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Faiz and Masquerade RP (The Edge) - Printable Version

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RE: Faiz and Masquerade RP (The Edge) - Masquerade - 07-05-2009


Solia felt herself get a little nervous. "Yeah, you've got a good point, Faiz," she said. "We had better stick together. It's kinda bad that the three of us combined have a higher chance of getting lost than Aussa by himself."

Ardeal nodded in agreement awkwardly. "Luckily, the way to the tavern is still fresh in my mind, so just follow me and we'll be there in no time." With a deep breath, Ardeal dashed off down the street he had arrived from.

"Heeey! Wait up!" Solia called out after her brother and began her pursuit.


The old woman shook her head solemnly. "Why don't you come on in out of the rain and I'll explain the whole situation to you. But I must warn you, dears, that it is quite a tragic story--one with a solution that unfortunately has not been discovered yet." She stepped aside to allow the two travelers inside.

Without even entering the small house, Ariadne could feel the heat from a crackling fire radiating from somewhere inside. "Finally, we can learn what's up with this town," she whispered to her partner.

RE: Faiz and Masquerade RP (The Edge) - Lonely Werewolf - 07-05-2009


Faiz began running towards Solia , keeping her pace while watching the direction Ardeal is heading to, which they entering a new pathway.


“Don’t worry…We’re already getting used to this kind of things…” Mika replied before nodded to Ariadne as take a step forward into the house. At the same time, she could feel the heat coming from somewhere and she would no longer feel cold from the rain that completely soaked her body.

RE: Faiz and Masquerade RP (The Edge) - Masquerade - 07-05-2009


After a few minutes of pretty fast running, Ardeal came to a stop in front of a small wooden building, one of the few wooden buildings in the entire city. There was a small sign hanging from above the wooden door of the establishment with an image of a glass of ale on it. Solia came running down the street and tried to stop as quickly as her brother had, but failed miserably. With a slam, Solia crashed into her brother and both of them landed on the ground hard with Ardeal receiving the most damage.

"Ow, ow, ow, Solia," Ardeal shouted from beneath his sister. He wiggled a little to try to escape, but Solia was surprisingly fortified.

"Sorry, Ardeal," she said as she stood back up and helped her brother to his feet. She even went as far as to brush the dirt off of his clothes.

"Nah. It's fine," he replied, still a little irritated. "Just try to keep your speed down from now on since you can't stop as good as me."


When Mika entered the house, Ariadne evacuated her arms to stand firmly upon the wooden floor of the house. It had some dusty cushioned furniture, a few tables, a small kitchen and there was in fact a fireplace burning in the back. On the mantle rested many trinkets of varying oddity.

The old woman moved to a rocking chair in the room they were currently in and sat down slowly. She gestured to the couch beside the chair. "Please, come and have a seat," she offered gently. "I will relate the tale to you and then you can help yourself to some warm cookies."

Ariadne smiled at the old lady's kindness and went to sit on the couch. "Come on, Mika," she said eargerly. "This might be something that we just can't ignore."

RE: Faiz and Masquerade RP (The Edge) - Lonely Werewolf - 07-05-2009


The wolf slowly reduces the speed by clutching his foot paws softly to the ground and stopped completely besides Solia. “Maybe in the future, I should carry her instead.” He said, smiled as petting his lover’s head.


“Oh, thank you, madam…”Mika said while taking a seat on the couch besides the chair as the old woman pointed to. “We are sorry for bothering you…We’re new here so of course, we’re curious of what happen in this city…” The dragoness stated as untie her long wet hair and let it free, so the heat from the fireplace could dry her body and hair quickly.

RE: Faiz and Masquerade RP (The Edge) - Masquerade - 07-05-2009


Solia blushed as her lover patted her head. "Well, thank you, sweetheart, but I have to learn to increase my speed and control it," she spoke softly and with determination.

"Well, we can worry about that later," Ardeal said urgently. "Aussa might have some good information for us by now." Without further hesitation, he hastily opened the door to the tavern and stepped inside, gesturing for Solia and Faiz to walk on in as well.

The tavern wreaked of heavy alcohol, but it strangely wasn't crowded. An occasional drunkard sat with a pitcher full of beer at one of the many wooden tables in the place. The tavernmaster was cleaning some dishes with a rag behind the counter where Aussa was sitting, chatting merrily and calmly with a guy who didn't seem drunk like the rest.

Solia figured that he was right in the middle of getting some important information. "Let's grab a table until Aussa's finished, you guys," she suggested.


"Well, it may not be so tragic as I made it out to be," the old woman spoke. "My, it is a strange one, to be sure. Why don't you tell me your names and where you're from? It's not often we get strangers here in our city, especially since the storms began."

Ariadne was the first to speak, of course, she couldn't reveal her true identity to some stranger. "My name is Ariadne, the Third General of the Rebellion Force Army and I'm from Masquerade's Castle near Lunatio." She hoped her introduction would be enough and would not arouse suspicion.

