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Why are the coulpings so important to some of you? - Printable Version

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Why are the coulpings so important to some of you? - Cyber Stryker - 11-02-2003

I mean everyone has their own opion about it so why be obsessively angry when someone else doesn't agree with you?

Before the end of season 02 I thought it'd be kind of funny if Yolei and Hawkmon ended up together but Yolei/Ken is just as good.

Doesn't the Veegato/Patagato Takari/Daikari 'war' strike anyone else as ridiculous? It's all a matter of taste.

Personally I like Patagato and Takari pairing but I'm not going to lash out at people who diagree with me if they bring a decent arguement to the discussion.

The reason I like Takari is because of how T.K. seems to genuinely care for Kari and doesn't act like a lovesick puppy along with their history together. They both went through a lot together when they were very young and that leaves a lasting impression. Also both Kari and T.K. mention that Davis is personality wise almost identicle to Tai. How many of you who have brothers and sisters would want to go out and date someone who acts just like them?

As for Patagato I prefer them together because their digivolved forms compliment each other nicely, hell their armor forms even have a 2X tech (please forgive the Chrono Trigger reference.)

Okay anyone want to add anything? All opinions are welcome as long as you make your point concisely without being nasty to other posters and/or characters. If you don't like a particular pairing just say so and don't insult the character you don't like it's that simple.

- Chibi Renamon - 11-02-2003

*sighs* *puts topic on his emergency watch list*

- urban dream - 11-02-2003

Quote:Doesn't the Veegato/Patagato Takari/Daikari 'war' strike anyone else as ridiculous? It's all a matter of taste.
Fighting about imaginary relationships between cartoon characters certainly strikes me as ridiculous, yup... And there are a good few other people with the same opinion...

Quote:Personally I like Patagato and Takari pairing but I'm not going to lash out at people who diagree with me if they bring a decent arguement to the discussion.
That's the right attitude :)

- milk me! - 11-02-2003

Personally, I think that I prefer certain couples over others because they mirror relationships in my own life, or relationships I'm in that I wish were a little more serious. I appreciate certain couplings because I find the exchange of power to be interesting. Of course, there's always the "cuteness" factor too, but it's gotta be more than that.

- InsaneImpmon - 11-02-2003

I do prefer certain couples but I'm not going to hold a gun to your head and force you to follow my preferences.

I just don't see why some people start a flame war over coupling, it's just a matter of preferences. I think it's really babyish. Here's a simple tip: if you see something you don't like, just don't fucking read it! Don't say anything, walk away!

- Red Mage Dragon Tiamat - 11-02-2003

It is a fact I cannot understand too. For me I am more for Veegato but NOT for Daikari. I know it is weird, but it is me ^^

Indeed there is no need to flame each other coz ppl have different opinions. Everybody has the right to choose the couple he or she likes. I accept the PataGato fans too so I don't have any problems with it.

In another fact, I don't like to fight about a "taste" question.

So anyways I don't think we will have a problem together and I hope too other persons don't use the chance and start another flame war again....

- SaberGatomon - 11-03-2003

Tiamat Wrote:It is a fact I cannot understand too. For me I am more for Veegato but NOT for Daikari. I know it is weird, but it is me ^^

Indeed there is no need to flame each other coz ppl have different opinions. Everybody has the right to choose the couple he or she likes. I accept the PataGato fans too so I don't have any problems with it.

In another fact, I don't like to fight about a "taste" question.

So anyways I don't think we will have a problem together and I hope too other persons don't use the chance and start another flame war again....

You tell them Tiamat! It is stupid! I think it's just dumb for people to act this way when it's just a matter of opinion. I personaly, like Tiamat, prefer VeeGato to PataGato, but I'm not going to go into a flame war with some one who's just stating a opinion.

SaberGatomon said it, and I'll say it again! Twisted

- fatpat60 - 11-09-2003

Yes it probably is childish. I feel stupid having engaged in such discussions about two years ago. Although I still can't stand Sorato, I don't go attacking people for liking it although I secretly curse it in my mind. Everyone has their own opinion true. Then again, fighting over things like this, it's like fighting over couples in a soap opera or something, which begs the question : With all this coupling obsession by the many digimon fans, have we turned it into a fan-operated soap-opera? I think I'll take the example of my signature, it supports Taiora as can clearly be seen, I'm not forcing you to like Taiora, I'm just telling you I support it, I'm stating my opinion and as InsaneImpmon said
Quote:if you see something you don't like, just don't fucking read it! Don't say anything,
I also really like quicksand_boy's explanation of it
Quote:they mirror relationships in my own life, or relationships I'm in that I wish were a little more serious. I appreciate certain couplings because I find the exchange of power to be interesting. Of course, there's always the "cuteness" factor too, but it's gotta be more than that.
Although I've personally never actually had a real relationship (i'm a lone wolf sniff sniff, a heart broken lone wolf), I enjoy Taiora because Tai mirrors me and has attributes I would like to have. (character wise that is). Sora has many qualities I like in a girl and perhaps that may be the reason I absolutely love the Taiora coupling. Because it mirrors or represents a dream of love I would like to have. Just to put a bit more in this box, other couplings I like : Takari, Mimato, erm I can't remember the rest. There, I stated my opinion although I probably could've done a better job. I think I got my point through. What was my original point anyways? What is reality? We live in a world of actuality, not possibilities. (quote of chemistry teacher) Anyway, I better shut up now.

- Gnostic Metatron Prime - 11-12-2003

Let's take a page from the Dee Bible, shall we?

Quote:Many people fail to realize that ideas are as much living organisms as any animal you could name. Thus, inevitably, some ideas will become dominant over others, and eventually, the dominant ideas (i. e. religions) will compete for survival.

To put it simply, a couple of morons went and turned the pairings into religions, and now they are fighting in flame wars.

- BGAGTGAB - 11-20-2003

I'm assuming you're referring to all the arguments? If that's the case...

... now, let's be blunt.

One poster seems to have sparked much, if not most, of the fighting on this board. One poster - and it's Chibi Biyomon.

Most people here don't seem to really care much one way or the other about Takari/Patagato or Daikari/Veegato - certainly not enough to make nasty references to any of the characters concerned. Frankly, it looks as if many of the posters here are a little embarrassed by the fighting. I can't blame you.

Now, Chibi Biyomon doesn't seem to have posted frequently (or at all) in a while, and I'm assuming that it's because of school. Should she have enough free time again to post frequently... well, I hope she won't go right back to behaving the way she did before she left.

However, if it comes to that... well, what then?

edit: Ah, I just noticed that this very subject had already been discussed elsewhere on the board. My apologies.