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Memories Are Nice, But That's All They Are (Agumon/Kari/Biyo

Renafan again with another lemon I hope you guys will like. I wrote this just recently and agz seemed to like it a lot, so I hope you guys do to. It was a request which I'll be remaking into a megalemon. It'll be my first ^.^ The coupling in this one is Agumon/Kari/Biyomon

This is for agz, the rabid Kari fan(^__^)

(sorry about the spaces, copy and pasted the story!)

"Memories Are Nice, But That's All They Are"

A Digimon Adventure lemon by Renafan

Life has its ups and downs. It has its curves and sideway streets. Most of all, it has this thing what we call emotion. We use it to express our most inner desires, feelings, and motivations. We know so little about why we do what we do in life. All we know is what in front of our very two eyes, what we learn from the adults and teachers that tell about the world. Not only that, we learn certain things no one else knows about other people. Take Kari Kamiya for instance.

At first glance, she looks so gentle and fragile. An eight year old, what threat could a little eight year old child pose to anyone? Well, as a child in a very adult world, she has come to have very adult thoughts on many things. Having been given a sacred save the world from computer made monsters...well, let's just say her and her friends grew up very quickly. Ever since that duty ended though, and things have gone back to normal, Kari has begun to become more curious in adult instance being Tai's "special" relationship with Sora.

"whatcha doin'?"Kari walked into Tai's room, seeing him trying to comb back his hair but to no avail.

"Kari!"Tai turned back."Don't surprise me like that! Geez..."

"sorry."Kari looked down.

"Oh, don't get like that. You know how Mom is when she sees you like that. She points a finger at me and then..."

Tai looked down to his sister, who gave him the cutest darn sad face you could and would ever see in your entire life. Her brother sighed. Kari had been looking forward to spending Friday night with Tai, hoping he'd watch the movie she'd saved up to buy esspecially for him, her big brother.

"Kari, why are looking at me like that?"Tai said."I didn't yell that loud did I?"

"N-No!"Kari quickly smiled."I was kinda hoping you'd stay around tonight. I, uh, wanted to show you something."

"Not tonight. You know how Sora is if I'm late."Tai said, sighing."I'm gonna be broke for the next seventy years because of this night...all because I finally got her to go on a date with me."

"You really love her, huh?"Kari asked in her curious manner, putting her arms behind her back.

"Who said I loved her?!"Tai shot back, getting all nervous in his voice."It's just a date..."

"You just said you're going on a date with her Tai."Kari said.

"*sigh*Kari, don't take what I say seriously..."Tai sighed.

"Come on, Tai, I know you're in love with her!"Kari giggled."You only mumble about her in your sleep..."

"I do not!"Tai said, crossing his arms."You're just..."

"I hear you every night! You wonder why I'm always so sleepy in the morning..."Kari sighed.

"Okay, maybe I LIKE her. I'm just taking her out as a friend to find out..."

"What?"Kari chimed in.

"Would you let me finish?"Tai eyed his little sister.

"Okay..."Kari sighed, rubbing her foot in the wood floor.

"I'm going to find out if she likes me before I tell her my feelings."Tai said."Don't tell her I said that. I mean it!"

"Okay Tai."Kari giggled."You have to promise that tomorrow night that you'll do anything I want."

"Fine."Tai dropped his head, shaking it.

"One more thing though."Kari said.

"Yeah?"Tai asked, tucking his dress shirt in.

"Who's gonna watch me while you're with Sora?"Kari asked curious.

"Who else, Agumon will!"Tai smiled."I told Mom before she left to go out with Dad."

"But Tai, Agumon's never babysat anybody in his life before!"Kari said.

"Yeah!"Agumon poked his head in the door.

"C'mon buddy, I'm counting on you?"Tai made a wide smile.

"okay ^^;;"Agumon sighed.

"Don't worry, I'll bring you back something (if I have any money left that is!)."Tai said.

