fratley bravely represented our kingdom's decision to fight rather than surrender to evil such as him...and he paid the ultimate price for it."Freya sniffed eyes closed."Fratley and Duskmon battled bravely but in the was Duskmon's far superior skill and power than killed Fratley."

"I've lost people I love little sister most recently to a man known as Kuja."Henry closed his eyes as well.

"Henry..."Terriermon looked at his partner with sadness in his eyes.

"Kuja?"Freya asked with her eyes widing."You know him as well?"

"Yes...we almost killed him too...but he succeeded in his plans of conquering the Digital World which we just came from."

"The Digital World? Come on Henry, I think we have to sit down about this one..."Freya said leaping towards her home in Bumercia....


The Digimon known only as Duskmon appeared in the Desert Palace of Kuja, the great black wizard. Kuja looked around...he saw his master nowhere. Had he failed to come back?

"Y-You're late..."Kuja said from nowhere.

"Master! Where are you?!?"Duskmon said in concern.

"T-That matters not...what matters is that we move to the next phase of the plan."Kuja hissed.

"Master...your voice, it's different."Duskmon said suspicious.

"I have merged with the D-Reaper in order to survive. The errant Tamers almost succeeded in stopping me."Kuja hissed."I was pierced through the heart!"

"How ever did you survive that?"Duskmon asked bowing."Even with the merge from the D-Reaper you should have..."

"Died? Oh, my dear Duskmon, how foolish of you! With the D-Reaper bonded with me, I have evolved so to speak. I am much more than just a mere Digimon now..."

Kuja said."All that spear from Gallantmon did was stop me for a few seconds, that's all. The D-Reaper kept my heart running."

"I am glad that you survived Master."Duskmon bowed again.

"Pay no attention to my injuries Duskmon...all that you need concern yourself with is the conquering of Gaia. When I am able to come back fully, be ready with the army.

Until my return though, I want you to continue to spread the word of my return...I want a hint of a challenge at least! No army or airship fleet can prepare for what I got in store for those rats...."Kuja laughed.

"As you wish Master...I will come back later to check in on you."Duskmon stated.

"Don't bother...I will call you."Kuja stated."Now go."


Hours later, in the cozy house of Freya...

A fire was going, and Henry and Terriermon were sitting down eating a good home cooked meal by Freya who watched them eat smiling.

"This fish is great Freya!"Henry said chowing down.

"Yeah, I never thought I'd like seafood! Usually I just give it...ooops."Terriermon said covering his mouth.

"Thank you, it's not very often anymore that I get any guests...everyone is frightened of Kuja's imminent return and of Duskmon. Everytime he appears, it's as if this whole kingdom were nothing more than a big ghost town. It's very sad times for Bumercia at the moment...once before, this town was destroyed by his manipulations of a queen's desire for power. I have sworn ever since to never let that happen again."Freya said slamming her fist on the table.

"Whoa!"Henry and Terriermon yelped.

"Oh, sorry..."Freya said."That was uncalled for."

"It's okay really...I know where you're coming from Freya. Both mine and Terriermon's world was devastated by a gel-like creature called the D-Reaper who sought to delete our worlds because we "exceeded our natural limitations.". We fought and defeated it....together. Believe me Freya when I say I know how you feel."Henry put a hand on Freya's clenched fist.

A tear came down Freya's eye and she looked at Henry with genuine care in her eyes. Henry looked at her and smiled back looking at her as well.

"Thank you Henry..."Freya wiped her tear.

"Anytime."Henry whispered.

"Boy, you two sure are weird when you look at each other."Terriermon said to the staring couple.

"Huh?"Henry said.

"Your friend sure knows how to talk a lot..."Freya looked at him.

"Hehheh...hey, I was only kidding!"Terriermon paniced.

"What am I going to do with you Terriermon?"Henry crossed his arms.

"HE can wash the dishes while we other matters. Come on Henry, I wish to show you something."Freya looked teasingly at him.

"Um...okay. Terriermon, wash the dishes."Henry said getting up.

"HEY! I'm not..."

"Would you rather stay outside?"Freya asked the talkative Digimon.

"No! You know what, I heard dish washing is good for you..."Terriermon said collecting the dishes with his ears.

"*sigh*"Henry said.

"Come with me Henry, up the stairs..."Freya said taking his hand.

"Okay..."Henry said following Freya.

Freya led Henry into her dimly lit but well furnished room and she sat Henry down on her twin bed. Henry looked at Freya strangely and Freya took a couple of steps back from where Henry sat so he could get a good view of she wanted him to see.

"So, Freya, what is that you wanted to show...,me?"Henry gasped as Freya took off her red coat and revealed her entire naked yet furry body to Henry to see. Henry gasped at Freya's graceful and sleek furry body noting every fine detail of it...she was the most beautiful person he had ever seen in his entire life.

"Well, are you going to undress?"Freya asked him seductively.

"Freya, isn't this is a little quick?"Henry asked nervously not sure he should undress.

"What are you so afraid of?"Freya asked him smiling.

"I'm not...I just..."Henry started to sweat.

Freya put a finger on his mouth and smiled at him gently, with the utmost care.

"Henry, it's can do it."Freya smiled.

"Okay.."Henry sighed and took of his clothes throwing them on the ground and revealing his slender body to Freya who in turn gazed at his body.

"Do you work out often?"Freya asked him admiring his rather physically sound body.

"Yeah, more than I should really..."Henry rubbed his head.

"A little exercise never killed anybody..."Freya said licking Henry's forehead.

Henry shuddered at Freya's contact with his forehead and moaned as she gently licked him on the forehead once more. Freya smiled at Henry and saw that his penis was starting to grow. Freya embraced the nervous Henry and the two truly felt each other for the first time. Freya noted the nice warmth of Henry's human skin while Henry himself enjoyed the comfortable sensation of Freya's own furry body.

