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Sexology of the Korrigan, an essay by Ph. D. Tycho Cockram
This is an attempt (inspired by the sci-fi story I'm currently working on) at describing in details the sexual life of an alien species. I hope you have as much fun reading this as I had writing it.

By P.h.D. Tycho Cockram

To fully understand the sexual practice of the Korrigan, the question must be examined under three very different angles: physiologic, sexologic, sociologic.

PHYSIOLOGY of the Korrigan

Korrigan are a very small race, averaging 2
This was very well thought out and articulated. But being the ever inquisitive, i must ask.

Once the female has fully gestated and delivered her offspring, how are they nourished? Do Korrigan females have an equivilant of lactation? Or are the young fed in some other manner?

Also a question as to the dynamic of "family" in the Korrigan Society. As in most other races are the offspring reared by thier mother? Or do the fathers care more for the young? Or is it a situation such as "It takes a village to raise a child?"

Just wondering.

Quote:Once the female has fully gestated and delivered her offspring, how are they nourished? Do Korrigan females have an equivilant of lactation? Or are the young fed in some other manner?

Females do have breasts, just not nipples Wink I haven't though in more details than that. Breasts might be used for feeding, but obviously a very different substance.

Either that or they don't breast-feed at all. Who said they had to? I mean, youngling could be able to eat when born. Why not? It is known that a newborn human baby already possess the basic reflexes for walking, climbing and swimming, but loses them in the following hours.

Quote:Also a question as to the dynamic of "family" in the Korrigan Society. As in most other races are the offspring reared by thier mother? Or do the fathers care more for the young? Or is it a situation such as "It takes a village to raise a child?"

I consider the Korrigan to be much more participative in family live overall. Every family member helps tending to the younger ones.

A part was edited out here due to an update of the essay