"Don't worry Tai, Kari told me she had dinner covered."Agumon put a claw on Kari's shoulder.

Kari simply lit up the room with her smile.

"You're...going to cook?"Tai twitched his eyes.

"No silly. I'm going to use my allowance to buy pizza."Kari smiled."I have Mommy's permission of course. She already ordered it."

"All right, all long as you don't use anything that involves fire, it'll be fine I think."Tai sighed."Just try and behave for Agumon okay?"

"Tai, really."Kari said."You are the one I should be telling to behave and not do anything stupid."

"..."Tai closed his eyes, biting his lips and walking out of the room past Kari and Agumon, who looked on as the nervous wreck made his way to the kitchen and sat himself down in the chair. He'd rest for a few minutes, calm himself down, and then go pick up....


"huh?"Tai looked up and saw Kari let her in.

"Sora?"Tai asked, his eyes twitching uncontrollably.

"You ready? ^^"Sora asked, in her finest dress.

"Um, well, I...."Tai began to get nervous under the immense pressure he was feeling at the moment. What the hell should he say?!

"He is."Kari took his hand, smiling at her big brother.


"Oh Tai."Sora said, sitting down."You're red in the face. You just wanna stay home tonight?"

"N-No."Tai got up."Let's go out!"

"Tai, are you all right?"Sora asked, feeling his head."You're red as an apple."

"No, no, I'm fine!"Tai laughed nervously.

"All right, then let's be on our way then shall we? Oh, I brought a friend by to help with your babysitting Agumon."Sora smiled.

"Hi Kari!"Biyomon flew in through the kitchen window.

"Biyomon!"Kari hugged her."You came!"

"Did you plan this too?"Tai asked her.

"Plan?"Biyomon asked her.

"I didn't plan...anything."Kari smiled.

"You're up to something."Tai eyed her.

"Let's GO, Tai..."Sora pulled him by his collar.

"UCK...okayokay!!"Tai shouted."Hey, you don't have to drag me y'know..."

"Yes I do."Sora sighed.

"I'm not a dog! I have two legs, not four!"Tai said."See? one..two.."

"Oh, come on."Sora closed the door and they were gone.


"Oh Tai."Kari sighed, looking down.

"What's wrong Kari?"Biyomon put her wings on her shoulders."You look really down tonight, and you've been so excited about something all this week. I've never seen you happier. Gatomon was really happy too."

"Have you seen her lately?"Kari asked."She went out last night but she hasn't come back."

"She'll be back."Agumon chimed in again, blushing."*ahem*"

", you wanna watch that movie Kari?"Biyomon asked."That one you've told me about?"

"Yes!"Kari clapped her hands together, smiling."I've been wanting to show it to Tai for weeks now. I put it together just for him."

"Oh, don't worry, we'll make sure you get to show him."Biyomon smiled.

"Really?"Kari said.

"Of course! When you power like we have, let's just we can persuade..."

"No, I have a better idea."Kari just thought of something."Can you let me do this?"

"Sure, whatever you think is right."Biyomon smiled."Let's go watch some TV and eat some pizza huh?"

"Yes!"Kari smiled, cheerful again at the mention of pizza.


Outside, only a short distance from the Kamiya residence...

Not a simple van, or taxi this was a limo! Tai could hardly believe it. Sora had planned their entire evening from start to finish. He couldn't believe it! He'd have to change his whole plan of what he was going to say and how he would things all in fifteen minutes!

"Are you going to get in Tai?"Sora asked the frozen in thinking boy.

"Um, yeah, sorry!"Tai quickly jumped in and shut the door.

With a shifting of the gears, the limo driver pushed on the gas and they were off in the busy streets going off towards the restaurant. The name was Leno's Famous Italian Food And Desserts. Sora had supposedly been there five times already, and wanted to show her best friend in the whole world (that's what he from her on the phone) the best restaurant she'd ever been to.

