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What would you do if you were invisible? (funny stuff only) - Printable Version

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- Disturbed - 11-18-2006

Oh no not stealing just make a huge mess XD

- Renamon_S3 - 11-18-2006


That would be fun!
Make some of those workers actually work.

- Disturbed - 11-18-2006

And you'd hear all over the PA. Clean up on isle 7...clean up on isle 13...oh what fun. Oh yeah and do all those parents some good everytime you see a little kid whining about them not getting something. Give them a good smack and say "God hates whiners!!"

- Renamon_S3 - 11-18-2006


"I am God's right hand of smackage! Your mom said no candybar bitch!"


- Disturbed - 11-18-2006

The kick is up...and its good!!! XD

OH!! Got to a priests house when hes sleeping and whisper into his ear "The Devil is comming....The Devil is Comming!!!...THE DEVIL IS COMMING!!!!"

- Renamon_S3 - 11-18-2006

And watch in dissapointment as he pulls out his satanic ritual guides...

- Kurtz - 11-18-2006

Yeah, that's it.

For me, I would:

- Board a plane for Argentina without having to pay. It's a place I'd actually want to go as well as for DMX.

- Go running around acting like God and start doing stuff like pulling down people's trousers in the middle of crowded cities and also go around spreading lies. Like crop circles, ufo's, doomsday, that lot.

- Grab a spray can and go around spraying random people. They wouldn't know what the hell was holding it up and probably would guess it to be a ghost when finding no strings XD

- Renamon_S3 - 11-18-2006

Use an invisible paint can. Now that would scare 'em.

- Disturbed - 11-18-2006

Open a door for people then slam it back in their face

- Misty - 11-20-2006

Hehe...There are many things that I would want to do if I were invisible...of which all are kinda illegal...

I would haunt my mom all the time. That would scare the crap outta her considering she scares so easily..

And I would go classroom to classroom scratching the chalkboards..thats ALWAYS fun!!

I would go up to people and pants them, boxers/panties and all.

Sneak into people's bathrooms and turn on the showers and faucets..and flush the toilets.

Sit somewhere and change the channels on someone that's watching TV.

I have a lot more....