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Warmachine - PsychoticPorcupine - 10-11-2008

Please only post in this thread if you are invited or a moderator with a problem

Ray The Backlasher
Kyuubi no Kitsune
Cowboy From Hell


Fluff: Welcome to the Iron Kingdoms, a magical land where magic and steam power giant three ton warjacks. Countries are at war with each other. From the slef righteous menoth, to the power hunger Khadorians, the peace keeping Cygnar, or the malicious Cryx. In this Iron Kingdoms arc, Anthros have arised and taken war caster power. They work for all factions and are treated equally even in the eyes of menites.

Khador- this country can be ascribed to soviet russia, blood red is their color, slow moving power house jacks dominate their field. They are very well known for their mastery of war and their manipulation of ice. Several of the poeple followmenoth although not as religiously as Menites.

Menoth- this country can be simply ascribed to early christianity. They are the holy zealots, fighting to spread word of Menoth. The jacks are quite nimble although weak, through the praise of menoth they can rise to do extrodianry feats. Menoths are weilders of a magical flame that cannot be extinguished by simple water.

Cygnar- Can be simply described as the America of Iron Kingdoms. They fight to bring everything back to its orginal posistion and for peace. Their jacks are far superiror in technology, and are well balanced. Cygnar has mastered the ability to use lightning and speed to their advantage.

Cryx- Cryx cannot be really ascribed to anything, except maybe undead in Warcraft 3. their jacks are the fastest and powered by special arcane magic. they have recently developed special anti- jack powers and are very versitile in answering problems on the battle field. cryx has motives not known to the rest of the world.

Mercs- Mercenaries are in it for the coin. They can be seperated into seperate contracts. Searforge, the Rhulics or dwarfs. Highborn, anyone who alligns with Cygnar works for this contact. Four star syndicate, anyone who will work for cryx or khador call this contract home. People for the downfall of Cygnar follow the magnus agenda. Pirates call the Talion charter home.

Basis: You are (probably) a warcaster in charge of a fleet of jacks and a small army. Will you lead them to glory or, lead them to riches?

1. No God Modding (blah blah blah)
2. Post "How is the front line looking?" at the front of your reply
3. At least three lines (I won't be a nazi about this but the more content you put in the more content you get out) Especially since we like to know what your whole army is up to.
4. Don't kill other warcasters, keeps the game more open
5. Amendments may be added at any time, I will make a post informing of updates.

Character Sheet:

Nickname: (Optional)
Title: Warcaster, Unit Leader, Solo, Jack masrhall (You probably want to be a warcaster)
Species: (Human, Rhulic (Dwarf), Ogrun, Anthro, Gobber, Iosan, Undead)
Faction: (Menoth, Khador, Cygnar, Cryx, Merc(explain alliances))
Warjacks: (Usually 1-3 light, and 1-2 heavy; Depends on your army and how expirenced you caster is)
Units: (just pick like 1-2 units)
Solos: (2-3)

Name: Isaac Grundback
Nickname: Spineback
Age: 18
Gender: male
Title: Warcaster, Unit Leader, Solo, Jack masrhall (You probably want to be a warcaster)
Species: Anthro Porcupine
Faction: Merc- Searforge
Description/Pic:[Image: Stonie_by_mistystriker.jpg]
Height: 4' 5"
Weight: 112 lb
Personality: Isaac is really cold hearted, he is constantly thinking. He speaks in one volume when in conversation, and only shouts during war.
History:Isaac was an adoptive child to the Grundback clan. He always looked up to Gorten as a big brother and an Idol. That is where he learned his earth manipulation abilities, and does battle in a very similar manner to Gorten. Now that Gorten has goen out to battle Isaac decided it was his turn to help his clan. Isaac heads into battle with his head held high.
Warjacks: Ghordson Driller, Grundback Blaster x2
Units: Horgenhold Forge gaurd x2
Solos: Ogrun Bokur x2, Gudrun the wanderer

RE: Warmachine - Bee - 10-11-2008

How's The Frontline Lookin', Boy?

Name: Brandon Korbachev

Nickname: Deathslinger

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Title: Warcaster

Species: Anthro Timber Wolf

Faction: Khador

Description: a grey wolf, with black, shoulder length hair, and brown eyes. Off the battlefield, he wears grey pants, olive green trenchcoat, and heavy leather boots. He wears a heavy leather collar around his neck, and almost always has a cigarette hanging from his muzzle. He also wears tinted goggles, to protect his sensitive vision during the day. In Combat, he wears the traditional red armor, modified for his Lupine frame, and weilds a scythe and modified Nock Cannon(7-Barreled Shotgun.), that he can reload in a matter of seconds.

