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X's back - Printable Version

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X's back - DragonMasterX - 03-15-2007

Yes people, I'm fully back now. I started school a week ago, but I must say still then I had some personal problems to be wholy active again. I'm still sour of some of our most funny members being so inactive, or even... partially gone, but these last days been cheering me up to return here and try to keep things in place and wait for their return.

Anyway, this thread is mainly to report the progress of my whole Summer. For those who read the late topic I made about my job, here's the continuation and probably its conclusion!

So, where to start...? Oh yeah! The Summary.

As you know, I worked as a clerk, and a command additioner for a Restbar at the beach. It was successful, I didn't break any glass things as I thought I would. And well, I had some of the most funny moments I had in my life there.
You know, this was a total new experience to me, I had never worked in my life, so I started valuing a lot more things I didn't before, like money expenses in a regular basis (minus bills, since I didn't have to pay for them) and such. To say the least, my earnings were for my own lust for luxury :P

Yes, I got lot of experience, money, and rewards, but I also made new friends and contacts, people I never thought I'd relate with at all.

I saw how some of the others worked, so as I posted in some of my other threads, I started to be enticed to do as many things as I could in this job. Including helping where I was needed and where, well, I wasn't needed at that moment too.

Heh, girls continously asked me if I was 20 or 25 from how I looked. Thought I was 1.98 meters tall, however upon measuring myself, I finally reached 2 meters of height, hehe. It's not something I had wished for, but at least I wasn't the tallest guy there, the tallest guy was one of the clients, who actually was 2.23 meters tall, he had to bend down to walk through almost everywhere with ceiling :P

Now. Money and things, hehe, I got a payout of 1400 pesos per month, so I racked 2800 up; plus 240 from a bonus. I exceeded 3000 lol, I was surely happy. I had many expenses unfortunately, but most were with things I liked and wanted, so I was content. Now I've got 1300 pesos left in my 'bank' which is actually my old wallet, stored safely away from my sister.
I lent some money to dad and mom and helped mom to rack money up to buy our new PC (The one I'm using right now). I didn't buy many things, but I upgraded my cel phone, and I bought an MP4 player with 1 GB of store memory.

Every single day we had fun at work, it looked as if my 9 hours of work weren't actually hours of service. It was tiring at first, but I got used to it first, though it didn't show off well after I got back and I kinda was pissy all the time after it from my tiredness, but well, hehe, I didn't have many bad days. Except the day I had to walk two miles from the station to the Restbar and then from the Restbar to the station of the other city when I left, and it was raining, lol.

On the day before last, it was such a bad day for work, we went everywhere around the beach. We were going everywhere whole day doing random things. I'll just tell about this day since it was the funniest of all of them:

It started as it usually started, well, not really, it usually started at 7:10, when I woke up and had a shower, then went to the station to take the bus. However, I overslept... for the first time in the whole season :P
I woke up at 8:15, I had a quick 5 minute clean up and left with my things to the station. I had in mind taking the 8:30 bus to work, but how to say it, the 8 o'clock bus was still there and about to leave, at 8:21 :P I literally jumped on it before it left and got a seat.
It went through the long course, I wasn't surprised, it was the late bus; however, to my surprise, the FIRST bus had stopped for maintenance in the middle of town. All the passengers boarded it... including my other workmates! Hehe, it was funny talking to them and realizing that the first bus had taken route at 8:20.
At work, the climate was as sucky as at home, albeit it wasn't raining, so it was supposedly good, lol, I went all the way down and we started kidding 'round with the guys, even though I'm the biggest, I was the youngest of all of them, ironic, isn't it?
At 9 or so, we all decided to go for a swim, it was funny, we all went deep and about 130 meters away from the shore, but one of our mates didn't know how to swim and hadn't told us, can you believe it? He even went in with a board, we had to take him out, it was hilarious, we were all laughing (even himself) as we exited.
After getting a bath, we suggested playing volley, we grabbed a ball and went to play. After winning three easy games and laughing our heads' off, we went to 'work'. After an hour or two, it was lunch time, we had our lunch, then decided to play another volley game!
We had hell of fun and were playing for about two hours.
I made various trips back and forth to the restbar, there weren't almost no people there... it wasn't the best day of the season, but well, it was to me!!
When we got back from playing, we all bought something to drink separately; and at the same time prepared things for the End of Season Party, which was the following day.
Afterwards, we started joking with a little ball a random kid had left with one of the recreation group guys, the people at the restbar just were laughing as hard as us.
Done with the little ball, one of my new friends brought in a Rugby ball! We started passing, till we decided playing some tocatas, we made the pitch in the sand... just in front of the restaurant! Haha, it was funny as we realized later, but well, while it lasted, we had fun. Till later we started playing REAL Rugby! It was HILARIOUS! Even our boss was laughing at the game and the constant hits we took while tackling.

