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Intolerant assholes.. - Printable Version

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Intolerant assholes.. - Fallen hearts - 04-01-2007

I have never wanted to kill anyone before today... but now, there are two people that I would enjoy slowly roasting over a bonfire...

Before I get into it.. a little background... My boyfriend's family has pretty much shunned him since his mom died. His brothers tried to keep him from going to the funeral even... He went anyway, and his grandmother, though she doesn't approve of his sexuality, stood up, and told them to back the fuck off, and not cause trouble there.

Things have been that way since he was fourteen.. before then, he had a good relationship with him mom, so he has always been pretty happy, even after her death, he hasn't ever really let things get to him. But today in the mail, he recived a letter from his brothers, reminding him that he was not welcome at the family reunion. It would be one thing to simply not send anything.. but those ignorant horse raping jackasses sent him a reminder not to come!

What kind of sick piece of shit would do something like that? Paul is one of the nicest people I have ever met.. and I don't say that just because I love him either... He would never willingly hurt anyone if he could get around it.. Even when people attack him, he won't fight back unless it is to protect someone else. He has always been happy, but tonight, he finished reading that, and completely broke down.. I've seen him cry about little things before.. but never like this..

He wasn't just depressed about this, he was one step from suicidal.. We took him to see his mom's grave, because he said he wanted to talk to her.. My sister couldn't go because she is a little sick, but me, Mellissa, and Paul went to his mom's grave, and he sat there crying for I don't know how long...

If I ever see either of those two assholes.. They had better hope there are a lot of people between us, because I won't be going after them in self defense like the other times I have fought... I'll be going after them with the intent of removing limbs so I can use them to beat some sense into them...

Between the three of us.. we have managed to get him calmed down.. and cheered up a little bit. He is upstairs talking to my mom right now. But if they think they will get away with this, they are going to be getting a big surprise if I see them anywhere...

RE: Intolerant assholes.. - Herr Mullen - 04-02-2007

You say you're attacked in the streets? That's an issue for the police, and if you haven't told them anything about such incidents then you are at fault. And if they haven't done anything about it, they are at fault and aren't fulfilling their civil duties as officers. I don't know where you live, but it sounds like a facist superstate. Where are you, Texas?

RE: Intolerant assholes.. - Niyara - 04-02-2007

The police have been informed about every incident, and they did what they could about it..but that is not even close to the point of this. I can't stand the fact that they would do this to him... and he doesn't even get mad at them about it... he was really depressed,but he didn't get mad...

RE: Intolerant assholes.. - Herr Mullen - 04-02-2007

I'm sorry to say it, but he must leave his brothers behind. He can keep in touch with the rest of them. Tell him to write a letter to the rest of his family, telling his aunts, uncles, and cousins that his brothers are being horrid. But don't be rude about them. With any luck, the rest of his family will rally 'round, or you'll be his new family.

RE: Intolerant assholes.. - Niyara - 04-02-2007

He hadn't said anything to, or heard from his brothers since his mom's funeral... the rest of his family is almost as bad as they are, just not quite so nasty about their disapproval... As far as we are concerned.. We are his family now, he even told me that he was proud to have such a strong little sister when I called those assholes and tore into them for this... I was just going to send a letter to them, but then I found them in the phone book...

It took a lot to keep from going to their house and doing it in person... but I thought that it would be easier to control myself.. and I would be less likely to do something I wouldn't want to do... if I just called them..

It really meant a lot to me when he told me that he thought of me as a sister... but I shouldn't be surprised... I've been treating him like a brother since he hooked up with my actual brother..

RE: Intolerant assholes.. - Wisemon - 04-02-2007

Find out if the brothers have ever sodomized anyone. If they have, they

RE: Intolerant assholes.. - Angry_kittens - 04-05-2007

Wise.. while I appreciate you trying to help... that wouldn't do any good even if making them hypocrites would change anything... The only people who would know the answer to that is them.. and I do not want to talk to them... I have a loving family now... and while I wish that those on my father's side of the family would accept me... I know that for the most part, it isn't going to happen.

One of Kim's friends, an older man who shall remain nameless at his own request, helped me out a lot earlier today.. I had been telling her a little about my mom.. and I guess I told her my mom's maiden name at some point.. because she mentioned it to her friend, and he told her that he happened to know someone by that name... So she called them, and found out, that it was my grandma...

Me and Dan went to talk to her.. and I found out, that most of my mom's family went through the same thing I did.. just much earlier, so I never met any of them... So now, I have another family to love... its kinda strange to me... but I like it...

Anyway.. I know this part isn't really a rant.. just wanted to let everyone know how it turned out..

RE: Intolerant assholes.. - senjuro - 04-06-2007

That's ridiculous...well, at least it doesn't appear that you've inherited your siblings' sadistic streak for causing emotional pain.

RE: Intolerant assholes.. - Wisemon - 04-06-2007

Quote:Wise.. while I appreciate you trying to help... that wouldn't do any good even if making them hypocrites would change anything
Who said I was trying to help?

Quote:Me and Dan went to talk to her.. and I found out, that most of my mom's family went through the same thing I did.. just much earlier, so I never met any of them... So now, I have another family to love... its kinda strange to me... but I like it...
So families are great. Is that the lesson here? I don't get it.

RE: Intolerant assholes.. - senjuro - 04-06-2007

Wisemon Wrote:So families are great. Is that the lesson here? I don't get it.

No, the lesson is that blood is not always thicker than water, and far too many people in this world say and do selfish things that hurt people they claim to love.