"How do you feel?"Freya whispered into Henry's ear licking it.

"Warm..."Henry sighed snuggling his head into her furry shoulder.

Freya took things further by bringing Henry's head and kissing him on the lips deeply. Henry was shocked at this but didn't attempt to stop...this actually felt kinda good he thought to himself. He had never been with another woman, but this was great! Henry grabbed the back of Freya's head and the two kissed passionately, as if they had always been in love even though they just met. The two broke off and looked at each other in disbelief at what they had just done...they kissed, they kissed each other!

"Henry?..."Freya asked wondering why Henry had stopped kissing her.

"Freya, I..."Henry began.

"Don't stop on me now."Freya said licking the side of his face.

Henry moaned and immediately forgot his inclinations as he went to work on Freya's breasts licking and massaging them. Freya and Henry fell onto the bed and Henry was on top licking the breasts, one at a time. Freya had never felt such love from anyone before...not even her beloved Fratley was this graceful in bed. Henry rubbed his head between Freya's supple breasts enjoying every minute of it. Suddenly, Freya tapped on his shoulder with a finger mentioning for him to stop and smiled at him. Henry wondered what in heck could want her to stop him at a moment like this?

"My turn..."Freya whispered as she took Henry's rod into her mouth and began to suck on it. Henry gasped and Freya began to suck on and kiss Henry's penis massaging the boy's tool with tongue moving her tongue back and forth underneath it's skin. Henry moaned with every passing moment and lay back on the end of the bed as Freya continued her advances, licking the penis like a lollipop. Henry held out not wanting to cum just yet...he wanted to do inside Freya, not in her mouth. Sensing his concerns, Freya stopped the sucking and lay on the bed so Henry could do his "thing".

Henry looked at Freya in the eyes...and hesitated for a moment not sure what he was doing was right but then he looked right in those eyes, her eyes...what was it about the look in her eyes that drove him? Was it a sense of security and trust? Or rather, was it that of genuine love....whatever the case, Henry smiled and went on, humping at Freya's virginity until finding his mark and going for it. Freya gritted her teeth and grabbed the edge of the bed with both arms as Henry humped in and out of her vagina just about ready to cum...Henry moaned and groaned at the wetness of Freya's private nice and smooth....yet hot. Henry burst right then and there spilling his seed into Freya cumming into her and all over her private area. Henry fell upon Freya's furry chest and sighed a breath of relief.

"You were great Henry."Freya kissed Henry on the forehead.

"Thanks..."Henry whispered snuggling into Freya's breasts and drifting off to sleep. It had been so long since Henry had slept that he drifted right off on top of Freya which she didn't mind at all.

Freya put an arm on Henry's back and patted it gently. The poor lad had probably been through a to let him sleep.

Outside the door, the ever sneaky Terriermon had also fallen asleep listening to the whole conversation....


The next day...

"Thanks for everything Quale. If what you said is true, then I'll find some answers in Lindblum. Maybe I'll find my friends too..."Takato trailed off. He missed his friends so much already, esspecially Renamon and Guilmon.

Takato thought to himself.

"No problem, you take Quina with you as thanks."Quale said.

"What?!?"Takato shuddered.

"Quina needs much teaching in ways of gourmand teach her by bringing her all around world. She can battle you stand chance of survival against monsters."Quale said smiling.

"How do I get myself into these things?!?"Takato said putting his head down.

"I not know what you mean."Quale said confused.

"It's nothing..."Takato sighed.

"Okay, QUINA!"Quale called to her/him.

"I get yummy frogs?!?"Quina said running gayly into Quale's hut.

"No, you go with Takato."Quale said."He will show you world all over again."

"YAY! Me eat delicacys all over world like sand!"Quina said licking her lips."You like sand?"

"Ahhh...."Takato sighed walking out of Quale's hut.

Takato thought to himself.

"Good luck!"Quale called waving goodbye to Takato and Quina.

The two began their journey with no mishaps for a full minute until Quina spotted a moogle.

"Is frog?"Quina said investigating the moogle.

"KUPO!"Mog the Moogle hid behind some brush.

"Don't worry little guy, I won't hurt you...can you help us?"Takato asked.

" long as your friend stay as far away as possible, kupo."Mog said shivering.

"Don't long as you're not a frog you're safe."Takato said looking at Quina as she began to eat the long grass.

"Grass...taste like salt!"Quina licked h/is lips.

", what do you need, kupo?"Mog asked.

"I need to know if you saw anyone by the name of Guilmon? He's red and..."Takato began to describe him.

"RED FROG!"Quina said chasing Guilmon with a big fork.

"GUILMON!"Takato yelled happy to see his friend.

"Get it away Takato!"Guilmon said running behind his friend.

"Quina, Guilmon's our friend not a frog!"Takato said.

"IS FROG?"Quina asked licking her lips.

"I said ISN'T!"

"Not...frog?"Quina said dissappointed.

"YES!"Takato yelled.

" sad."Quina said looking down.

"Aw, Quina, I...."Takato looked down and saw a real frog in the pond on a lillypad.

"*sniff sniff* Hey Takato, I smell a real..."Guilmon began.

"FROG!"Quina yelled jumping into the pond after it making a big splash and getting everyone wet.

Spitting water out of his mouth and putting an arm around his newly-found buddy Guilmon's shoulder, he said only one thing.

"Guilmon...this is going to be one heck of a trip..."Takato said.

At least Takato has found Guilmon! Now that they're back together, can they get to Lindblum and find Zidane before Duskmon comes for them? What about Kuja and what is he doing at the moment? Find out on the next "Final Fantasy Digimon"!
[Image: Ikuto_Peckmon4_Ever.jpg]
"I'll keep you safe...forever."