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Lost lemons - Printable Version

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Lost lemons - circeus - 10-27-2004

I am looking for three lemons written several years ago by Chris McFeely (Webmaster of the great Digimon Encyclopedia). These were left untouched for a while (I think Chris hasn't released any fanfic in 3 years) and were lost in the great FF.net purge.

They were a Gatomon/Patamon, a sequel with Veemon, and a Yolei/Hawkmon/Armadillomon.

- UnknownH - 10-27-2004

chris wrote porn? I don't know about that

- circeus - 10-28-2004

Yes he did. I think he wasn't particularly happy with himself and forget all about them until everybody did the same and they were lost to the great evil that FF.net is.

- Lord Patamon - 10-28-2004

hmm......... I remember had seen those lemons too on ff.net before they changed the rules and deleted all the NC-17, I think that the Patamon/Gatomon one was called "The Love of an Angel" since it was more of them in their angel forms, the second chapter I think it was a threesome that was Angemon/Angewomon/Flamedramon, I think the name of that one was The Best Laid Plans of Mice and Mon, the Armadillomon/Yolei/Hawkmon one was a third chapter but I don't remember the name I think the title included something about Armadillo or something like that.

Unfortunately I didn't saw those lemons anymore, I think he only posted them on ff.net :(

- Wisemon - 10-28-2004

I guess he has an image to maintain, but I wouldn't be surprised if he reads the lemons on this site.

- UnknownH - 10-28-2004

yeah that's not that weird look at god of chaos he also works for the digimon raw distributer site (DVD quality eps) with FET the fandub guy

- UnknownH - 10-31-2004

well he only sent me this one cause one was lost and the other he lost cause it sucked (his words)

Disclaimer - I don't own Digimon

Author's Notes - Like I said at the start of Chapter One, I've TOTALLY softened on Digimon/Human sex, and this chapter is the proof. If you don't LIKE Digimon/Human sex, then I guess you shouldn't read it, but I've tried to be as overly tasteful as I can get. This is pretty much unrelated to the Gatomon/Patamon/Veemon business from last chapter - the chapters in this series are individual lemons, rather than interlinking stories.

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By Chris McFeely

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- circeus - 11-01-2004


:D Thank you! thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou!

- UnknownH - 11-01-2004

no prob he's a nice guy

- Jodan - 11-16-2004

I got the first one...