"So, do you like the ride Tai?"Sora asked with a plastered smile on her face."I got it just for us.^^"

"YOU did?"Tai asked."But Sora, how did you ever afford a limo ride?! Do you know how much it costs?!"

"A couple hundred yen"Sora sighed."Nothing to worry about."

"Why are you so calm about this when--"

"HEY! Don't talk to Sora like that!"The driver shouted.


"Seriously, Ms.Sora, I don't know what you see in this little man."A man with a Russian accent sounded.

"Sora, who is that?"Taichi backed up.

"Oh, that's my very good friend Pyotr. He works for the limo company right here in our town."Sora smiled."He offered me this ride for free, so I took it."

"Anything for you."Pyotr smiled."You remind me of my own little daughter, who is no longer with us."

"I try."Sora smiled.

"Now apologize."Pyotr ordered.

"I'm sorry Sora."Tai got on his knees."I wanted to tell you I was the one who lost your favorite ring but..."

"What?"Sora looked at him."YOU lost my ring?!"

"You didn't want me to apologize for..."

"oh boy."Pyotr closed the windows.

"TAI!!!!!"Sora yelled, waking up two hundred children.

Meanwhile, back in the Kamiya apartment...

Hearing Sora's scream, Kari sighed. Tai had fumbled up again. Oh well, they could just watch the tape she put together for him esspecially. She had worked on it for months, with her small portable camera Mom had bought esspecially for her. Agumon and Biyomon each took a seat next to her, and got slices of pizza to chow down on. Pepperoni was both their favorite, as well as Kari's.

"Mmm, I love a good pie!"Agumon chomped on his slice.

"Can you try not to get sauce on me please Agumon?"Kari asked politely, giving him a napkin.

"oh, sorry."Agumon grinned and took the napkin, trying his best to wipe himself clean.

"It's okay."Kari laughed, pressing "play" on the DVD player and getting on the sofa again snuggling up against Biyomon.

"No previews?!"Agumon sighed.

"Agumon..."Biyomon whispered to him, laying her head on Kari's."Shhh."

"Okay, sorry.^^"Agumon whispered back."oh, and remember..."

"Yes, I remember. When Kari goes to bed."Biyomon whispered.

"What are you two talkin' about?"Kari asked.

"Nothing, hey is that Tai?"Biyomon pointed.

"Yeah, that's him when we were younger."Kari pointed out, smiling."We did all sorts of things together! Of course, he'd goof up most of the time, but that's what made him Tai."

"He played soccer right from an early age then huh?"Biyomon smiled cheerfully.

"Yeah, he taught me lots! He taught how to kick a goal, defend, different strategies, everything!"Kari giggled."You should watch this Agumon!"

"zzz..oh, I'm watching!"Agumon woke himself.

"Oh Agumon."Kari giggled."What would Tai do without you?"

"I don't know, probably the same things he always does."Agumon shrugged.

"Oh look! That's the first time I scored a goal against Tai!"Kari smiled.

"Wow. You scored goals against him, and he's the best on the team?"Biyomon looked at Kari.

"Yep. I scored on him everytime. He hasn't managed to block one shot of mine except for when..."Kari stopped.

"Kari?"Biyomon looked at her.

"Nothing."Kari whispered.

Kari didn't like to think about it. It was stupid, on both her and Tai's account. Tai, for not realizing a sick girl when he saw one and Kari for going to do what her big brother wanted. Tai wanted to go out to the park, but Kari wasn't looking good. Tai thought by taking her out, she'd get better but she fainted instead, going to the emergency room and Tai got slapped upside the head for it. She cared about her big brother. She'd do anything for him, even if it meant risking her life.

"You...want some pizza?"Biyomon asked her, hugging her close.

"No, I just want to..."Kari's eyes fixed on the tv."That's on the television!"

"I forgot I put that on there..."Kari said and buried her head in Biyomon's chest."TURN IT OFF!!"

"Kari?!"Biyomon asked, very concerned.

"I don't like this, turn it off!"Kari cried.

