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New Starts & New Lives (Tank Cop/AWL) - Printable Version

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New Starts & New Lives (Tank Cop/AWL) - Tank Cop - 09-19-2008

OOC: This is a RP game for Angewomons Lover & me alone. Don't make me made of its a so ass spanking for you! :@

IC: Henry was walking the sitting in his hometown's local mega mall in the food court that holds over 20 types of food stores. He was mixing large and thick mint & chip milk shack with his plastic spoon and sighing as he just lost yet another girlfriend cause of his sister's annoyingness. "That brat she always comes into my room and bothers me at the wrong times. Its not enought that I let her keep Terriermon as her baby to make her happy but she won't let me have time to have my own fun. I mean the last girl I had left when Susie came into my room and wanted to play cops and robbers as the girl was giving me a blow job!" He eats some ice cream to try and feel better then adds. "I know mom's death hurt susie's mind alot and I can't really be mad at her for all our sakes she could have a nervus break down. I just wish I could find a girl that would help me with my problem and still love me in so many ways. Damn it this ice creams NOT helping." Henry says as he keeps taking small bites and sucks from it.

RE: New Starts & New Lives (Tank Cop/AWL) - Erethzium - 09-20-2008

"Hey, is this seat open?" Vook asked, walking up to the free seat at the table Henry was sitting at, holding a tray of food in her arms. She was dressed in an average girl-ish manner; with a light-green T-shirt, and a pair of jeans.

RE: New Starts & New Lives (Tank Cop/AWL) - Tank Cop - 09-20-2008

Henry looks up to see this lovly looking and very tall Dragon girl. His first thought is that she's a large Digimon like Renamon or Guilomon. "Yeah sure you can sit here. Are you bringing that food for your Tamer? Will he or she by coming by to eat it soon? I never see your species of Digimon before what kind are you? A Dragonmon or something like that?" Henry asked cause the strict digimon laws make it very hard for any Digimon to do any normal human activiaty without a Tamer to watch them.

RE: New Starts & New Lives (Tank Cop/AWL) - Erethzium - 09-20-2008

"I'm not a Digimon..." Vook blinked as she sat down, staring confusedly at Henry. "What, you've never seen a Dragon before?" she asked with a giggle, her tail swishing back and fourth. "You're silly."

RE: New Starts & New Lives (Tank Cop/AWL) - Tank Cop - 09-20-2008

Henry didn't know about Vook's past and still thinking she was a Digimon just went along with it. "No I am no silly I am lonely guy that has a sister that won't stop bothering him or his girl friends unless she is occupied playing with some small new Digimon to keep her away from me and my needs." Henry eats more ice cream feeling more bad that he had admited that.

RE: New Starts & New Lives (Tank Cop/AWL) - Erethzium - 09-20-2008

"Hey, no need to tell me a life story." Vook giggled again, sipping from her drink. "And you can't pick me up that fast, hun." she added, grinning. "I don't go out with just any old guy, you know."

RE: New Starts & New Lives (Tank Cop/AWL) - Tank Cop - 09-20-2008

Henry gasps at hearing this and in doing so his mint chip shack falls onto the table spilling all over both Henry and Vook's pants! "Oh Jeez!"

RE: New Starts & New Lives (Tank Cop/AWL) - Erethzium - 09-20-2008

"Hehe, no problem." Vook giggled, taking a napkin and wiping her pants, before bending down, opening her maw towards her pants and letting out hot breath, slowly drying them off.

RE: New Starts & New Lives (Tank Cop/AWL) - Tank Cop - 09-20-2008

As Vook bent over to dry herself off with her breath Henry got a good look at her huge cleavage and got a good hard-on in his tight pants. "Look I am sorry I wasn't coming onto you with my story its just I really needed someone to tell that to. Ummm...canyou clean my pants like that too? I don't have any napkins." Henry said blushing.

RE: New Starts & New Lives (Tank Cop/AWL) - Erethzium - 09-20-2008

"Hehe, whatever ya say, handsome." Vook giggled as she stood up, and then knelt beside Henry, noticing the bulge in his pants from his hardon. "Oh? Were you staring at a certain part of me?" she asked, grinning up at him, her tail wagging a little bit. "It's not polite to stare at girls' chests, hun..." she added, grabbing a couple napkins and starting to rub Henry's pants, rubbing hard over his erection to tease him.