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Fox Tails set backs - Printable Version

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Fox Tails set backs - Ryokumon - 02-20-2003

well by now i wonder if anyone even pays attention to me. just in case someone clicked this link actualy wanting to know why i havent posted anything here goes.

School is taking up a lot of my time and pretty much i havent had much time to do a lot of writting, post reading or drawing for that matter. I know i have been telling a few people who email and instant message me that the next part shouldnt be to far off but the truth is i cant find the time to make it good for now. so i'm not even going to try.

this does not mean that i'm dumping it (or writting in general) but it does mean that for a while, more than likely till summer, i won't even put an effort to completeing the next part.

Also to explain a few other things. i do have a lot of free time at school but due to the relation ship to porn and edjucation i'm on final notice for anything erotic. next strike and i get expelled. belive me when i say i have tried but i need to pass before my own fictions. at this point school and life are taking priority so sit tight and i should have something in a few months.

it really hurts me to stop so suddenly in the middle of a story but i cant do anything about it. i hope that you (if any of you) understand my problem and i hope to finish it before all thought of it disapears.

and to those of you who payed attention thanks and good day,


- Ruhe - 02-20-2003

Have a nice day to you too.

- NekoDramon - 02-20-2003

I know what you mean. School and stuff really can clog one's schedule. But we'll keep your seat free until you return! :D

- Tazer - 02-21-2003

That's ok... though I'll miss it for a while. =\

Well I lasted the wait for chapter 4... might as well do it again lol.

A question though.. these stories aren't very 'erotic' anyways. Hell barely any of it has hentai. The majority of it is fanfic isn't it? Couldn't you write the main part in school? I don't see the school's problem with that... :? Or am I missing something?

- Togashi - 02-21-2003

I completely understand, I in a similar situation, where my roomate and friends are already creeped out sometimes by what I have on my computer, and with school and friends being over all the time, there just isn't much free time to myself to work on things.

Trust me, school comes first.

- Resumon - 03-03-2003

"It's ok man, togashi is right, school first. We'll miss you, i really REALLY like your writing, and from fox to fox, having a mate like renamon don't let you time to do nothing"

"Bay, Ryoku Kitsune

Ps: tell renamon if she don't remember that party in the summer, when she allmost broke my neck thinking that i was a botle of beer, would you

- Ryokumon - 03-03-2003

Thanks guys. I'm glad you understand my delima.

as for Tazers comment (said in a friendly voice) my brother started talking around till every school in the state knows what and how i write. i originaly tried to keep the scenes seporate from the rest of it. more of it was the kind of rooted sexuality. BUT when the principal sees charicter names in MS Word when she has past refrences with those names to sexual acts the hammer drops and its a strike ^~^' even if i wrote it in school pledging that i won't type up the porn parts the principal still dosent want a fiction that envolves anything remotely sentual.

its like a catholic school except... not. lol

anyway, thanks again >^.^<


- Ruhe - 03-03-2003

Ryoko, I missed your 'Renamon trying to use a computer' sig.

- Tazer - 03-05-2003

Ah, I see. Well... I still have to finish reading the last one anyways. I took a break from it but I keep coming back. I'm almost done reading it too lol :P

- Micah - 09-03-2006

I guess this topic has seen It's brighter days, I mean it is now so old it could be refeered to as ancient, so I just wanted to wipe off some dust and maybe get it going again. Who knows, maybe It'll make Ryoku post here. At least we'd hear from him more often than on MSN. ;p

So, how is school going? Couldn't you just change school? What happened to freedom of speech and all that? I mean as long as you, AT SCHOOL, don't write or draw anything above the natzi G-rating, they have no reason whatsoever for stopping you from writing whatever you want. heck, tho', I'd rather you waited till you got some more spare time to write it - The best fics aren't written within a 2'min periodic timetable... Oh and sorry about TOTALLY forgetting to look through the typos in your fics -.-;;; Bitch at me whenever you get on MSN. If I'm on as well, that is. :3~~