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(A Silver and Zero production) Plaything - Printable Version

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RE: (A Silver and Zero production) Plaything - Maero - 04-24-2011

"From my understanding, you made a magical contract that forces you to do her no harm. It would not be wise to disobey such a contract. As for how to control her...I have a few things." The Shaman turned and rummaged through his things before pulling out three items. The first was an anklet. "This anklet, if you can secure it to her, will force her to obey your every order. It is a special magic however, and you must use it continuously or she may build up magical resistance. So you must give her at least three orders a day or she may be able to remove it."

The next item was a potion. "If you get her to drink this she will become addicted to the next powerful sensation she feels, from a pleasuring touch or painful blow to the taste of a particular steak or food. After she is addicted to it, she will do anything to get it, and thus you will have a vice on her. Be careful however, whatever she become addicted to will cause her to seek it out and steal it if possible. So make sure its something only you can provide or something you control enough to deny."

The last item was a a small vial with a purple liquid. "This is Entropic Poison, it is 100% deadly. If she drinks it, it will one day kill her. However," He then revealed a another vial with white liquid. "This is the cure, though it isnt really a cure. It will delay her death by one day each time she drinks it, so she will need to obey you or she will die. She would need to drink one vial of antidote each day for the rest of her life without fail. Even a single missed day will kill her."

RE: (A Silver and Zero production) Plaything - MasterZero - 04-29-2011

"...Where do you find these items...?" The Master chuckled, almost sarcastically. He looked over the idea and thought about each option. He looked at the Entropic Posion, and while the idea of killing the Nymph or threatening to kill her, was interesting, but he could see himself using the potion as a weapon in the future. So he passed on that.

Then he looked at the potion and anklet, weighing the pros and cons of both. The potion seemed the obvious choice, but if the Master was right then even if she felt withdrawal without whatever he made her addicted to, she would accept it rather than give him the pleasure. So he reached forward to take the anklet, intending to use it. "Thank you, friend."

RE: (A Silver and Zero production) Plaything - Maero - 04-30-2011

"They are passed down, or I make them." The Shaman answered as he gave The Master the anklet. "Be careful when you use this, try not to trespass on the deal you made with her." He warned.

RE: (A Silver and Zero production) Plaything - MasterZero - 04-30-2011

He nodded in response and thanked his friend before putting it into a secret pocket on him and left. I just hope I don't get trapped in some magical loophole. He would then seek the girl out. He had kept her in the carriage, ordering her clearly and strictly not to leave it and to stay inside, until he returned. He hoped she had followed orders.

RE: (A Silver and Zero production) Plaything - Maero - 04-30-2011

When he neared the carriage he saw many strange sights. Birds were flying upside down and then crashing into the ground. Animals were chasing each other strangely, the elk chasing the wolf and the rabbit chasing the fox. The orc guards around the carriage were sitting in a circle, clapping their hands in idiocy as they watched a butterfly up and down in the middle. The Nymph was still in the carriage, on the floor and banging her arms and legs against the ground as she laughed herself to tears.

RE: (A Silver and Zero production) Plaything - MasterZero - 04-30-2011

The Master saw the sight with his mouth agape before he slammed his hand into his forehead. He walked passed the orc guards and knocked on the door of the carriage, before unlocking it and peeking his head in. "Enough of your games. Come along, you and I are going to my room. No more spells or illusions. We need to talk."

RE: (A Silver and Zero production) Plaything - Maero - 04-30-2011

She looked up at him for a moment and then kept laughing for a time longer, slowly calming down. "Ohhh, he he, Orc, you truly dont enjoy life enough. Why dont you revel in your superior strength and power as I do? What a boring like you must live, being so humble as to restrain your own base, savage instinct." She taunted as she stood up and brushed herself off. She then snapped her fingers and the birds began to fly normal, the animals scattered and ran, and the orc guards were all stumbling to stand at attention.

RE: (A Silver and Zero production) Plaything - MasterZero - 04-30-2011

"Trust me, you wouldn't like me when I'm showing off my 'superior strength and power.' Now come along." He would take his head out for a second and look at the guards. "All of you, back to your posts. I will take care of this. Move it." He would then look at the Nymph, motioning her to follow.

RE: (A Silver and Zero production) Plaything - Maero - 04-30-2011

She sighed and skipped along behind him like a child, clearly not caring how the guards, or anyone, saw her. She turned back and winked at them, chuckling as the scattered even faster than the animals had. "What pathetic specimens, not like you. Why do you so restrain yourself? Were those fools back there not worth punishing for the utter failure? Had I wanted to I could have skipped into the nearest town and began to have fun with their inhabitance, and they would have been helpless to stop me."

RE: (A Silver and Zero production) Plaything - MasterZero - 04-30-2011

"They do the best they can. I can ask no more." The two walked into one of his many private huts he had (he would often have to leave one due to....stains all over the place to be cleaned). They soon reached his room and he motioned for her to rest on the bed and relax. "...I don't suppose you will tell me your name now, will you?"