Height: 6'6"

Weight: 230lbs.

Personality: cold and uncaring, save for one or two people in his life. His personal motto is "Get Over It". He only speaks to give orders or when it's of the utmost importance.

History: born in the Foothills of the mountains, he trained relentlessly in combat from birth. He is the youngest Warcaster in the Khadorian Army, breezing through the training in record time. He only has one companion in his life currently, and doesn't speak much about her when he does open his muzzle. He's also highly decorated, for someone his age, scoring victory after victory against the Cygnar. He earned the nickname of "Deathslinger", for his ruthlessness on the battlefield, and lack of compassion for wounded soldiers. The blade of his scythe is stained with blood from not only his enemies, but his own troops, when they're wounded too severely to continue fighting.







Winter Guard Field Gun Crew:


Man O' War Shocktroopers:


Man O' War Demolition Corps:





Man O' War Drakhun:


RE: Warmachine - Ferro Cordis - 10-11-2008

Name: Frank A Mazzola
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Title: Warcaster
Species: Anthro Fox
Faction: Menoth
Description/Pic: http://th04.deviantart.com/fs18/300W/f/2007/144/7/b/I__m_Too_Sexy_by_Xesta.png
Height: 6'0
Weight: 200
Personality: Free spirited, Out spoken, Loud, Annoying, Odd, Obnoxious, Yet... he can be mysterious at times
History: Unknown.
Warjacks: Guardian, Reckoner, Dervish.
Units: Exemplars Errant blister, Idrian Skirmishers, Deliverers.
Solos: Paladin of the Order of the Wall, Exemplar Seneschal, Covenant of Menoth.

RE: Warmachine - PsychoticPorcupine - 10-11-2008

For ray

How is the front line looking?

Name: Acerbus Rex Regis

Nickname: Ace/The Dark Ace

Age: 35

Gender: Male

Title: Warcaster

Species: Anthro Lion

Faction: Cryx


[Image: 1203313284kuron_furor.jpg]

Height: 7'0

Weight: Proportional to height and body size.

Personality: Cold, Calm, Collected. Ace is Savagely Charming intellectual, Calculative and Precise, he doesn't act without knowing full well the risks, advantages, and possibilities of a battle. He usually has a plan, another plan in case that one fails and yet another tactic and strategy to back that one. Despite this, he is a ruthless and merciless fighter, killing without hesitation or fear of pain and death. He tells no one, but he isn't as cold and unfeeling as he makes out to be. HE WANTS TO FWIND TWOO WUV.

History: A high-ranking and powerful Warcaster, he is very experienced in the field of battle. He was the youngest (and at least non-undead) Warcaster in the entire Cryx faction. He trained in the art of close ranged combat, but focused more on the dark arts. His past is shrouded in mystery, and the only records on him is that he is the first Anthro to ever join the Cryx. He lost his eye in a key battle (which he won) and has replaced it with some sort of forsaken demonic device known as "The eye of Legion". The ceremony performed to attain such an eye has degenerated his health, and this shows when he occasionally coughs up blood.

Warjacks: Leviathan (x1), Stalker (x3) and Cankerworm (x1)

Units: Cephalyx Overlords (x3) and Cyphalyx Mind Slaves (x5 Cephalyx Overlords and Mind Slaves Count as x1), Withershadow Combine (x3 counts as x1) and Necrosurgeon (x1).

Solos: Machine Wraith (x1), Pistol Wraith (x1), Skarlock Thrall (x1)

RE: Warmachine - Bee - 10-11-2008

The clank of iron against iron and the hisses from boilers. The blood red monstrosities of Iron and Steel lumbered their way across the valley, augmented by soldiers armored in a fashion similar to the Warjacks ahead of them.

Warcaster Korbachev, the Infamous Deathslinger of the Khador Army, walked alongside his men, silent as the night.

The moonlight of the clear night illuminated their way easily, and it was dim enough for Brandon to be without his goggles. His night vision was what set him apart from other Warcasters, with the ability to spot a camoflagued soldier at 100 yards through the blackest of night.

While his soldiers conversed quietly amongst themselves, Brandon walked along, his scythe swung low, and his Nock Cannon across his back. He looked up, to the fires belching from the boilers of his 'Jacks, as he silently commanded them foreward, toward their enemy; The Protectorate of Menoth.

