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Look in the Bloody Mirror, George Bush! - Printable Version

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Look in the Bloody Mirror, George Bush! - Gnostic Metatron Prime - 02-09-2004

Well, today, thousands of citizens of Massachusetts have gathered to protest our state supreme court's ruling in favor of gay marriage, all called there by our glorious tyrant, Dubya Bush, who claims that the courts are oppressing us. As I think of how many gay people are going to be harmed thanks to Bush's right-wing Christian beliefs, I wonder to myself, is it possible that our very own president is one of the anti-American forces that he has sworn to destroy? Think about it:

Our president claims to be pro-life. And yet, because of his partial-birth abortion ban and his therapeutic cloning ban, many women will die, either from attempts to get the now-illegal PB abortions from underqualified doctors, or because they were not fit to bear children. God only knows how many of little newborns will be left to die because they were born to unfit mothers, or how many will grow up to be abused by resentful mothers. If his attempts to overturn the Roe v. Wade ruling are successful, the numbers will increase alarmingly.

In addition, the death toll increases when you consider how many of these children will end up doing hard time in jail because of Bush's self-righteous anti-drug laws, or how many will be poisoned by his contempt for the environment, or how many will be killed as soldiers in his "War on Terrorism". Add to this the fallout of Bush's attempts to meddle with our nation's education: A new generation of unfit mothers could be created thanks to his encouragement of Abstinence-Only sexual education.

Our president denounced the Taliban for their oppression of women, and yet he has made abortions harder to obtain, and has destroyed sexual education in public schools. He has allowed for the genital mutilation of hundreds of women in Africa by importing the Abstinence-Only teachings to an AIDS-infected continent where many men still believe that they can be cured of the disease by having sex with a virgin.

Our president denounced Osama bin Laden for instructing his followers to crash four commerical planes into our country, and yet he sent dozens of US fighter jets to bomb Afghanistan and Iraq. He justified the invasions of these countries as an attempt to free the citizens from tyrranical governments, but Afghanistan is starting to regress, and most Iraqis say that they want the US Army out of their country. He claimed that Iraq was hiding WMD, and yet none have been found.

Our president claims over and over that he is a compassionate conservative, and yet, as the governor of Texas, he vetoed state laws against hate crimes. At one point, a black woman whose father had been killed by bigots actually came into his office and pleaded with him to pass the anti-hate crime legislation, and he coldly refused her to her face, claiming that hate crimes do not deserve any special punishment. Our president is openly homophobic, and has fought to deny them the most basic human rights. He once backed a bill that would have made gays and lesbians unable to adopt or have custody of children. He is currently pushing for a constitutional amendment which would deny them the right to marry, a right given to all straight people, many of whom should never be married. His "Defense of Marriage" act would not only make gays unable to marry in any state, but would also punish them by not giving them the rights that married couples enjoy.

I could go on about all the other ways that Bush has terrorized our country, but I think you all get the idea.

- Wisemon - 02-09-2004

He's hypocritical, spoiled, lazy, idiotic, a liar, self-serving, racist, sexist, anti-Semitic, incompetent, prone to addiction, and a failure as a son, a father, a brother, and a husband. I'm sure I missed a lot of them, but that's enough reasons to strap him to a tree and have people line up to kick him in the nuts.

- circeus - 02-09-2004

He's cut veteran's rents and eliminated health insurance for both reserve and verteran soldiers, while also reducing soldier's pay.

I'm almost wondering *why* he expect his soldiers to fight.

- UnknownH - 02-09-2004

so was clinton better then(hey when's election day?)

- Wisemon - 02-09-2004

Quote:so was clinton better then(hey when's election day?)

Ignoring everything else that makes Bush much worse, let's compare the national debts. Clinton had a surplus at this time. Bush has a giant debt, and he's continuing to piss away money while refusing to raise taxes on the wealthiest Americans, his buddies.

- The Infamous Boss Reo - 02-10-2004

And all the while, the people who SHOULD do something about it are doing nothing, because they back him up simply because he's started the "War on Terrorism", which is progressing to fucking nowhere.

I seriously, truly, honestly, hate this man, and all the people associated with him who are making this country a worse place to live.

- MATTHEWDMETCALF - 02-10-2004

Bush, economically, is a clone of Ronald Reagan. Reagan came up with the worst economic plan ever, the Trickle Down effect. Basically, what the Trickle Down effect is is that if you give tax breaks to the rich, the savings will "trickle down" to the middle and lower class. It flopped for Reagan, it flopped for George Bush Sr., and it is now flopping for George Bush Jr. Funny, it didn't work twice, but Bush has such a love affair with his father that he tried it again.
Now, now, let's not forget what other things he did to destroy America as we know it. I feel as if we should tear up the Bill Of Rights, Bush already has to seem to do it with all his "patriotic" legislation. The Patriot Act destroys Amendment 4, the amendment for privacy. The new one, the one which is basically a throw-out to the biggots of Christianity, saying gay couples can't get married, destroys the 1st amendment. Don't get me wrong, I'm a christian, but I won't participate in some witchhunt (my Jesus is against that violence and intolerence, but, then again, what christian listens to the bible?) Bush is the least patriotic American in office in a long time.
The War On Terror is a complete bust, it is mainly hurting the Afgani citizens, not to mention that strategically it's impossible. Al Quida is what now is the Vietkong was in Vietnam. It is not a conventional army by any means, it runs through guerilla stratagies (which I think the US army could brush up on), and are hardly tracable.
Operation Iraqi Freedom is also a bust. We are hurting the citizens with our conventional fighting. Not to mention, you can't fight guerilla armies of 10 people with MOABs, it's really tactically impossible. What would win the war would have to involve a lot of war crimes, and Bush is really starting to consider doing that. People say he's building up Iraq, but he's only building what he destroyed.
So, in conclusion, Kerry for 2004 or bust.

- UnknownH - 02-10-2004

MATTHEWDMETCALF Wrote:Don't get me wrong, I'm a christian, but I won't participate in some witchhunt (my Jesus is against that violence and intolerence, but, then again, what christian listens to the bible?)

hey you know what you're right!

- Rikaryo2000 - 02-11-2004

he's got a point

- UnknownH - 02-11-2004

yeah I know I think it's selective reading some of those people probally never read the whole thing before just the parts they want