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Digimon: Battle Across Time - Printable Version

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- fred_18 - 12-05-2006

fred had calmed himself down a bit, telling himself that he had most likely dropped it while running from the blasts. he had reached the Clockwork building, seeing no one at the front he decided to wait. as he waited he continued his mantra again in his head. Guilmon is alright, just wondering around, he knows how to take care of himself

- Herr Mullen - 12-06-2006

"I am from stardate: 2.09847893658!" said James. "Nah, I'm just kidding. 2006, Common Era."

- Master Grim - 12-06-2006

"2006..." Marco said to himself "When the mission was still on the drawing board..." He grew slightly pensive.

- Kavaan - 12-06-2006

"Years vary depending on what planet you're from and how far you are from Holy Terra, this proves nothing." Ezekiel said.

"I know there is not much that can be done to literally prove what we're saying is true until later, but let me ask you all this, what planet are you from and how far does written history go back?" Clockmon asked.

"I was artificially conceived in a geno-vat and maturated on the Forge World of Gryphonne IV in the Segmentum Tempestus in the galactic south." Ezekiel said. "And while I'm no historian, I believe I've heard that even the best of historical records only extend to the earliest years of the age of Strife which started around the twenty fifth millenium fifteen thousand or so years ago when the Dark Age of Technology ended."


Back in the forest, and out of the small cave where the chaotic happenings occoured, walked a young man, thin and lithe looking. His skin was pale and his red hair still matted down with the placenta of his slimy "rebirth". As similar as he looked to a normal human being, there were features that differentiated him from homo sapiens. His ears were pointed and slightly elongated, his eyes were almond shaped, drawn upwards and elongated as well.

"Spread the word of the black testament, bring this world into the worship of the true gods, and then you shall recieve your reward."

The young man smiled at this memory, then shook his head and decided to first find some clothes.

- Master Grim - 12-06-2006

Marco blinked "27 light-years from Earth. My mother was aboard the Apollo-77 when it crashed on my home world..."

OOC: Apollo-77: was a mission to a nearby star system that went wrong when the on-board computers failed in the year 2011. FTW :P

- Marine - 12-06-2006

OOC: I hope the creator of this RP will rightfully give copyright to those who created the God-Emperor of mankind, the Tyranid, the daily mechanations of the Machine-God Omnissiah, the Inquisition, Chaos, Korne, Slaneesh, Nurgle, and Tzeetch, and those events that happened during the Horus Heresy or I'm going to be very sore. And if he doesnt I'm rightfully will request this rp closed.

- fred_18 - 12-06-2006

Tired of waiting Fred decided to walk in and take a look around. I should ask if anyone seen BlackGuilmon....

- Master Grim - 12-06-2006


- Marine - 12-06-2006

The creation of this universe was not by my hands, oh no, but rather the handful of people who created Warhammer 40K. It's a hobby game.

http://us.games-workshop.com/games/40K/default.htm This is a link to the main 40K Website. Gav Thorpe was one of the very founders to create the Space Marines, the Imperial Gaurd, and a finite dictum of the Imperium itself.

Warhammer 40k is run by a company called Games Workshop.

I only bring this up because I love my Tau, Eldar, Imperial Gaurd, and Daemon Hunters armies.[/quote]

- Kavaan - 12-06-2006

OOC: I would never take credit for the creation of such a magnificient fanchise as Warhammer 40,000. I appreciate you bringing this up, but I feel that such a mention would've been best handled in a PM. Oh well, it's all good now that this has been brought up and taken care of. I for one am a fan of the Chaos Marines, and the Orks(I wish their new codex would come out already). If you want to join this, you're more than welcome, the more the merrier!

[quote][i]Games Workshop, GW, 40k, Chaos, Eldar, Ork, Warhammer, Warhammer 40,000 Devices, Space Marine,, and all associated races, race insignia, marks, places, characters, illustrations and images from the Dawn of War game and the Warhammer 40,000 universe are either