Agumon quickly got off, and turned the power button off. They both knew it. Tai had told Izzy and himself all about it. That moment was not a favorite for neither Tai nor Kari. When Kari had gotten sick in the Digital World, memories of that event were brought back and Tai had a meltdown over it. She didn't like to think about it. It was horrible.

"Kari, that was a bad time for you, I know."Biyomon cradled her in her wings."It's okay now though. You both have learned from it, I think Tai most of all. Come on, you can come in with us."

"Can I?"Kari sniffed."I really don't want to be out here."

"Okay."Biyomon smiled."Come on, it's all right."

"*sniff*"Kari wiped her tears away."All right, I'm come with you."

"Good, that's the Kari I know."Biyomon whispered to her."Come on Agumon. We're going to do it."

"With..Kari 0__0;;;"Agumon sweated.

"Just come on!"Biyomon sounded.

"Okay!!"Agumon sweated.


Tai was a dead man. He had just made the biggest goof in the history of goofs. He had made an apology for the wrong reason that wasn't expected and furthermore, Sora was pissed. Pissed as in a whole new level of pissed off.

"TAI, HOW COULD YOU?!"Sora cried out."That was my dead grandmother's favorite ring! It's all I had left of her!"

"Well, I..."Tai sweated.

"Tai, get out."Sora sat down, starting to cry.

"what?"Tai said.

"Just get out. I don't want to look at you, hear you, or...anything!"Sora sniffed."All this time I thought I had lost it, you..."

"Please Sora, just hear me out!"Tai begged."Please, it's not what you think."

"Why should I listen Tai?! Why? Everything has always been an excuse with you! You never learn, you always make the same mistakes and worst of all, you never acknowledge them."Sora sniffed.

"That's...not always true!"Tai countered."Look, I know I must seem like the biggest jerk in the world to you..."

Sora gave him a glaring look, and Tai sighed.

"Okay, I am the biggest jerk in the world right now. Just hear me out this once okay?"Tai said."Please?"

"all right."Sora looked at him, all serious now."tell me, honest and straight. no bull."

"You always wanted that shine back in it, Sora. You always told me that your grandma's ring had a certain shine to it that no other ring could have but with neglect, it had lost that shine and you wished that shine would come back somehow, that it would remind you of the good times. I secretly took the ring to a shiner your grandmother went to all the time...well, almost did. I was walking and tripped on a crack, losing the ring in the sewer."Tai looked down."I knew you be mad and never want to talk to me again if I didn't come back with it. I searched that sewer for five straight days looking for it. I didn't find a single thing. My mother found out what I was doing and put a stop to it right away, telling me it was unhealthy to go swimming in dirty water."

"You did that, for me?"Sora sniffed."Why couldn't you have just told me about this though? Didn't you want to tell me?!"

"Yes, I did, for many months now."Tai looked into her eyes."I didn't stop searching though. I told Matt and Izzy about it. They helped me search for it again, and well..."

Tai reached into his pocket, pulling out a small little blue box. Sora's eyes glowed and expanded as she gasped at what was her grandmother's old ring, looking as if were new again!

"I did the best I could to get the shine back."Tai smiled."I'm sorry for not telling you this sooner Sora. I felt I had to do this in order to make up for the fact I goofed up."

"Oh Tai!"Sora hugged him around the neck."All I want you to do is be truthful with me, not the other way around. Just be honest with me when you make a mistake, even if it is a big one. Hiding it from me so long only makes it worse when you do tell me."

"Okay, I'll try."Tai smiled."Can you let go of me though. I'm kinda trying to breath here..."

"Sorry."Sora laughed.

"We've arrived."Pyotr smiled."Will you two be dining late?"

"Go ahead Pyotr."Sora smiled."We'll walk ourselves home tonight."

"A good night to you then, my little angels."Pyotr nodded to Tai as well.

"Good...night too."Tai said nervously."So, are we okay?"

"Let's find out together."Sora took his hand, smiling at him.

