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Heya! I'm Back =P - Printable Version

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- Lord Patamon - 10-19-2004

I need this ones, I posted the numbers before but I gonna post them again just in case so you don't have to browse all your topic to see what images I need :D


Thanks in advance :D

- FF7Cayn - 10-19-2004

click here

Please use those image only for personal use, and don't post them anywhere else on the net.
This images should only be a help for you arts.
Thanks a lot!

- Grappleomon Katou - 10-19-2004

Blackjack Gabbiani Wrote:Is that what the 24 in the corner means? I thought he was maybe 32/33 on the show, which would have made him 29/30 when he was posessed.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's the kanji for age, but written a little sloppy so that it looks like a katakana "O". So he's 24-25 there. Or maybe its 24.5, but that's a little too specific. I guess it's pretty much the same thing either way.

- demonoflight - 10-20-2004

Wow, so many pictures! It's so hard to choose which ones I want to see most... I think I'll go with these, though:


Thanks in advance!

- Lord Patamon - 10-20-2004

thanks man just I need only one more:


that one wasn't on the rar file you posted, instead was one of Jun but it's okay anyways :D

Thanks again

edit: lol! I knew what happened, instead of that you took the file 0392.jpg that is Patamon you took the file 0329.jpg that is Jun hehe a little number crossing :P

- DigistarDBZ - 10-21-2004

Okay... this time, I'm going to break my requests down to at least five at a time. PMing me with them is preferred, but if you want to show them, it's okay by me. :)

0292 (Daisuke's parents, two in one for now)
0377 (Koushirou's father)
0480 (Mimi's mother)
0691 (I can't tell who's father this is, I think Takeshi's)
0694 (Sora's parents, two in one for now)

Hope that's a little easier. ^^;


- Zephyr of Darkness - 10-29-2004

Quote:Hey z you thinking of painting up ange?
Yeah... I painted yesterday one (without any help from you-know-who) Evil I hope to scan it tomorrow... but I don't know if I'm gonna scan that or the Flamedramon one...I'll see, I'll see.... And please don't call me z again. My name is Zephyr, not Zed.

Quote:Yo guys please post the image numbers. that would help a lot!
Evil Huh? Numbers?! Where did those numbers came from?! The first posts that asked for pics had no numbers at all...why you ask me for numbers?!
I don't understand a fucking thing. I'm outta here.*goes away and slams the door shut so strongly that makes the pictures in the walls fall*

- FF7Cayn - 10-29-2004

@ Zephyr:

Try to stay nice ok? And please read the postings.

@all other waiting for their pics:

Please be patient, i had some problems with my PC.
I try to upload them this weekend, please wait so long.
I'll post them then.


- Grappleomon Katou - 11-02-2004

That's too bad about the PC problems. I hope everything works out okay.

- hhvorausgesagt - 11-05-2004

Who is FF7Cayn?
How does he have all of these pictures?