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stupid thing(don't even bother reading) - Printable Version

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stupid thing(don't even bother reading) - SchizoKat - 07-28-2004

*sits down and starts a very stupid rant*

ok, last year over half of my friends moved away, most of them to out of town. so i agreed with most of them to download msn messanger(i haven't had any kind of messanger before, and frankly i hate messanger) i got in contact with them(i don't know if they contacted each other, nor do i really care). slowly over the year i've had messnager though, everyone online seems to only bitch to me about their problems or bitch at me for mo real reason.

now to what happened today, i went online and as soon as i did my friend sam(who is one of the ones who moved away), and well, here is the convo(i logged it)

Sam: roy!!

me: what?

Sam: kalya is worried about you [KAyla is my Girlfriend]

me: why?

sam: Cuz you haven't been online in 2 days!

me: so?

me: i've been busy

me: i've been working around the house a lot in the day usuly 'till 6pm, then i go for a 2-3 hour bike ride, and after that i go to sleep.
me: well, i usuly watch tv 'till 10 or 11 then sleep
sam: so?

sam: i do cleaning like 3 times a week

me: umm not cleaning, WORK

sam: cleaning is worse then work!

me: like cutting wood tomake stands for signs

me: or sanding and scraping paint off our doors

sam:don't be pissy at me!

sam: i asked you a qustion actually i told you what kalya felt but i guessed you don't care!

me: you are blowing everything way out of fucking proportion!

me: i have to help do a bunch of things cuz 1) my sister comes home in 4 days, and 2) my other sister is getting married in a few weeks, and automatically i'm some bad person who ignores all his friends!

me:well, sorry if there are things going on in my life!

Sam:yeah and i guess you won't need me here anymore you have your life with bubbles and slash and you dont need an old friend!!!! and you know what i found out today? that indya smokes for the hell of it and almost ran away with a boi! [indya is another friend that moved, but she just moved across town, plus we already knew she smokes weed, she said it to our faces last year!]

me: well, FUCK YOU. you're bitching at me because i'm not online for 2 days! ya know what, maybe i shouldn't ever come back online again, all anyone ever does is bitch at me online!, FUCK THIS SHIT, i'm going offline for a while. GOODBYE!

how fair is it to me to bitch at me cuz i'm just trying to help my 2 sisters out, one is coming home from a year of schooling in japan on saturday, and her room is a mess, cuz we never cleaned it, and the other is getting married on the first week of august, so i'm fucking busy

so i don't really know what to do, never go online again or block sam, really i'm sick and tired of everyone bitching at me about their problems, i have 30 people on my list, 5 never talk to me, the rest bitch at me...*sighs* i hate my 'friends' so much!

- UnknownH - 07-28-2004

just wait a day or too it might work out (but if it don't try the banning thing)

- Cyber Stryker - 07-28-2004

Do you have a setup where you can make another screename w/o paying extra? If you do you could just make a new one where on one knows you and use it when you want some hassle-free surfing. I had to do something like that a few years ago because I had a lot of dumbasses (and only one person I looked forward to chatting with) I.M.ing me all the time and I could never get anything done.

I guess that's why I'm a little I.M.aphobic (does that make sense?) these days, I don't answer them at all cause of some bad experiences.

Anyway best of luck with that.

- Red Mage Dragon Tiamat - 07-28-2004

why does I know your feelings just that well?

Mostly people talk to me too only if they want anything or rant and bitch against me. Only a few are good friends are out there....

- SchizoKat - 07-29-2004

sam has always been weird, i dunno why i got mad this one time, shes always taken things that i say wrong, i think i don't dumb my language down enough for her(seriously she takes pride that she passed gr.8 with a c average giving it her all, while i take shame in having a b average and not an a average)

well, later she sends me an email saying they thought i was either murdered or committed suicide because i wasn't online for thoes 2 days!, that just makes me think that i need to not spend so much time on the computer, if people are so used to me being online that i can't be online for a short period of time! so i think i'll cut the time on the computer by a lot, maybe only 2 hours a day instead of the 8+ i go on now...

bah! i will probibly get over this in a day or two from now, i always do.

- Humon - 07-30-2004


Wow... that's some powerful stuff...

first off, you should try appologizing to her (even if it's not your fault) that is the first step. (it lets her know she's right and it makes her feel better.)

next, ... ... ... ... ummm... well... I can't think of anything right now. (my train of thought derailed and blew up along the way. I had the perfect solution... crap!)

I'll come back to this when I think of something.

- aguman - 04-11-2005

damn........dude. no one that acts like this is a TRUE friend. I live in a developement in a small state, so eveyones a gang member. kinda shity. but i know bout 5 shity dumbfucks that only like me for some money (when u live in a mini ghetto, its kinda helpfull to have alot on u and some at home) and trust me dude, i think you need some time to calm down and decide 1 of 2 things
1) Ask to be friends and say sorry. OR
2) Just say "fuck em" and let yourself belive that thier some sweaty fat fucks off the street that wants to kill ur ass for shit ^^

- Wisemon - 04-11-2005

Once again, check the post dates! This topic was posted over eight months ago, and it's no longer relevant to the person who posted it, because that person isn't here. At the very least, look for posts by people who also have recent posts.

- mowgly - 04-30-2005

don't be so mean wisemon and i think it might be relevant if he returns and sees this (cause i know him, i think). sometimes it's good to revive old topics.