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Oekaki goodness: 2
Oekaki again ^_^ maybe toga should get one of these hehe. anyway. i put about half the time into this one but i think it looks tons better than the last one i posted. wonder why? hmm... oh well

Uhh...what's she scratchin'?
Pretty nicely done man, but I also wonder whats up with her, she looks like she's running her head and body into the ground like a cat in heat.
*beats you up with a medicine ball* HE! lol. oh well maybe when i finish it you'll see that.... as for what.... he... is sctatching, its just a really bad itch that brought him to his knees, shoulders ect lol

Did I say She? I meant...*runs off*

Sorry man, you can chalk that up on poor eyesight lol...but either way, looks good, can't wait to see ya finish it.
lol, yeah. its not like i take offence at it. Renamon by the TV show is female. i just felt like drawing a male one for a change... one thats not Ryokumon, ME lol. least you guys said something. getting comments makes it feel better to post something knowing someone is actualy looking at it and not just porn mongering hehe

Well either way wether it be male or fem it's still a classy looking pic, just good luck man, your a good artist.
Quote:maybe toga should get one of these hehe

Ha, indeed!