Shooby-dooby doo-wop-wop, my name is Exveemon, and you are not...” Exveemon mumbled softly, and he stumbled through the rough undergrowth of the forest. “...when she Digivolves, Angewoman gets even more ho-oo-ot!” The blue Digimon casually uprooted a tree and tossed it out of his way. “Now, where the freakin’ hell are those two?”
It had been a slow day in the DigiWorld, with no apparent threats to keep the DigiDestined busy. Angemon and Angewoman had left the area the group had been lounging around in about an hour ago, and when the time had come for them to move on to examine the next region, the angels had not returned. So Exveemon got landed with the job of finding them.
“Come out, come out, wherever ya are,” Exveemon called out. He put a hand to where his ear would have been if he had one that was visibly discernible, and listened for a response. What he heard instead was a low, barely audible, grunt. “Wha--?” Exveemon queried out loud. He listened again. More grunts. Getting a bit closer together now.
Exveemon couldn’t quite tell where they were coming from, and quite frankly, he had enough of picking his way through stinging nettles and springy branches that kept slapping him in the face.
“VEE LASER!” he yelled, crossing his arms and releasing them, firing an X-shaped bolt of orange energy at the nearest cluster of trees. They were all immediately torn from the ground and knocked about fifty feet away. “That’s the ticket,” Exveemon said, marching down along the path he had cleared himself - he’d made a good choice, as he heard the noises getting louder.
Exveemon parted a bush, and peeped through it, into a clearing, where the noises were apparently coming from. There, in the middle, Angemon and Angewoman lay, him on top of her, both naked except for their helmets, their arms and legs intertwined, as Angemon thrust his pelvis against his partner’s. The grunts came from both of them.
“Well, I’ll be damned,” Exveemon murmured. “Guess it would be kinda rude to interrupt ‘em... I’ll give ‘em a minute...”
- - -
“Harder, Angemon!” Angewoman cried, digging her nails into Angemon’s buttocks. “I’m close...!”
“Hrnn.... nngh... fuck...!” Angemon grunted out, thrusting into her as far as he could go. “Can’t... hold it... much... longer... Angewoman!”
“Let it go!” she cried, throwing her head back, feeling Angemon erupt inside of her, his release triggering her own orgasm. Angewoman released Angemon’s rear, and sunk her fingers into the soft earth, raking lines it is as she writhed around, passion washing over her.
Angemon shuddered, and collapsed on top her of. Their eyes met, and she kissed him softly on the lips.
“Havin’ fun, guys?” a familiar voice chirruped from the edge of the clearing.
Angemon and Angewoman leapt to their feet, and spun around, to see Exveemon leaning casually against a tree, one leg crossed over the other.
“Exveemon!” Angewoman squawked, and immediately tried to cover herself up. Angemon stood in front of her, arms outstretched, hiding her, but doing nothing for himself.
“Yikes, pal, I really don’t need to see that,” Exveemon said. Angemon’s hand shot to cover his crotch, as he had forgotten he was naked. “So,” Exveemon went on, “you two gettin’ yer freak on, huh? How long’s that been goin’ on?”
“Uh... uhm... well... since... we freed MetalGreymon from the Emperor,” Angewoman mumbled, her face turned a deep crimson.
Exveemon did a double take. “That long?!” he yelped. “And ya never told anyone? Not even courageous, friendly ol’ me? Good ol’ would-give-his-right-arm-to-bang-you-out MEEE?!”
“We... didn’t think you could take it,” Angemon said.
“Oh, yeah, sure!” Exveemon said, in a huff, spinning around and kicking a tree, which promptly fell over.
“I couldn’t take it! Exveemon’s useless! Exveemon couldn’t handle it ‘cause he’s not WORTHY of a fuck!”
“Calm down,” Angewoman soothed. “Anyway, how could you... do that? We only have sex organs because we have human forms.”
Exveemon turned around to look at the angels again. “Come again?”
“What, again?” Angemon replied. “I need a bit of time to get rea-”
“Shush,” Angewoman poking Angemon, and then spoke to Exveemon again. “We only have these organs because we have human forms in our higher stages.”
Exveemon looked back. “You’re kidding, right?”
Angemon and Angewoman exchanged puzzled glances.
“Human forms? THEY’RE why you have a peg and a hole?”
“Well... yes,” Angemon answered. “...aren’t they?”
“Lemme show you somethin’,” Exveemon said, turning around.
The blue lizard shut his eyes and hummed softly for a few seconds. Angemon and Angewoman looked at him, then at each other, then at Exveemon again, as he exclaimed: “There!”
Exveemon turned back around again, hand on hips, with a twelve-inch long blue member jutting out between his legs, poking out a pouch of skin that neither of the angels had noticed on him before. Angewoman’s jaw dropped, and Angemon was equally startled, before scowling a bit.
“But... how...?” Angewoman gasped.
“I’ve always had this thing!” Exveemon told her, throwing his arms up in the air. “Even when I’m Exveemon! What, Angemon, are you tellin’ me you don’t have dick when you’re a Rookie?”
Angemon turned bright red.
“...holy crap,” Exveemon squeaked. “So... no-one ever told you two about the Birdramon and the HoneyBeemon?”