"Yeah."Tai smiled back.

Together, they walked out of the limo and up into the expensive restaurant that would leave Tai penniless for eternity...


Back at the Kamiya apartment...

It was 7pm now. Tai and Sora, from the sounds of things, wouldn't return until at least 9pm. Their secret field agent would ensure them of that. Biyomon closed to the door to Tai and Kari's room and closed the shades as well. Both Agumon and Biyomon looked at each other, and then to Kari. Kari just gave them that look of child-like innocence you see in any eight-year old.

Kari was no eight-year old in her mind though. She could reason like any like-minded adult.

"So, am I finally gonna see what two you do all the time?^^"Kari smiled.

"More then that silly."Biyomon came over."You're gonna do it with us!"

"really?"Kari asked quietly."Wow, just like Mom and Dad?"

"You already know what it is?"Biyomon simply said.

"Of course. I'm not stupid like Tai is sometimes."Kari smiled."Agumon, don't pick your nose."

"I am not!"Agumon quickly took his claw out.

"So, you're okay with this then?"Biyomon asked.

"Yeah, I am. I'm just curious as to how it feels. It looks like it hurts, but at the same time it sounds like it makes them both happy in a way I don't quite understand...yet."Kari looked down.

"Okay then, we'll help you then."Biyomon cheered."Agumon, help me over here."

"Why?"He asked dumbfounded.

"You're my babysitter and you're gonna have sex with me."Kari closed her eyes.

"OH!"Agumon's penis suddenly poked out."Why didn't you say so?!"

"I swear Agumon, Tai's had an overwhelming effect on your intelligence."Kari sighed, Biyomon helping her take off her shirt.

"Well, he does have that I admit. He does know how to get a job done right though."Agumon pulled down her shorts and undies.

"There we go."Biyomon smiled."How do you feel?"

"kinda cold."Kari said, shivering a little.

"Oh, Tai left the air conditioning on again."Agumon jumped up, flipping the switch to the off position."There, much better!"

"Thanks Agumon."Kari cheered up a little.

"Come here, I'll warm you up in feathers."Biyomon hugged her close."How's that feel?"

The warm feathers felt nice against her skin Kari thought to herself. So this is what felt like? Kari looked down to see Agumon's little red prick beginning to poke out of the sheath, as if it were looking for something. The little girl didn't take long before she figured out what it was. Kari decided now was the time to take action!

"Agumon?"Kari asked.

"Yeah?"Agumon began rubbing his dick.

"You're dripping."Kari pointed out.

"Oh?"Agumon picked his dick, seeing pre-cum out of it."It's only pre-cum Kari, see?"

Agumon walked over to the two and put his dick right up in Kari's face, Kari at first taken aback by the sudden surprise but leaned forward smelling at it. It didn't smell like anything that would give her anything contagious, and she trusted her friends, so she extended her tongue out and licked the top of Agumon's throbbing dick, sending little jolts throughout his entire system!

Agumon's eyes grew wide at Kari's lick and almost by instinct pushed his dick in Kari's mouth, muffling her! Kari tasted the penis, and found it wasn't so bad. She took ahold of it and Agumon pushed in and out of her mouth, sighing with content even if he couldn't go very far in there. Kari's young tongue was nice and soft, warm and inviting on his sensitive dick thought Agu to himself.

The taste of that dick was sweaty and salty, but in a good way Kari thought to herself. She'd seen mommy do it to daddy, purely by accident, and thankfully they hadn't seen her that time. This had been even before she'd gone off to the Digital World! It was late at night, and she couldn't sleep. She missed Tai. He had gone off to summer camp with Matt, TK, Sora, Izzy, and everyone else.

She heard a rumble and moaning coming out of her mother's room. She peaked in, and her eyes went wide when she saw it...Mr.Kamiya giving her mother head in her mouth, and she was enjoying every minute of it! It had been a real eye opener for Kari, and she immediately ran back to her room, scared and confused. She thought about it for several days after that, and learned to accept it.

