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It consumes me... - Printable Version

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It consumes me... - Nate Hunter - 09-17-2004

I have finally, after almost sixth months of owning the game, gotten a job to Level 17 in Final Fantasy XI. Everybody I've talked to says it's soul-consuming and that it devours any and all available free time, sometimes more... but I don't agree. I've hardly played at all over the summer, and I get dreadfully bored of the game once I'm around Level 7-10 because Soloing becomes impossible but it's still too early to party... and then again around 15, because every time I find a party the White Mage(s) need(s) to log off, or some similar bullshit thing happens, so it's taken me since early May to actually get from level 16 up to 17.

That said, I'm wondering how many people around here have enough interest in MMOs and/or Final Fantasy to own and/or play FFXI, whether on PC or PS2. For those interested, who are also on RAMUH server, I run a linkshell for Role-Player types, and am currently setting up a LS section on my main site to help support the aims of the group. I've decided to put enough REGULAR playtime in that I can get at least one "advanced" job, hopefully, before I lose all interest in the game yet again.

So, who plays? What race? Gender? Class? What world? I'm interested, even if nobody else is.

- Wisemon - 09-18-2004

Quote:So, who plays? What race? Gender? Class? What world? I'm interested, even if nobody else is.
I don't, but I'm betting right now that your chances of finding somebody who does are better than my chances of finding somebody who likes Stabbing Westward in my topic.

- Cyber Stryker - 09-18-2004

Well that situation just plain sucks.

Personally I can't stand MMO games since I don't play well with others. Back in the days where everyone had to be in the same room (and most often had to pass the controller around) I'd get beyond irate with people who'd use up all their MP in a short amount of time or hog certain items for themselves.

Lost a few casual friends that way. Not that I really give a fuck in retrospect, I'm sure everyone's had "fair weather" friends like that.

I'm just glad PSO had an offline mode (I've got the Dreamcast and GameCube versions) and the .hack games (well the first two anyway, I can never find the third game in stores) so that I could enjoy a MMO with out the O part.

In any case sorry I can't help you but best of luck on finding some reliable non-asshole people to form a party with.

- Red Mage Dragon Tiamat - 09-19-2004

I would play FF11, but I cannot. I installed the game only to find out my comp is too ancient for it. I need a new graphic card first, then I can join, but I would be a noob. So not a big help

- Gabu - 09-19-2004

Yeah, same thing happened to me, my computer is just not powerfull enough.. sad, but oh well..

- UnknownH - 09-19-2004

I don't play it but maybe if they made a game like .hack's the world that might be fun I could play with AV wisemon and some others in fact we all could meet on there that'd be cool but those games might suck up any life I have. lol