“The... what?” Angemon asked.
“SEX, MAN!” Exveemon screamed. “Geez, you guys are creeping me out!”
“But... why do you...” Angewoman started, “...and he doesn’t... and I want... I mean, and I don’t...”
“Beats the seven shades’a shit outta me, sweetcheeks,” Exveemon remarked. “I know I’ve got one, I know Hawkmon and Armadillomon have one... I guess Wormmon has one, but I ain’t never seen it... and just, don’t ask me how I saw Hawkie and Dilly’s, okay?”
“It... it could have something to do with our creation,” Angemon said. “We... were we engineered by Gennai and his group to be the Digimon of the DigiDestined. But...”
“...me and the rest of the ‘newbies’ weren’t created for that,” Exveemon continued. “We were born at Primary Village, an’ then picked to be the new DigiDestined’s Digimon because we had the power of Armour Digivolving. We were born, and you were created.”
“So... ALL Digimon have... those?” Angewoman asked, pointing at Exveemon’s appendage, which still stood firm. “Why did WE get the short end of the stick?”
“Guess it was to stop you and the other Digimon wanting... other things,” Exveemon suggested. “Y’know, you wouldn’t be distracted during battle, or whatever. No libido.” The dragon grinned widely.
“We found a way around that,” Angemon said, returning the grin.
“I c’n see,” Exveemon said. “So, geez, you been doin’ it that long? An’ ya never once said anythin’ about it?”
“Well, we didn’t know you... could do it,” Angewoman said. “Thought you and the others might get jealous.”
“Fuck, I AM jealous now!” Exveemon said.
Angewoman turned around, and motioned for Angemon to follow her to the other side of the clearing. Exveemon casually watched Angewoman’s tight butt wiggle as she sauntered away, with Angemon following. The angels were still completely naked, but Exveemon wasn’t complaining if Angemon didn’t get in his line of view. He watched as they whispered softly to each other - he wasn’t sharp enough to lip-read, so he could only guess what they were talking about... probably some way to torture him if he ever told about what he’d seen. A few minutes later, they walked back over.
“Okay,” Angewoman said.
“Okay what?” Exveemon said.
“If you promise not to tell any of the others what you saw...” Angewoman started.
“...yeeeeeah...” Exveemon drawled out, making hand motions for her to speed up.
“You can screw her, okay?” Angemon snapped.
Exveemon’s eyes went wide.
“God, you make it sound so dirty,” Angewoman scolded.
“You... you’re serious?” Exveemon asked, eyes sparkling. “You wouldn’t kid yer ol’ pal Exveemon, now, wouldja?”
“Not about this,” Angewoman asked, lying down on the grass. “Now, you promise?”
“Oh, I PROMISE!” Exveemon nodded furiously. “You have no IDEA how much I promise!”
Angemon scowled again, and stomped away to the other side of the clearing, his back to the two of them, muttering obscenities under his breath. “Stupid blue moron... it’s what you do with it that counts...”
A sudden scream caused Angemon to whirl around, but immediately, he wished he hadn’t.
- - -
Angewoman braced herself as she felt Exveemon’s muscular hands grip her around the waist. But instead of an immediate entry, she instead felt herself lifted off the ground, and flipped over, so she was on all fours.
“You like it this way, huh?” she started to say, but then, a horrendous, gargling scream ripped its way out of her throat as she felt Exveemon’s rigid member tear it’s way into her anus.
“Bet yer ass I do!” Exveemon replied, digging his toe talons into the ground, and he thrust deep into her. Angewoman had only been entered this way once before, the very first time she and Angemon had made love, and that was only because Angemon had picked the wrong hole. It had hurt terribly then, and the pain was just as bad now, only Exveemon wasn’t letting up.
“AAH!” Angewoman moaned in pain, “Please, stop! It hurts!”
“I guess you two ain’t never done it like this before, huh, toots?” Exveemon said, slowing his thrusts a bit. “Okay, just, hold on, I’ll go slow, you’ll see, it’ll be good.”
“HEY!” Angemon yelled. “If she doesn’t WANT to, she doesn’t HAVE to!”
Exveemon’s thrusts abruptly stopped as he yelled something back at Angemon, but Angewoman didn’t properly hear what he said. His rod now rested inside of her ass, and she could feel herself adjusting to it’s size... the pain was going away, little by little... and Exveemon felt very different to Angemon. His member was scaly and ribbed, yet not rough, like she would have thought. It wasn’t an all together unpleasant feeling.
“Angemon...” Angewoman looked up. “Shut up.”
Angemon jumped back. “But...”
“Just shut up and get over here.”
Dumbly, Angemon nodded and walked over.
Angemon lay down on his back and slid in under Angewoman, moving his legs out past Exveemon, who cocked his head to the side. “See, dis is what happens when you spend most’a yer life being controlled by a vampire overlord. You wind up all kinky and stuff.”
“Are you complaining?” Angewoman inquired.
“Did I SAY I was complaining?” Exveemon responded, with a toothy grin. “He just keeps that thing away from me and I’m good.”
