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YAY! - Printable Version

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- Gunter VanCrimson - 01-07-2006

Of course you do!!! (hugs nd snuggles senjuro) I-miss-miss-MISSED YA!

I spent the days talking to charlie, he doesnt understand, but he's great to talk to, and I've also been cutting myself with a razor.

I tell you- I cant live withoput you people!

- UnknownH - 01-08-2006

So why have you've been cutting yourself? That's not healthy.

- Gabumonfurry - 01-08-2006

Hmm why do people cut themselves? Does it give them a sick pleasure... PLEASE STOP THAT GUNTER ;.;

- DragonMasterX - 01-09-2006

Quote:I don't fell cold physically, but emotionally.
alone in my cold lifeless heart- where the limitless void takes up all my warmth...
It's so cold...
so terribly cold

Whoa, that's deep buddy, I recognize poetry easely but that came from real deep didn't it?

Anyways, have another hug! *hugs*

And please don't hurt yourself, it won't do anything good to you and the board... :(

- Shadowknight - 01-09-2006

Gabumonfurry Wrote:Hmm why do people cut themselves? Does it give them a sick pleasure... PLEASE STOP THAT GUNTER ;.;

Some do it so they can have some sort of feeling while others do it as a way of slow suicide.

- KS_Naslund - 01-09-2006

Have you really been cutting yourself? :shock: Here are some alternatives to blinding the urge, if they're any help or you wanna stop. (I think the best is just listening to music, which i do about 12 or 13 hours a day, that and going on DaD Wink Some of the other ones were obviously made up by people who have NEVER been angry before).
Sorry if i'm imposing by the way...

-deep breathing
-hold ice cubes in your hands - the cold causes pain in your hands, but it is not dangerous or harmful (some people find it relieves the urge to harm themselves for that moment)
-relaxation techniques
-call a friend, your therapist or a crisis line
-try not be be alone (visit a friend, go shopping, etc.)
-take a hot bath
-listen to music
-go for a walk
-write in a journal
-wear an elastic around wrist and snap it when you have the urge to harm yourself
-some people find it helpful to draw red lines on themselves with -washable markers instead of cutting themselves
-punching a bed or a pillow (when nothing but a physical outlet for your anger and frustration will work).
-scratch draw a picture on a thick piece of wood or use a screw driver and stab at the piece of wood. (can be another physical way to release your emotions without harming yourself.)
-avoid temptation (i.e. avoiding the area in CVS where the razor blades are kept, etc.)
-try to find your own creative ways as outlets for emotions.

Didn't work? Try these: http://www.mirror-mirror.org/selfinj.htm

- Gunter VanCrimson - 01-10-2006

oh- your new here, and I've never met you before... but already youre helping me!

before anything else, I would want to give you my welcome!

Welcome to the DaD! I hope you enjoy yourself around here! and if you need someone to open up too- we're always here for you- (unless we're offline), but we do our best!

wait- you all have to CALM DOWN! I'm not suicidal, okay!? lol
firstly, it isnt as horrible as it sounds, what I meant by "cut" was prick lightly, (I need some blood samples every now and then, I found an old microscope, and I've been studying my blood every 2-3 hours, hence, I need to "cut" myself to produce blood. it's nothing serious, honest!) if I were in extreme anger or pain, I seldom hurt myself- I usually:

(without the DaD: )

*talk to charlie
*take deep shallow breaths
*talk to charlie
*cook (no- really. I'm not that good though)
*talk to charlie
*examine my blood
*talk to charlie
*masturbate (this has the best effects)
*talk to charlie
*break something (not always)
*talk to charlie
*look at pictures (not good, sometimes makes it all worse)
*talk to charlie
*take my anger out on inanimate objects (works well)
*sit outside in the Terrace, where it's freezing enough to calm me down
*play with charlie
*hug charlie
*snuggle charlie
*bathe charlie (weather it's needed or not, he doesnt seem to mind)
*XXX with charlie (when it all goes wrong)

sigh... my arms and hands are covered in bandages, but looking at my blood cells is fun... to me at least, I understand if you find that unreasonable, but to me, its like reading a book. (when I was about seven, I wanted to be a Biochemist/alchemist/scientist/biologist/naturalist, I wasnt like other kids...)

- Gunter VanCrimson - 01-10-2006

I listen to music too, of course.
but I just put the thing on repeat tracks, and I listen to:

Untitled- by simple plan
Boulevard of Broken Dreams- by greenday
You raise me up- by westlife
There you'll be- I forgot.

I don't know why, but these are the only ones that have a usual possitive effect on me

- mowgly - 01-10-2006

wah some of the reasons why I wanted to chat with you on yahoo gunter.

I get suicidal sometimes but I'm getting rid of it a long time ago since I've cut my self (about 1 month and a half ) I didn't do it for seeing my blood I cut my self with a knife with teeth to create pain =o.

well when I get like that I can't do much it's not a usuall thing that happens to me it's just when I'm very unstable.

- Gunter VanCrimson - 01-10-2006

I'm sorry. :cry: :cry: :cry:

I blame myself for not trying hard enough to download it!!!
STUPID-STUPID ME!!! Evil :cry: Evil :cry:

we're not so different after all...
it was before I even heard of the DaD, I was wreck, no sleep- I kept starving myself, I talked to myself a lot, I slashed at my wrist with a steak knife- it hurt a lot- but I decided to stop the bleeding.

I spent my days writing depressive poems and stories, I went on walks without much protection, so I was sick all the time.

thrice, I cut myself on the arms, long, deep gashes. I still have the scars, so I wear long-sleeves all the time.

well... that was long ago, 2 1/2- 3 years ago. I'm not like that anymore...

I still feel so bad about you cutting yourself, I feel like it's my fault.
Sorry... sorry I hurt you... :cry: