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How do you feel about digimon of different genders? - Printable Version

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How do you feel about digimon of different genders? - circeus - 11-16-2005

That is, Do you go Evil when hearing of a digimon that is not the usual or expected gender? (safe for a few unmistakeable ones)

Do you see some digimon as being irredeemably attached to a given gender? Could you actually immagine a male Floramon (something I've yet to see in a fic) or Gatomon (I've read and seen a single pic)?

Personally like to overturn things, but I have fallen in the same pit-traps out of Habit. Had I pushed the logic, I'd have inverted the characters of palmon and gabumon in my last fic. I do enjoy reading about differently gendered digimon though.

- DV85 - 11-16-2005

I prefer the digimon to be whatever gender the company originally intended them to be. The only exception to this is Lopmon who was male in the Japanese version only to become female by the dubbing crew. I feel it makes more sense since her partner in season 3 is also female which can make it easier for the two of them to relate on certain things.

- Harie Krauzer - 11-16-2005

For me, it's a mixed bag. Some I can easily see as male or female depending upon their officail use. Easiest example is Angmeon being male and Angewomon being female. Some of the Rookies seem vague and I feel could go either way. Judging mostly on appearance not necesarrily voice or actions.

- Zephyr of Darkness - 11-17-2005

I voted the last and totally agree with Harie.

- circeus - 11-17-2005

well, Angemon and Angewomon were those I was thinking about when i wrote "savefor a few unmistakable ones".

- Harie Krauzer - 11-17-2005

Oh, okay, let me clarify, or try to.

Well see, a good deal of the higher level digimon have can easily be associated with a certain gender. Male, female, or other (like Machindramon). It is most of the Rookies that are a bit iffy. I'm no expert on the chains, but some digimon, I'm sure, have the capabiltiy of evolving to a digimon that seems male or to one that seems female. Would the rookies have a fixed gender and change? Or are certain digimon stuck to a dfferent line. It is up for grabs really. I'm not saying I'm right or any real theory. Agumon and Guilmon are the only digmon that ever changed evolutionary lines. Guilmon definitley stayed masculine. Skullgreymon is a little iffy (I would say he's other) since it seems to be rather undead. Then there is Sylphimon (Season 2 with Hawkmon and Gatomon fusing), but I would call him a male.

Most digimon, of the same kind, seem to act nearly identical to each other. Season 4 shows a few digimon exempt from this rule, and the digimon who teamed up with the humans as well. (Shown by Pyomon mostly)

I don't know what your entire list of "Unmistakable ones" are, but I'll assume our lists will be similar.

But I do go Evil if they change the gender of one of the digimonthat was on the show. Though I did laugh about Germany using a male voice for Renamon. I saw a clip of it once it didn't sound bad, but I'm not sure if it actually pulls it off nicely.

- Gunter VanCrimson - 11-19-2005

any gender is fine, as long as theyre hot, and reasonable. (exeptions to me being okay with: Male angewomon (yuck. is that even possible? Female angemon (......) get my drift?

- Juria - 11-23-2005

Personally, I'm undecided. I mean, certain characters I see as either male or female regardless of the original creator's idea. Ex. Renamon. To my knowledge, the character was originally seen as male, mostly by voice, but the build, dubbed voice, and body language all say female to me, so I'm going with female.
Do I mind gender-reversing? No. Whatever floats your boat, as long as you give a warning. Ex. Putting the abbreviation Fem. before Flamedramon in a lemon description helps, otherwise the reader will, duh, see it as male.

- Anonmon - 11-23-2005

Renamon was originally intended as nongendered. Hence why it explains to Ruki's grandma at one point that Digimon don't have genders.

- Blue Rover - 11-23-2005

if there is a female one then theres a male one. exception to gunthors point (female angemon....right then) otherwise there would be no more digimon...