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Tank Cop & BigD - Printable Version

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Tank Cop & BigD - BigD - 09-21-2008

"Boy, who knew summer could be so boring without the Digital World," muttered Tai as he lazed on the couch, idly flicking through the channels in a vain attempt to entertain himself.

It had been exactly one year since he, his sister Kari, and seven of his friends had been transported to the Digital World. And now, Tai was discovering just how much he had missed the adventures they had been through. With school out and his parents dead set against summer camp again (after what happened last time, Tai couldn't blame them), there just wasn't much to do. He had tried hanging with some of his old friends, but they were either on vacation or just as bored as he was...except for Kari.

For reasons unknown to him, Tai's little sister had been spending an increasing amount of time locked in her room, refusing to let anyone in or say what she was doing. It worried Tai somewhat, but being the caring older brother he was, he respected Kari's privacy. After all, what could a young, innocent girl like her possibly be up to that was bad?

If only Tai knew...

RE: Tank Cop & BigD - Tank Cop - 09-22-2008

Kari making sure the bedroom door was locked goes into the closet and moves all her toys and stuffed animals out of the corner and takes out a hidden chest.

She brings the chest into the middle of the room and opens it inside of it Kari takes out a Very small, half her size, bright pink baby dress with white ruffles all over it, a pink pacifier, pink baby mittens and booties, as well as a baby bottle with some pre-prepared baby formula and baby food and to top it all off a package of disposable diapers with prints of Hello Kitty on the crotch and butt end.

Kari strips naked then puts on all the clothes and starts to snack on the foods. She worries at times that she eating all this baby food has gained her a bit of weight but she thinks that Tai still has no idea whats going on.

RE: Tank Cop & BigD - BigD - 09-22-2008

Tai's stomach gave a loud grumble, the boy giving one of his own as he got to his feet and walked to the kitchen, passing Kari's room on the way. As he went past the door, he heard what sounded like Kari munching down on a snack of her own.

"Maybe that's why she's been getting a little fat," he muttered to himself, having noticed Kari starting to develop some pudge on her over the past few weeks. Considering he had snuck quite a few snacks down over his life, he paid little attention to hit.

Moving into the kitchen, Tai popped the fridge open and searched for anything that was edible...and considering what his mother cooked all the time, there wasn't much. Fortunatly, Tai had convinced his father to stock a few simple things for such an occassion, and Tai soon came across a bowl of noodles and shrimp, which he popped into the microwave. Once his meal was heated to his preference, Tai moved back to the living room, once again hearing Kari scarfing down something as he walked past her room.

"Hey Kari, you keep snacking like that and you'll turn into a blimp," he teased, giving her door a gentle rap as he returned to the couch.

RE: Tank Cop & BigD - Tank Cop - 09-22-2008

Kari had finished her baby food and drink and had got into her postion she gets in to pee in the diaper but as she was peeing Tai's tapping at the door scared her so much that she gave a small fart nose and began to, for the first time ever, poop in her diaper!

She did all she could to stop it but once it started it just keep going!

Kari wanted to just cry on the spot but know she couldn't or Tai would hear her so she hand to get to the bathroom cause unlike the pee smell she could blame on her wet bed sheets she can't cover this one up.

Kari opens the door to her their room then looking outside see's Tai busy with the TV then she quickly as she can waddles in the thick and full diaper to the bathroom down the happy praying she makes it before Tai can see her.

RE: Tank Cop & BigD - BigD - 09-23-2008

Hearing Kari's door open, Tai sat up and glanced back, ready to greet his sister...and his jaw fell to the floor. Kari was clad in a pink baby dress that was so small, it was tight around her body...and did nothing to hide the diaper she was wearing. A few seconds later, the stench of feces hit Tai's nose and he nearly fainted.

"Kari, what the heck are you dressed up like that for?" he yelped, jumping off the couch and rushing over to his little sister, who looked ready to burst into tears. "Come on, let's take care of that diaper," he said, helping Kari to the bathroom and shutting the door behind him. Not looking forward to what came next, he undid the straps of Kari's diaper and quickly threw it away, helping his sister wipe herself clean.

"Now Kari, I think you've got some explaining to do," said Tai, trying not to focus on the fact that his sister was naked from the waist down.

RE: Tank Cop & BigD - Tank Cop - 09-25-2008

Kari was at a lose for words after being changed by her brother like real baby not really caring that her naked and hair free virgin pink pussy was fully exposed for Tai to see. All she could do was cry heavly with her hands covering her face as it was burning red with shame.

"P...Please Tai....Please don't tell mom or dad about this....they will think I am some kind of freak! Don't tell our friends ether and at most not TK. He will never want to see me again." Kari just keeps crying to scared of whats going to happen next to really do anything.

RE: Tank Cop & BigD - BigD - 09-25-2008

Tai was equally at a loss for words as his little sister wailed, looking ready to die of embarresment. Not sure what else to do, he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her to him, gently rubbing her back as he shushed her.

"Shhh, it's okay, Kari. I promise not to tell," he said, squeezing her warmly before breaking the hug. "But I think you've got some explaining to do. Why are you dressed like this?" he asked, a blush coming to his own cheeks as he spied Kari's privates.

RE: Tank Cop & BigD - Tank Cop - 09-29-2008

Kari, still sobbing looks down to ashamed to face her brother and says. "I just wanted to feel loved like I use to when I was very little. Mommy and Daddy seem to busy to love me anymore. When I was a baby with my wissle and Qualla PJ's and my baby things they spent all their time with me. Even if I was bad and got spanked and other bad things they still loved me and I want that again. So I dress like a baby to remeber and feel that love inside me again."

RE: Tank Cop & BigD - BigD - 09-29-2008

Tai smiled sadly, able to empathize with his little sister. Mom and dad had been busy with their jobs lately and had had little time for their kids. It was one reason why Tai took his duty as a big brother so seriously; he was virtually the only family Kari had all the time.

"Hmm, I can understand that, sis...and do you just dress up like a baby or...?" he asked, doubting she had crapped her pants just for the heck of it. "Do you actually act like one?" he asked, wondering if perhaps...his sister actually wanted to be treated like a baby.

RE: Tank Cop & BigD - Tank Cop - 09-29-2008

Kari blushes hearing that then says in a low and humilieated tone of voice. "Well...I...I never pooed them them like I did today....but I do at times use them for the other thing.....so yes I do use them I got other baby things I use too."