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Furry Hogwarts School of Witch Craft and Wizardry - Printable Version

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- cboy - 01-30-2007

OOC: Ok guys, I know I've been a jerk, but don't take it out on my RP character.

- senjuro - 01-30-2007

Flynn blinked, surprised that someone had noticed him at all. He stuttered a little uncertainly. "Uh...f-first year to Hogwarts, hmm? I've heard s-so much about it." He took a deep breath. Calm down, dolt! They're not going to hex you! He smiled in spite of himself. "I can't wait to see what houses we'll all be sorted into."

- Herr Mullen - 01-30-2007

Having waited for a good three minutes whilst children continued playing on the platform, Professor Badragon stood up and went to the door of the car.

"Oi! He called above the din. "OI! You, be quiet. The train is waiting to leave, your headmisteress has called you all on board once, and you're already late! Come on, all aboard, or we'll leave without you!"

He returned to Christine's carrage. "I do hope this won't continue all year. It'd be like that time Professor Gilfeirth went deaf of a month after trying to cut his hair the muggle way."

- senjuro - 01-30-2007

Flynn turned obediently and moved to board the train, looking over his shoulder to see if the others were coming, too.

- Shadowknight - 01-30-2007

"Not like it really makes that much diffrence." Shadow said, "Still the same school, and the same classes."

"Not quite, the seperate houses have to do with the types of students. So you'll spend the entire school stay with the same people. Bravery is Gryffindor's theme, Hufflepuff are just and loyal, Ravenclaw are inttelects, and Slytherin, well Slytherin is were all the evil wizards have come from." Silver said. She noticed Shadow staring at her, "What?"

Shadow started a bit comically, "Oh sorry, my brain shut down as a survival instinct. Happens whenever you start talking."

Silver growled a bit and turned towards the train, "If you need me I'll be in the train. It was nice meeting you Flynn, Jade." She added as she headed into the train and looked for an empty cart.

Shadow turned back to Jade, "Well, should we find a car? The train'll probably be leaving soon."

- Master Grim - 01-30-2007

Jade nodded at Shadow "Yeah... it wouldn't look good if we're late." She giggled quietly and walked after Flynn, pulling her suitcase. I think I'll like school this year...

- Kurtz - 01-30-2007

OOC: I thought wrongly then. My apologies, sis, I did not know that he meant your post again after an edit... n_n; Please forgive me for my abrupt rudeness in that post.

- Crimson Fox - 01-30-2007

Name: Adrienne Fox (Ada)
Age: 11
Gender: Female
Species: Fox
Teacher or Student: Student
House: Gryffindor
Appearance: 4'4" fox girl with dark red fur, alluring green eyes, and long black hair. Usually wears blue jeans with a white shirt and black jacket.
Wand: Prominence: 6 inch ash wand with the feather of a Garuda as the core
Accessories: Silver Watch
Special Area: Teleportation Magic
Bio: Discovered her powers one day by accidentally teleporting her brother into a lake, Ada hopes to become a strong witch and to understand the powers she's started to tap into. Though she's a little shy and more of an intellect, deep within is a courageous soul.

Already gone through the farewells and last hugs, Ada gave her family one last wave goodbye before drifting off to the train to Hogwarts. Excitement and anxiousness flowed through her soul whilst she headed towards that train headed for what seemed almost like a fantasy world. Though she had to exert herself a bit, the fox managed to climb aboard with her heavy case of books and other magical oddities. She could see that the students climbing aboard had begun to thin out, departure time nearly at hand. I still can't believe that I'm going to learn magic...it seems like ages ago I accidentally warped Crimson into that lake...then that letter... I just wish I wasn't the only one going, figures I was born to a family of machine-heads. Her emerald eyes peered down the halls and observed the many furs embarking on this trip, a smile on her muzzle as the shy vixen realized, "Oh well, I'm sure there are plenty like me." Wishing to find a seat before the train departed, Ada began her search for an empty car, her suitcase not far behind.

- Lonely Werewolf - 01-30-2007

Look to the result, Faiz seems unsatisfied and try to create another spark until the color of the spark is in bright yellow, as instructed in the book.

A few moments, he manage to create the bright-yellow lightning sparks and sigh in relief. Then, he once again open the thick book and read another chapter.

- senjuro - 01-30-2007

Flynn made his way back to the car where he'd left his things and sat, taking his wand out and twirling it in his paw again. He hoped that maybe one of the other first years would come and join him. He didn't know how long the ride to Hogwarts was and thought it'd be nice to have some company. Looking out the window, he saw that the platform was now empty except for a few parents staying to wave their children off. If anyone's to join me, they'll be here shortly, I expect. He shuffled over a little on the seat to allow room for someone he hoped would come and join him.