Now, she was doing it as well. Kari took the tool of her mouth for a minute to breath, and then kissed the head. It was a strange taste, and yet she felt as if she wanted something...more. Agumon somehow sensed this in Kari's expressions, and bent down on his knees.

"You wanna get on all fours now kiddo?"Agumon smiled at her.

"Okay? What about Biyomon?"Kari asked, seeing her pussy dripping.

"Don't worry, you'll do just fine Kari."Biyomon smiled turning around and rubbing her feathery rear against the side of Kari's face.

"oooh...that's warm Biyomon."Kari said in a soothing tone.

"Put your tongue into my tailhole up here, and your fingers into my vagina here."Biyomon smiled."I like it that way."

"Okay."Kari said, determined to please her friend and gulped, extending her tongue to the entrance of Biyomon's tailhole.

"ooh!"Biyomon cried out, feeling that little taste snake slither its way up her ass."That's it Kari!"

Kari smiled and pushed her as far up that tailhole as she could, feeling its tightness on her tongue and the strange taste it left on her tongue. Still, this was fun! Kari proceeded to lift her nervous right hand up and pushed it into Biyomon's pussy, pushing her hand in and out of Biyomon's vagina, the sticky honey attaching itself to her hand as she make her way in and out with it.

Agumon meanwhile took his position behind Kari, noticing her equally dripping pussy. This girl sure was up for some action tonight Agu thought and grabbed the sides of her ass cheeks, positioned himself over Kari's pussy and pushed in, immediately feeling instant tightness! Kari experienced a whole new level of sensation, that red sweaty prick penetrating her what was her virginity. Agumon, eager for more of that tightness pushed in harder forgetting Kari had never done this before but merely watched.

"OOHH!!"Kari cried out in pleasure and pain at the same time, as her Mommy had often done.

Drool went down Kari's mouth as she pushed her tongue all the way up Biyomon's ass, giving into the Digimon's lust for her. Biyomon grew red in the face at the double penetration on her ass and pussy, and was going crazy with waves of pleasure traveling throughout her system, Kari's fingers reaching out throughout her pussy and feeling around in there. It was intense!

"Errhh!!"Agumon grunted, pushing into Kari more, his knees buckling.

Kari pushed rear more upward in the air allowing Agumon to push in further. It was amazing, she thought, the feeling of that dick expanding within her. It was amazing, and it hurt a little, but the pleasure it brought in droves far outweighed the pain it brought with it. Tears came down Kari's eyes, not noticed by either Agumon nor Biyomon, who were too caught up in their own pleasure to care otherwise. All that mattered was the moment and their group orgy!

Kari didn't want to stop, she just wanted that prick up her pussy, her tongue in that tailhole, and her little hand up Biyomon's pussy forever...time wore on in slow, long lasting seconds as Kari continued her little adventure forcing her tongue back and forth out of that ass until with one big force pushed all the way in, leaving it tightly there! Biyomon chirped loudly, pre-cum rushing out of Biyomon's vagina.

Agumon grew purple in the face taking his penis out of Kari's vagina and cumming all over her and Biyomon instead of on her.

Kari and Biyomon both shouted, and Agumon blushed a deep red. Kari took her tongue out of Biyomon's hole, and kissed her beak and hugged her tight.

"That was wonderful!"Kari cheered."Thank you!"

"No problem."Biyomon smiled.

"I don't get thanked?"Agumon looked at Kari with a frown.

"Silly!"Kari jumped on him, kissing him on the snout.

"awww...."Agumon blushed.

"We'd better get you cleaned up before your parents or Tai comes back."Biyomon said."Come on, there's a hot bath our name on it."

"Our?"Agumon gulped.

"Yes, you're taking a bath too!"Biyomon shouted.

"Come on Agumon, pretty please?"Kari gave him the sad look.

"awwww, okay. ^^;;;"Agumon smiled nervously like Tai.