We had to end the game later, since it started to rain, we had to go up and help clean things up and put order to the parasols and the tables. When I got back in, I was told I could go, since there were about only 15 tables eating inside. I was happy, I had returned two hours earlier :P
Oh! And that day, I had been paid my second payoff and my bonus, and coincidentially, I met a friend of mine at the bus, she works selling those jewerly things for women and such, and in the 28th, it was both one of my new friend's birthday and my mom's, so I bought presents for both and came back home in some sort of triumph, lol.

The next day, it was a bit fun, not as the 27th, but it was cool. Mom's meeting had tasty food and a cake, and when it was 23 o'clock or so, I left and took the midnight bus to my workplace with some buddies.

LAST MEETING PARTY!! Man! I've been to very few numbers of parties in my life... but this was PARTYING! Drinks! Drinks! Alcohol! GIRLS!! TECHNO MUSIC!!!
I think I ended a bit trastorned, but I was one of the most resistant! Considering I puked everything up at about 5 in the morning and I was the one to down half a bottle of whiskey after downing three bottles of fernet with coke and about five bottles of quilmes... man, I always disliked that kind of beer, but that night, it was tasty! Lol, I even did something I thought I'd never do for real: When one of my girl friends had opened one bottle for me, the shaking made it send some beer to my face, when people started laughing, I grinned, put my thumb to the tip of the bottle and then shook it so hard, we all got drenched in beer! Haha, it was fun considering then I aimed at one of my other girl friends, the one wearing that lousy white shirt, the classical E-cup babe showing off with a big cleavage. I danced with her thrice, though I forgot almost everything, THOUGH! I remember that of 15 of the girls I danced with, three of them I french-kissed while... hugging, heh heh.
I met my cousin there, even my boss, man he was surrounded by girls, lucky bastard... Hell, it was the funniest party I had been to ever :P

Anyway. Dudes, this is a report:

Work's done for good. I returned to my afternoon shift at school, I'm coursing 5th grade of High-School, next year, I'll be in College, today I started taking care of my career and everything, I'll be studying in an Economic Sciences University next year.
I've come back, yep, I'm back for good here too, my activity will rise soon guys!

For those who cared to read this, thanks for showing interest. For everybody else in the forum, never change people! I'm happy to be here and happy to have you here!


RE: X's back - Kurtz - 03-15-2007

Well, glad to know you had fun throughout it all. And it's great to have you back to the normal regime. Activity? Hah, as expected it would grow more. Oh well. Good to have the DMX we know and.... uhh... party, around. Yah, party. Welcome back!-

RE: X's back - Erethzium - 03-15-2007

uh...yeah...what kurtz said...(cant think of anything else to say! :P) nice to have ya around, welcome back and the ect!

RE: X's back - Yoosei - 03-15-2007

It's good to have you here more often from now one DMX. I have to admit I was missing having you are so often. *chuckles* And I am glad you ended up having lots of fun both at work as well as on that party huh. and I bet indeed to work for the first time must be some new experience indeed. still welcome back.

RE: X's back - Disturbed - 03-15-2007

o.O Where the hell was I when this party occurred!! I'm always missing good stuff ><. Glad to have ya back DMX and as hard as it might be we'll try to bring the Old DaD back to the New DaD!! More hilariousness and laughing!!!

RE: X's back - Kalyx - 03-16-2007

Welcome back DMX,

I'm glad that everything's working out in you life; school, work and otherwise. I'm relatively new here at DaD,but I'm trying to learn and post as much as possible in between my job and home life. I hope to be posting my first lemon by the end of March *crosses fingers* and join the RPG's. (I'm trying to learn everyone's characters before I submit mine.) Anyway, hope to hear from you and see you 'round! :B):

RE: X's back - Wisemon - 03-16-2007

That sounds like a fun job. Maybe you can get a career out of it.

RE: X's back - DragonMasterX - 03-16-2007

Thanks guys! I feel a lot better than I was before after reading those comments!

Quote:I'm relatively new here at DaD,but I'm trying to learn and post as much as possible in between my job and home life.

A very random, yet wise friend of mine said that it didn't matter how old you were here, neither how many posts did you have: It's how you spend your posts and time which makes ya a good member!

RE: X's back - Kalyx - 03-16-2007

DragonMasterX Wrote:Thanks guys! I feel a lot better than I was before after reading those comments!

Quote:I'm relatively new here at DaD,but I'm trying to learn and post as much as possible in between my job and home life.

A very random, yet wise friend of mine said that it didn't matter how old you were here, neither how many posts did you have: It's how you spend your posts and time which makes ya a good member!

Thanks for the vote of confidence! I try to make an effort in making my posts "count", since sometimes I have limited posting time. I hope, in time, I'll be able to "know" everyone a little better. Cool

RE: X's back - Zephyr of Darkness - 03-17-2007

Quote:I got a payout of 1400 pesos per month, so I racked 2800 up; plus 240 from a bonus.
Hold on.....you earned as a clerk what I would have earned working as a licenciate kinesiologist physiotherapist working like crazy 8 hours a day and 5 days a week during a month....?
...............I think my lifespan has just reduced to half.