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WHAT THE FUCK?!! - Printable Version

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WHAT THE FUCK?!! - Gnostic Metatron Prime - 11-04-2004

This stupid, fucking country... We had thousands of people voting this year, and shitloads of new voters, and yet BUSH WON?!! And that's not even the worst part. The worst part is that Congress is now swarming with rich, old white fuckers who will spend the next four years shitting on our constitution, along with Ashcroft. Plus, now that Bush has won, he's more or less obligated to push the Defense of Marriage amendment through congress, thus adding the homosexuals to the list of minorities that he's screwed over (BTW, let's have a big hand for Gov. Ah-nuld, who went and pushed for Dubya just to get out of his promise not to contest the possible defeat of the California D.O.M.)


- Anus Individual 20 - 11-04-2004


...well, not much that can be done, except start making a strategy for the 2008 election.

And, I guess, pay close attention for any screw-ups that could be used to get him impeached. By now, he's probably cocky enough to let something slip.

- urban dream - 11-04-2004

Even though it doesn't affect me directly, this is very saddening, and worrying. :(

But I suppose there's little that anyone can do now except grin and bear it. Once more unto the breach, four more years. But then it's over, unless Bush goes the Lukaschenko way, which, as much of a corrupt arsehole he may be, I doubt.

- Anus Individual 20 - 11-04-2004


Educate me, would you? What "way" does this represent?

- Wisemon - 11-04-2004

Brace yourselves, this could take a while.
Quote:This stupid, fucking country... We had thousands of people voting this year, and shitloads of new voters, and yet BUSH WON?!!
I was probably angrier than you today. I was so angry that I got out a scathing poem in about two hours (which I'll save for my own thread). Like you, I'm not mad at Bush, I'm not too mad at Kerry, I'm mad at the country. In particular, I'm mad at the country in the country. Sure, I'm mad at the Central Floridians who switched to Bush because of the hurricane relief. More than that, I'm mad at the usual red state Bible humping (intentional) country fried hicks who chose Bush based on moral values. It was the #1 issue for 20% of them, and 79% of those chose Bush. There's where "What the fuck?" truly applies. They just don't get it. Bush doesn't have any morals. He has a history of substance abuse, illegal business practices, screwing over minorities, abusing his power in various ways to give himself and his buddies more money (like they need it), and killing thousands, destroying all kinds of shit, and ruining our world status in a war for distraction.
Quote:Plus, now that Bush has won, he's more or less obligated to push the Defense of Marriage amendment through congress,
The states have already decided, so the amendment won't be necessary. That's far from the worst thing to expect. First of all, Bush is going to get to nominate some supreme court justices. He also made a Freudian slip, and said that military service will not continue to be voluntary. Even worse, his mock of the "world test" hints that he'll wage war on whomever he damn well pleases (like France), which could easily start WWIII. We might not make it to 2009 to see an end to what will be a nightmare. As Patton Oswald put it, without the fear of not getting reelected, Bush could bring the Apocalypse.

- UnknownH - 11-04-2004

hmm well I already made a recount joke so now a canada joke
who's with me to go on a oddly long road trip to canada? (yeah...this probally won't help)

- Gnostic Metatron Prime - 11-04-2004

[Image: timemagBush.jpg]

Well, personally, I intend to give Bush hell for his second term. I've already come up with a strategy for fighting the DOMs:

Sue the states for violating freedom of religion by not allowing gays to interpret the word "marriage" for themselves. (Let's see them dodge that; They've just had too many churches involved in this fight to say that it's not a religious matter.)

- Gnostic Metatron Prime - 11-04-2004

[Image: timemagBush.jpg]

Well, personally, I intend to give Bush hell for his second term. I've already come up with a strategy for fighting the DOMs:

Sue the states for violating freedom of religion by not allowing gays to interpret the word "marriage" for themselves. (Let's see them dodge that; They've just had too many churches involved in this fight to say that it's not a religious matter.)

- Wisemon - 11-04-2004

Quote:hmm well I already made a recount joke so now a canada joke
who's with me to go on a oddly long road trip to canada? (yeah...this probally won't help)
Gee, I don't suppose you have an ulterior motive for wanting to go to Canada. Wink

- hhvorausgesagt - 11-05-2004

"Civil war, is what good policy is based on,
its what leadership is based on!"

"He changes positions... I uh... I just know how this world works if you send mixed messages... believe me"

The issue is what you do about it

"Just because the president says it can't be done
doesn't mean it can't be done"

"Nuclear, Civil War, is on the way"

"Sure, we have heard a lot about values, but values spoken without actions taken are just slogans."

"We can and must complete the path towards... BIGOTRY AND HATRED!
That is the kind of America bush will lead as president

"Because some issues are just aren't so simple

"My friends, we are united this term in one purpose, they are in office now for but one reason...

"There are weapons of mass destruction in Iraq so..."
"We will deploy EVERY child, EVERY adult, EVERY parent, EVERY Worker in America!"

"You'll get body armor in service
And you get the bill!"

"We are fighting a global war on terror against an enemy unlike ever known before
Like Canada"

"And on his first day in office he will be a commander in chief who will send a message to every American
He will fuck
EVERY child, EVERY adult, EVERY parent, EVERY Worker in America!"

"Mother fucker!"

"I dont want to claim that god is on our side
But you know what
He fucked the Democrats
He fucked the Republicans
He fucked the Green Party
He fucked the Independants
So he will fuck you!"

"You see that flag up there?
For all those who believe that our best days are ahead of us
With great faith in the American people
Well Im here to say tonight, YOUR FUCKED!
And YOU get the bill!"