"yay!"Kari jumped up, running down the hall into the bathroom.

"You're lucky that Tai's mom doesn't carpet this room."Biyomon said."Look at this floor..."

"Hey, where else was I gonna unload? You said not to do it in Kari and I didn't."Agumon crossed his arms.

"Come on, let's get in a bath."Biyomon sighed.

"Okay, I'm coming, I'm coming...geez..."Agumon rolled his eyes.



"So, I tell Izzy not to touch the Digiegg, but of course he does and out comes..."

"Tai, I was there. YOU'RE the one who picked up that Digiegg and angered the Tyrannomon!"Sora yelled.

"please miss, this is a restaurant."A waiter told her suddenly.

"Oh, sorry. ^^;;"Sora smiled.

"Don't worry, we'll keep quiet now..."Tai waved goodbye quickly."I put it back!"

"After about thirty minutes! It took you that long, and that's almost how long I was in that replusive beast's mouth!"Sora almost gagged right there.

"Well, I uh..."Tai laughed nervously.

"Do you what it felt like then? He rolled me up and down in his mouth, he liked the taste of my data!"Sora complained."I hate Tyrannomon..."

"Well, I got us out didn't I? I helped you clean up."Tai smiled.

"Well, yeah, you did."Sora smiled."Despite your faults though, you've always been nice to me Tai."

"I care about you Sora. I would never do anything bad to you on purpose."Tai said."I just want you to remember that."

"I'll..try."Sora smiled."You full?"

"yeah, let's get the bill."Tai sighed.

"It's already taken care of Tai."Sora smiled again."I knew you wouldn't be able to pay for $300 worth of food, so Pyotr took care of it for us."

"But I..."

"You don't have to pay for me to make me happy Tai."Sora squeaked his nose."Unlike Mimi, who has to have the latest in designer shoes."

"True, very true."Tai leaned back, exhausted.

"The thought was sweet though."Sora smiled.

"Thanks."Tai blew out.

"Come on, let's get out of here before they start throwing silverware at us. I have a feeling we're not welcome."Tai whispered to her.

"Yeah.."Sora agreed noticing all the eyeing guests, with hate written all over their faces.

Once safely outside on the streets, Tai and Sora walked towards Tai's apartment further down the road. The moon was out tonight. It was pretty,and the stars lit the skies but the air was cold. Sora rubbed up against Tai for warmth, and Tai blushed putting his arms around her.

"This was a really nice night Tai."Sora smiled.

"Yeah, it was."Tai agreed."I do feel kinda bad for just leaving Kari like that when she had something she wanted to show me."

"You can still see it."Sora said."It's only 9:30PM."

"Yeah, I can!"Tai hit his head."I was so caught up in trying to impress you tonight, I forgot Kari doesn't usually go to sleep until 10!"

"I thought she went to bed at 8 o' clock."Sora looked at Tai.

"She does, but she stays up for two hours either looking outside to the moon with Gatomon or trading secrets with Gatomon."Tai said."I gotta.."

Sora pulled him close and kissed his lips, much to Tai's very surprise! It was very quick and surprising, and Sora pulled away smiling at Tai and then blowing him a kiss and running off into the night.

"wow."Tai whispered.

Tai didn't listen. He only took in the moment as best his limited human brain could. Sora had just KISSED him. >KISSED HIM< Nothing could take anything away from the moment.

"Oh well, time to head in I suppose..."

Meanwhile, at that moment inside...

"Man, this is fun!"Kari laughed as Biyomon bathed with her washing all the cum out of her feathers.

"There we go Kari."Biyomon said."You're all clean now. Now to see..."

"Tai's back!!"Agumon rushed into the bathroom.

"AGUMON!!"Kari and Biyomon yelled."You're supposed to knock."

"sorry."Agumon sighed."Look, he's coming up the stairs..."

"Oh!"Kari realized something."Stall him Agumon!"

"Um, okay!"Agumon rushed out the door and jumped out the window landing right at Tai's feet.