RE: Warmachine - PsychoticPorcupine - 10-11-2008

Isaac walked forward, escorting one of his small messenger 'jacks. He was scouting the advancement of the Khadorian army led by korbachev. Isaac had felt them walking outside of his merc camp for miles now, he just wanted a glimpse for himself. He looked carefully and quietly as the Khadorian front moved towards the Cygnarian line. Interesting move Korbachev Isaac thought, he looked back at his Jack. Time to go alert the camp The Jack seemed to nod and turned back heading along the line of Khadorian movement. The camp was about a mile and a half ahead, directly in the line of the Khadorian movement. Isaac arrived quickly to his camp riding on the back of his jack. Isaac headed towards his captain of the Horgenhold gaurd. "We have khadorians heading directly toward us, no need to create a fight, let us simply make a path for them, and should their offer be strong enough lend a hand." The captain nodded and began barking orders to the rest to the camp spreadin it out between two sides. Isaac walked over to his inert jacks, another gunner and a ghordson driller. "Time to wake up guys" Isaac said lighting their cortexes aflame. The Gunner woke up quickly and Isaac silently odered it to stand beside its brother. The Driller stirred silently as the steam began to fill its cortex with energy.

Once the driller arose Isaac simply nodded and moved he and his army up to the front of the camp, well lit by lanterns. He stood in direct line of the Khadorian advancement. The driller to his right, the gunners to his left, and his personal Bokur over his sholder. Gudrun and the other bokur waited in the trees in case something were to go awry. The two units of Horgenhold Held the edge of the forest as a guide for the Khadorian advancement, and as a gaurd for the camps. Isaac stood with his forge brother in hand waitign for the khadorians to pass. He smelled the thick coal the Khadorans had to use to run their machines. His jacks hummed happily as their coal was much cleaner and refined thanks to the special coal he used from Rhul. Isaac waited, as he watched the columns of smoke march towards the camp. Not prepared to fight, but simply to defend themselves if Korbachev was upset.

RE: Warmachine - Ferro Cordis - 10-11-2008

"AND AS WE RIDE OFF INTO BATTLE! WE WILL FIGHT! UNTIL OUR LAST BREATH!" Frank yelled loudliy "And there goes the element of surprise" He added. "But hell. Whats keep you two big pieces of metal quite eh? I mean... Look at you." Frank looks up to the sky and at His Reckoner. "Your funkin HUGE!!!" Holding position at his base as a few of his Idrian Skirmishers came back into camp Frank asked them "What do we go-" Before he could finish "We heard you half way across the battle field..." Frank laughs "Sorry... Whats do we have mates?" The replied "Khador, And there heading straight for us." " ALRIGHT!!! Get ready to defend guys. But let them attack first. You know the drill! FOR THE GLORY OF MENTOS!!! ... I. Mean MENOTH!"

RE: Warmachine - Frisk E. Coyote - 10-12-2008

The Dark Ace surveyed the two forces about to meet in battle. Seemingly alone, he stood above the battlefield in titanic cliff not very far away. His presence veiled by dark magics, he did not come to join the conflict, but to indulge himself with the sight of battle. More often than not did Warcaster Acerbus Rex Regis travel all the way risking death or injury just to watch another faction's battle for the sake of watching. Today, he was aiming to learn something from this. Khador. Menoth. And the Mercenary Faction, Searforge.

Today is was a good day for war.

RE: Warmachine - Bee - 10-12-2008

"UNIT. HALT!!!" Korbachev barked, his coarse voice echoing through the night, as they stopped in front of the Rhul encampment.

Korbachev nodded at one of his Field Gunners, which promptly ran up to the nearest Rhul soldier.

The two massive Warjacks stood silent, save for the sounds coming from their boilers, as the belched out the thick, acrid smoke.

Translating as best as he could, the field gunner spoke to the Rhul soldier, "My Kommander, The Infamous Deathslinger Korbachev, wishes to know why you are encamped on this side of the Khador/Cygnar border."

Korbachev leaned against the Leg of his "pet" Warjack, the Kodiak, and produced a match. He struck it on his leg-armor, and brought it up to the handrolled cigarette hanging from his muzzle, lighting it. The pale grey smoke floated lazily on the breeze, to join the thick, sooty smoke from the Khadoran Warjacks.

RE: Warmachine - PsychoticPorcupine - 10-12-2008

Isaac smiled to the Khadorian field gun man. He talked loudly to Gudrun and the Bokurs in the language of Ogrun. The Ogruns smiled as Isaac turned and spoke to the guman in khadorian. "The country of Rhul still has this land marked as neutral territory" Isaac continued to speak in his thick rhul accent. "Any land claims you have aquired are politely ignored unless we are asked to leave." Isaac then nodded to his jacks who moved to the edge of the path beside the units. "Now we do not wish to cause a fight, we just wanted to make sure we appeared ready for battle incase you should act agressively." Isaac spoke bowing to the khadorian and nodding to the deathslinger. "We move aside to let you pass" Isaac said steping to the edge of the path.