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Furry Hogwarts School of Witch Craft and Wizardry - Printable Version

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- Crimson Fox - 01-30-2007

Making her way down the hall, Ada sighed open seeing all the cars already filled with students, the clamor of their excitement reverberating throughout the train. Curses, there must be some room somewhere. After a little more searching, the vixen finally found a car with some room, the only occupant being a wolf gazing out the window. "I hope you don't mind company." A small smile graced the fox girl's muzzle upon getting a closer look at Flynn, her tail relaxing a little. "I guess you're a first year too, so what's your name?"

- Master Grim - 01-30-2007

Jade looked up and down the carriage. Damn, lost him... "Flynn!? Where'd you go!?" She called, heaving her suitcase onto the train.

- senjuro - 01-30-2007

Flynn smiled nervously and blushed a little. Great scot, a girl is talking to me! "Not at all." He stopped twirling his wand and put it away. "My name's Flynn." He extended a slightly shaky paw. "A pleasure to meet you." He saw her little smile and felt a little more at ease. "You're right: I am a first year. You too?" His ears suddenly pricked up. "Excuse me one moment." He poked his head out of the cabin door and looked up and down the corridor, seeing the fur who had called out his name.

It was Jade, and Flynn was glad she'd remembered his name. "Jade. There's space in here, if you'd like to sit with us."

- Master Grim - 01-30-2007

Jade giggled "That'd be good..." She came into the cabin and sat next to the window opposite Ada, heaving her suitcase into the rack above herself "I'm Jade." She introduced herself to Ada, smiling.

- Kurtz - 01-30-2007

OOC: Whoops! Missed you out, sowwy, Disturbed! n_n;;


"I think it might be G... Griff.... Griffindor." He spoke, trying to pronounce it normally instead of saying any lisp of such to the word. "And... well, that is what house I was assigned to. Griffindor."

Manic blinked twice, before glancing at his sister with wide eyes. "Then that means...."

(OOC: Spelt wrong PURPOSEFULLY :P)

- Shadowknight - 01-30-2007

"Room for one more?" Shadow asked as he followed Jade into the cabin, "Wow, busy place." He said looking out the doorway, "How many of these guys you think are first years?" He asked no one in particular. He then noticed the fox (OOC: Lol) sitting across the car, "Hiya, name's Shadow." He smiled and gave a slight incline of his head.

- Disturbed - 01-30-2007

Snow's eyes widened aswell "We're in the same house." she smiled happily "Thats going to be so cool! Now I know this is going to be a great year!"

- Kurtz - 01-30-2007

"Yeah, but didn't they say girls and boys were seperated?" Kurtz chimed, blinking twice.

"Of course, but that doesn't mean in class or at lunch or... you know!" Manic grinned, giving a slight smile to his twin sister.

- Disturbed - 01-30-2007

Snow blinked for a few minutes "I thought the houses shared one common room, which the boys and girls bedrooms are seperated." she stated

- Kurtz - 01-30-2007

"Oh, whoops, I forgot." Manic cursed slightly, tapping his head.

Kurtz chuckled nervously, and sweat-dropped - glancing to the side at Snow. "Well, I didn't know that either..."