RE: Faiz and Masquerade RP (The Edge) - Lonely Werewolf - 07-05-2009


Faiz stepped in to the tavern as seeing the people take a shot of the beer while slowly getting drunk. Then, his eyes spotted an empty table enough for four persons. “Let’s go over there.” Faiz said, pointing his thumb to the empty table.


“Oh, I’m sorry.” Mika smiled warmly. “My name is Mika, a personal healer for my brother as well as one of the members in Rebellion Force…Right now, we’re moving separately from other groups including my brother, also from Rebellion Force which we’ll be heading to one place.”The dragoness said as bowing her head.

RE: Faiz and Masquerade RP (The Edge) - Masquerade - 07-05-2009


Solia followed Faiz over to the empty table along with Ardeal. Aussa caught a glimpse of them sitting down and winked to them. Apparently, he was on to something good.

"So, what do you think he's managed to dig up?" Ardeal said, taking a wooden chair next to his sister. "It can't be too outrageous or the queen would be all over it."

Solia nodded in agreement, already seated. "You'd think they'd put cushions on these chairs or something." Ardeal gave her a stern gaze. "Hey, I'm only telling the truth. But as for Aussa's information, I agree with you, brother. It can't be too outlandish. However, he does seem pretty excited about it. I hope he's getting the info from a reliable source."


"Oh dear," the old woman said. "Being apart from family must be hard. Hang in there, my dears." She coughed into her hand a few times and it took her a few minutes to catch her breath, but when she recovered, she cleared her throat and began. "Well, it should be apparent that our humble city of Aqueorlitus did not always used to look like this and in fact only recently transformed into this monstrosity. It started about two weeks ago when a travelling orator, mystic, and jester arrived in our city. They immediately sought an audience with our consul in the Aqua Castle in the east part of town. The consul was feeling generous on the day and decided to hear their pleas. A whole two days went by without any news of the consul. That's when the rain started. We thought it might only be some light showers, but as time progressed, it soon became stormy constantly. But by that time, no one could make it to the castle to investigate because that is where the storms strike worst--almost as if to keep people away. Thus, after consistent storms, we could only hope for a miracle to help us solve the ultimate mystery of Aqueorlitus--What happened to the consul?" She took a very deep, and controlled breath.

Ariadne was quite intersted in the story. "That is quite a tale. We were afraid we weren't going to be able to make it into town because of the storms."

"Well, you were right to come to shelter here," the old woman replied. "Your efforts would not have been rewarded should you try to continue into town by yourselves. But with a little help, I think I might be able to get you two into Aqua Castle, but only if you're willing to help. We don't need help immediately--we can live with storms for a few weeks or so. But I fear that the longer the wait, the less chance we'll have at getting the consul back."

RE: Faiz and Masquerade RP (The Edge) - Lonely Werewolf - 07-05-2009


The wolf then takes a seat besides Solia as his eyes caught Aussa’s happy wink. “Based on my own point of view, he indeed getting something good for us to continue our journey to St. Nerra City, especially for fastest route to get there.” He said while wagging both tails happily.


“It seems it’s a conspiracy, probably to take over the entire city.” Mika make an assumption, but would not take it seriously until she knew the reason behind this. She then facing to Ariadne before looking back to the old woman. “I believe we have plenty of time before moving to Aquorlitus and Narastola….What do you think, Ariadne? Should we lend a help…?”

RE: Faiz and Masquerade RP (The Edge) - Masquerade - 07-06-2009


From the counter, Aussa continued talking to the man, and when he was finished, he shook the man's hand heartily and got out of his barstool. With a smile on his face, he approached the table where his friends were sitting and sat down himself. "Well guys, I believe we've hit something fantastic this time. The man I was just talking to is a coachman, and he volunteered to drive us to the port town of Lucrinus on the east coast, not too far away."

Solia tilted her head in curiosity. "But we're supposed to be going northeast in order to reach our destination."

"Yes," Aussa agreed. "And that's why we'll be heading to our destination by boat." He smiled.

Ardeal became animated all of a sudden. "Wait, that's genius! The current that runs through the western sea should be strong enough to get us quickly up the coast. Once we land, it should only be a short walk until we get to the city."


"Yeah, and it must have something to do with those three suspicious characters that happened to stroll into town," Ariadne added.

The old lady smiled. "Well, it seems like you two are natural detectives. I'm so happy you've decided to help our poor city." She got out of the rocking chair and moved to the kitchen. "Let me get some cookies for you, dears."

"Who knew that the flames of conspiracy could reach such a faraway city such as this one," Ariadne muttered. "And it's the people who are made to suffer--well, I guess they're not physically suffering, but they should be able to go outside and enjoy the sunlight!"

RE: Faiz and Masquerade RP (The Edge) - Lonely Werewolf - 07-06-2009


Faiz feel somewhat relief from the news that they’ll arrive to the next city in short time. “The faster, the better. So..should we start moving or take a break for few days…?”


“It’s kinda hard of not seeing a sunlight for a very long time…” Mika said as she remembers her journey with her brother to one country which ever receive any rain as long as 6 months. The people have to go far just to bring the water for their families. “Right now, we are soaking wet…and my internal power need some time to recover completely…”