"Agumon, what are you doing?"Tai glanced at him.

"Um...saying hi?^^;;;"Agumon sweated.

"Come on, get up already."Tai helped him up."Is Kari still awake?"

"Um, yeah, but she's going to bed now. We let her stay up if that's all right."Agumon smiled.

"Yeah, that's fine."Tai sighed."As long as she didn't burn herself or anything, it's fine."

"Nope, nothing like that."Agumon whistled.

"Fine..."Tai walked up the stairs and opened the door to the apartment.

It was quiet.

"Anyone home? Kari?"Tai asked. Nothing.

Tai quietly went down the hall and peeked into his room. Kari and Biyomon were snuggled up under the covers, sleeping away. Tai quietly closed the door, and retreated back to the living room where he plopped himself down on the sofa. He sighed, taking the remote in his hand and turning on the TV to see what was on tonight. Instead of the usual garbage on TV, there was Kari's face.

"Hi Tai (is this recording?)"Kari adjusted the small pocket camera she had."This is the surprise I made up for us to watch together tonight. I'm sorry we couldn't watch it together, but here it is anyway."

"Kari..."Tai sighed and sat back, smiling at the old footage of them playing soccer together.

It was good ole' memories at first, but then he saw...

"Wait a minute."Tai paused the tape."That moment. That's when Kari got sick and I brought her outside anyways..."

Upon seeing that moment, Kari all red in the face and swelling up in temperature Tai suddenly broke up on the sofa and buried his head in the pillows. Muffled crying could be heard by Agumon, who was just outside coming in, who looked at his partner in pity.

"Tai?"Agumon came over, patting him on the back."Are you okay?"

"Agumon, do me a favor and turn it off..."Tai said,"Please, I don't wanna see any more."



"okay."Agumon whispered turning it off once again.

Tai knew that the whole event had transpired long ago, but it seemed so fresh in his mind every day and night it was like a never ending nightmare that refused to end. What would he do?!

"Tai?"Kari yawned, tired."What's wrong?"

Tai buried his head in the pillows, not wanting to speak.

"Come on Tai, don't be like that. I'm sorry I left that scene in there. I didn't know about it until tonight. I meant to only show you the good times we had together...remember?"Kari shook his brother gently.

"But Kari, I hurt you!"Tai sniffed."Every time I see or even think about it, I want to cry. I just can't seem to get over it, no matter who I talk to or see about it. It's horrible what I did..."

"Tai, it's our fault this whole thing happened."Kari said."Let's leave it like that, okay?"

"But you were younger..."Tai sniffed.

"I still have a brain, and I wasn't using it very well either. I should've told you no, but I wanted to play soccer with you so I went out despite the fact I was feeling sick."Kari sniffed."Tai, can't we just forget this?!?"

"No, we can't."Tai sniffed."As much I don't like to admit it, we have to remember it so we never do something like that again."

"Can we watch where you left off?"Kari asked.

"Ka...yes."Tai nodded his head."we have to face it. both of us."

"Not alone."Agumon hopped on the sofa.

"That's right."Biyomon wrapped a wing around Kari.

"All right guys, let's watch the movie."Tai smiled, settling in and turning on the television reliving the past...

Memories are what make us.

They can be good or bad.

Whether they bring out the best of us, or the worst of us...

One thing is for certain.

We can learn from our memories, our mistakes, our accomplishments...

To make life better for us all, and most of all...

Those we love.

Fin. ^__^
[Image: Ikuto_Peckmon4_Ever.jpg]
"I'll keep you safe...forever."
Well done!
The occasional humor was good;
"*sniff*"Kari wiped her tears away."All right, I'm come with you."

"Good, that's the Kari I know."Biyomon whispered to her."Come on Agumon. We're going to do it."

"With..Kari 0__0;;;"Agumon sweated.

hard for me to think of more at two in the morning, I'll post more tom...
today... unless someone posts again relativly soon.
quite interesting good job