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Hallo - Printable Version

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RE: Hallo - Shadowknight - 05-15-2007

Shadow: *Watches the old lady* Wow, may god have mercy on her. Because Slash sure as heck won't. *Stares at the large evil computer thing* Well, since no one's using the television I have no choice but to watch Renamon in... *Suddenly deep and dramatic voice* TINY MINISKIRTS!!!

Slash: If you don't put me down right now I swear I won't stop killing you, *Readies his claws to slice the old lady in two*

RE: Hallo - Erethzium - 05-15-2007


Vook: this place has gone to pure insanity. *finishes her slice of pizza* when the heck is this rain gonna let up? *looks at the sky*

Hitsutemon: it better let up soon! *shivers*

RE: Hallo - Shadowknight - 05-15-2007

Slashmon: Okay scre this, FANG OF JUSTICE!! *Whirls around in a large tornado that slowly turns red*

*Evil place*

Katt: Hey can I get a better job other than holding up these signs?

Shadow: Just be glad you aren't in a bikini.

Katt: *Sigh*

*Evil place*

Shadow: *Mindlessly watching TV*

Slash: *Walks in the door cleaning himself with a red towel* It was white when I started, *Didn't need to know that. Anyways, Slash walks in with a previously white towel and spots Shadow* HEY! I had the super computer.

Shadow: Key word, had.



Slash: \(>.<)/ *Cool kung-fu move which accidentally breaks the computer* Oh now look what you did.

Shadow: Teach you to touch my porn. I got dibs on the other computer! *Runs to an identical computer five feet away from the now destroyed one* MOVIE!

Slash: Wait was that there before?

Katt: I think so. But then again I can't tell what's happening anymore.

Shadow: Oh yeah before I forget, *Snaps his fingers and Katt appears in a very revealing Bikini* Much better.

Katt: Okay, now I want revenge.

Slash: Me too, *Still in Chibi form* THEY KNOW THAT YOU IDIOT!! *Well they might not have, how should I know?* Just shutup, *Meanie* I HEARD THAT!! *Eep* Stupid narrators need to learn their place. Okay Katt, here's the evil plan, *Whispers how they'll get back at Shadow by sicking an army of Renamon on him* STOP DOING THAT!!! *What?* You just gave away our secret plan, now Shadow's gonna know! *I don't think so.*

Shadow: *See? Staring mindlessly at the TV oblivious to Katt and Slash's evil planning* What evil planning? *I said oblivious* Oblivious? Is that that game for the Xbox? *no that's oblivion* Oh, okay then. *Returns to TV*

Slash: This is getting complicated.

RE: Hallo - Erethzium - 05-15-2007

Vook: *closes umbrella* thats it *manipulates the clouds and throws them at Antarctica* much better.

Hitsutemon: whew...thought i was going to turn into a Water 3 type there! >_< *shakes off her fur, setting it back ablaze* ahhh...

Vook: mm...warm! *sits next to Hitsutemon like a fireplace* ^_^

Tiff: *watching the whole ordeal from a secret security room* wow...that was weird. *walks out, revealing the secret room was right next to where everyone is* o_o; wtf?

Vook: heyas!! *waves to her*

Tiff: T_T i need to think more about where i put my secret security rooms...

RE: Hallo - DragonMasterX - 05-16-2007

DMX: Well I'm more than sure I won't need this anymore while *Tries getting off suit* Grr- stupid squishy material- dah I don't care about getting this off anymore it can go to- *Stares at Katt from behind* HELLO! *Suit is carbonized and disintigrated by super-nova temperatures* Hot lady at twelve PM! *Jumps on top of Katt* Guess who's gonna get her lucky night before her ultimate revenge!

Dot: *Walks out automatic double gates in a lab suit with cute scientist glasses* Uhm? I thought you'd have finished by now... well guess my field experimentation will have to wait... *Turns around and re-enters the lab, swishing her tail behind her like a pendulum*

RE: Hallo - Kalyx - 05-16-2007

Kalyx & Fiero are flying overhead Antartica...

Fiero: Why the hell are we flying down here anyways. I'm a phoenix and I'm still cold...your must be freezing.

Kalyx: Meh...I've got thick scales, I can handle it. But, I've got a strange sensation that Vook is down here. I don't know what it is...but I've got this...connection...with her...", smiles to himself thinking of her.

RE: Hallo - Shadowknight - 05-16-2007

Katt: Uhh, please leave me alone.

Slash: Let me help you, *Douses DMX with cold water turning him into a plushie*

Katt: PLUSHIE!!! *Grabs DMX and hugs him tightly into her chest* I LOVE CUTE WIDDLE PLUSHIES!!!

RE: Hallo - The Mercenary - 05-16-2007

TMER: Why is everybody doing that thing whit the fingers? I wanna do it too! *Snaps fingers and a security box fall over him* Shit! That thing is dangerous! *His hears moving quickly* mmm I need a computer to analize what I heard *grabs a laptop from nowhere* let's see.... the keywords are, Renamon porn, Girls in bikini, and plushie? Nah surely it was beer, ok then analizing.... *stares at the monitor with a happy face* a sex party! yahoo! *he jump sending the securitybox flying* Let's GO!! *he disappear and appear in a seat next to Shadow* Renamon porn! *he stares at the monitor with a zombie face*.

RE: Hallo - Kurtz - 05-16-2007

Kurtz: *runs into lab and closes door behind him* Secret experiments in here. Bad for you, good for me.

RE: Hallo - Erethzium - 05-16-2007

Ereth: *'ports next to Kalyx* she's not in Antarctica...why would she be there?! *sweat drops* she's over there *points, and tele's again*

Vook: *sits down in a random chair* mmrr...so tired...

Hitsutemon: ee!! *sets ablaze like flamedramon's Fire Rocket and shoots into the sky* WAHOO!!!