Angewoman was about to reply, when she felt Angemon slide smoothly into her vagina, still moist from their activities before, and from Exveemon’s attention. She had never, ever, been filled both ways before, and it was an incredible feeling. Her whole body shuddered.
“I t’ink that’s a good sign,” Exveemon told Angemon.
“Let’s do this,” Angemon replied.
Moving almost in unison, the two Champions began to slide their respective pieces in and out of Angewoman, who arched her back and cried out with doubled pleasure. “Oh... God!” she moaned. Exveemon and Angemon twitched as they felt Angewoman’s muscles clamp down hard on their members, fluid gushing out of her and soaking the ground. Exveemon’s own juices trickled their way out of her and ran down her legs, as her hips began to buck, driving herself back down deeper on them.
“Deeper!” she screamed.
Angemon had constantly noted the changes within Angewoman as their relationship had progressed - the first time, neither of them had known what to really do, and they had both been fairly reserved. But as time went on, Angewoman had gotten more demanding - even, as Exveemon had noted, kinkier - and if there was one thing she liked doing during it, it was giving orders.
“I said DEEPER!” she yelled again, and Angemon snapped back to reality, driving his hips upward, forcing his rod deeper into her.
“Hope you know what yer askin’ for, sweetcheeks,” Exveemon told her, not waiting for a response, but forcing the entirety of his dick inside of her, a motion which was accompanied by a “shloorrp” sound, and another pleasured scream.
Angewoman’s shoulders drooped, and she screamed in Angemon’s face: “Why haven’t you... UH! ...ever done this to me... AHH! ...before?”
“You wouldn’t LET me!” he yelled back.
“What the... AAAH!! ...hell are you doing listening to...OOH! ...me?!” she screamed in response.
“Hey, I’m still back here, y’know...” Exveemon called up to the front, grunting as he talked on. “If yer gonna have a spat, just let me blow my wad first, an’ I’ll be outta yer hair...”
Angewoman threw her body backward, sitting upright as the two Champions worked on her, and leant back, wrapping an arm around Exveemon’s neck, and whispering into his ear. “You blow before I tell you to, and you’re never going to be able to blow again... EVER.” She made a motion like two scissor blades with her index and middle fingers, and Exveemon gulped.
“Yes, ma’am.”
“Now, FUCK ME!” she commanded, dropping back onto all fours, digging her fingers into the ground again, and thrusting herself back and forth against the angel and the dragon with incredible force.
“Holy shit, Gato,” Exveemon panted, “what are you ON?”
Angewoman chose not to respond, as she could feel the heat rising inside her gut. But there was no way she was coming first...
Reaching back around with two hands, and dug her nails into Exveemon’s ass, eliciting a cry of protest and slight pain from the blue lizard. With all her strength, she pulled forward on him, forcing him as far into her as he would go, and holding him there, not letting him withdraw. “NOW!” she ordered.
Exveemon couldn’t have held it in if he’d wanted to.
His reptilian member exploded inside of her rectum, filling the tight canal with cream, as he juddered up and down, trying to ride out his high while Angewoman held him inside of her tightly, her muscles reacting to the new feeling and clamping down on his member with crushing pressure.
As Exveemon was squeezed, so was Angemon, and that sensation was enough to shove him over the precipice, and he plummeted into orgasm, his rod gushing it’s load deep into her.
Angewoman threw her head back and emitted a wordless scream, as she mentally let go, and allowed climax to sweep through her body. She shook violently, riding her high out against both her partners, cum from both her and her lovers gushing from both her holes, streaming down her thighs and pooling on the ground below all three of them.
She finally released her hold on Exveemon, and he fell on to his back, his limp member easily sliding out of her, while she herself fell forward, on top of Angemon, groaning with utter pleasure. Then, all three of the Digimon shimmered with golden light, which covered their forms, as they began to shrink down, changing shape. From the other side of the clearing, behind a tree, two streaks of light shot out to join with Patamon and Gatomon - it was where they had put their costumes. When the light died down, Patamon, Gatomon and Veemon lay on the grass, panting hard.
“Jeshush Chrisht,” Veemon wheezed.
“Well...” Gatomon breathed out, “you... got... what was coming... to you... so now, you can’t tell anyone about us...”
Veemon nodded. “Okay, shure, but... can I tell ‘em about you and me?”
“NO!” Patamon squealed.
“I don’t know, though,” Gatomon said. “We may have to do this again some time...”
“Don’t joke with me,” Veemon said. “That’sh jusht not niche.”
“Who’s joking?”
A streak of crimson appeared across Veemon’s cheeks, as Patamon scowled.
“Yeah, you’re a little rough around the edges,” Gatomon said, “but I reckon me and Patamon could teach you...”
Veemon grinned from ear to ear. “I think thish ish the beginning of a beautiful friendship...”

Heh, I wouldn't exactly call that a total Patagato ;)

But I think there was one before it that might have been.