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Welcome one and all to the First group....THE GABUMON LOVERZ - Printable Version

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- DrunkenMunkee - 06-11-2006

*raises hand* me too! me too!!

- Gunter VanCrimson - 06-11-2006


Lust: I think he's had a lust overdose...

Gaiety: Overdose is FUN!! Gaiety Overdose is good! let's be friends!!

Lust: That means fuck, right?

Gaiety: Fuck is fun!!!

- DrunkenMunkee - 06-11-2006

fuck IS fun!

- Gunter VanCrimson - 06-11-2006

Gaiety: SEE!? FUCK IS FUN!!

- blueeyedgabulvo0o - 06-11-2006

lonelygabu: Gunter, I have some more choclate for you but it seems to be on me..... I wonder If you wanted some more choclate. Yummy.....

- DragonMasterX - 06-11-2006

Chocolate? *snaps fingers and a mountain made of ENTIRELY chocolate rises from the ground, emmanting some arousing scent in the air* There you have.

- Darkred - 06-11-2006

*the mountain splits in two, and releases the evil within*

Red: *Drinking hot chocolate, reading porn*

Red: *Becomes ominous* Who dares disturb my eternal slumber!? I shall seal your fates with... A BOX OF BELGIUM CHOCOLATES!!

- DrunkenMunkee - 06-11-2006

*runs up and jumps on Red*

- Gunter VanCrimson - 06-11-2006

Gunter: GET AWAY FROM ME GAIETY!!! LUST- I DON'T WANT YOU!! You- stop trying to influence me!! *struck by Gaiety* EVEN THOUGH IT'S FUN!!

- DragonMasterX - 06-12-2006

DMX: Let's see... we have chocolate... and Gunter...

This is a party already. Only one thing to do!

*techno-rave music starts playing*

DMX: *starts smashing countless invaluable things through random windows*